〈✽DREAM APPLICATION〉↷ Green || Innocent Angel || Choi Ye Jin



   ten colors, ten girls, one dream.

 Name: Choi, Ye Jin
 Nickname(s): Smoothie monster, Miss blank jin, Miss daydream believer, Ace Jin, Yenny
 Age: 21
 D.O.B: 03.14.1992
 Ethnicity: Korean-American
 Birthplace:New York United States
                                     Languages: Korean;fluent, English;fluent, Chinese;conversational
Like this and like that

  • Dancing and singing
  • Composing music
  • Philosophy and self improvement books
  • Children
  • Violin, cello, piano
  • Land scapes
  • Cooking and baking
  • Helping at the orphanage and her father's hotel
  • Animals
  • Sports


  • Insects
  • small spaces
  • Liars/Fake people
  • Numbers and algbra
  • Sweets
  • Loud noises
  • Yoo JiAe
  • Sad movies
  • alcohol breath


  • Cooking and baking
  • Helping her father's hotel and at the orphange
  • Take long beach strolls
  • Taking pictures of land scape
  • Reading philosophy and self improvement books
  • Singing and dancing at the practice room
  • Working out at her father's hotel gym
  • Playing baseball
  • Playing cello, piano, violin
  • Watching the sunset
  • Watching Korean dramas and variety shows


  • Being betray
  • Being alone
  • Chucky the doll
  • Spiders
  • Clowns
  • Drowning


  • Clicking a pen when she nervous
  • Bites her lower lip when she's worried
  • Twirl her hair when she's guity
  • Kick people when she's mad
  • Will stay mute when's sad
  • Stutter and avoid eye contact when she's shy


  • Currently studying at Taekyung Univeristy majoring in Business and Music
  • Graduated at Seoul of Performing Arts with Wondergirls Sohee
  • Best friends with Wondergirls Sohee, EXO Suho, EXO Kris and F(x) Luna
  • Close friends with Actress Park Shin Hye, Teen Top L. Joe
  • Started modelling at the age 15, and acting at the age 18
  • Starred in Mv's such as Infinite's Be Mine, Infinite's Request, K.Will's love blossom, Henry's 143
  • Starred in Dramas such as Heart Strings, Dating Agency, Master's Sun
  • Her role model is to be like BoA
  • She's the younger cousin of Girls Generation Soo Young
  • Back up dancer for G.na 'Oops'
  • Owns a villa down at Gangnam
  • Ideal type is someone who will accept her for who she is and who can understand her. Has to have nice hair and smile
  • Motto; 'Enjoy the moment while you can'
  • Loves to watch running and wishes to be a guest
  • Owns 5 cameras
  • had heart broken when she's was 17
  • She can never tell a lie
  • Suppose to be a in girl group but was cancelled at the last minute.


This is me; personality

Ye Jin is kind person. She likes to think before she acts and always ready to learn new things about anything.

Ye Jin is socially akward and she hope to change it someday; when she's ready to get out of her shell and meet new people. She may looks cold and rude on the outside, but on the inside she's the type of person who can't express themself and who's also fragile. She usually tends to hide herself behide her book's cover when she's shy.


Towards her families members and friends, she's very motherly like and mature. She never have a self centered point of view , she usually thinks of others before herself and taking things in stride. She tends to treats her family or friends even if she doesn't have a lot of money. She takes cooking lessons at her Univeristy whenever she's free and shares it to her members what she had cook. She's able understand that there to learn a positive lesson from obstacles weather they are good or bad. She will support her employees, family members and members for the choice they usually make, although it might be a bad choice; she would always tell you there always a good side to that choice. If her friends tneds to get in trouble with anything, she would always take the blame and the consequence for the situations. Ye Jin tells all her friends to be repsonsible for their actions. If the situation ever happens again, she will end up blaming her self. She usually goes to the orphange every weekend to help the children in needs and support them with old clothes she doesn't fit anymore  or food that she had made. That's why also known as Helping Angel.


 According to the kids, she's is like an angel. She always buys foods or drink for the kids from her cousin's cafe even if she has a lot of money, she would give spend half her money on them. She always tries to do help and play with the kids whenever she can, that's why she spend her weekend at the orphanage and buying toys and books.  She doesn't like the kids buying things for her since she believes it's a waste of money and they didn't have a lot of money. She always say playing with them is enough for her. She's someone who take things very seriously and is very hard working. She never disappoint her fans, families, friends, and members since she shows her mature self. According to her members and fans, she's very clumsy.  Fans have videos of her slipping on stage but as she stand up, she would blank out for a second and stick out her tongue, and continued her dance or song.


However,Ye Jin's a dis organize person. She really hates cleaning up since she tends to get lazy at times or when she's exhausted. Her members would always yell at her, tell her to tidy her bed or clean out her closest. Even if she said she will do it, she would do it later or when her members tell her to do it, a couple of times. She would always yells at the members when she can't find her things, she takes her things and throw every where in the dorm which makes the dorm into a mess. Usually, one of the members will scold her but she will end up cleaning up the mess herself.When Ye Jin get angry or depress, she will ignore people and lock herself in her room or in the dorm. She usually never think anything negative but if she does she will listen to ballad songs and make herself go to sleep. Sadly, she's is mad at someone, she would go to her father's hotel gym and use the tread mill and start jogging until her stress is gone. If she is on a variety show and she really mad, she would always sigh and say nothing at all. If MC ask her a question, she will answer in a few words and possibly give them a death stare.



Timemachine; background

Ye Jin was born on March 14 1992 in New York, United States and grew up in Seoul, South Korea. She the only child of Crystal Scott and Nam Ji Sub. Her father, Ji Sub is the owner of Grand's hotel and many other hotels and he's 49 years old while her mother is a  house wife and who's also 48 years old. Ji Sub is usually busy and rarely home but he always have time for his lovable and helpful daughter while her mother doesn't have time for her at all and always busy buying new flowers for her garden. Although, she's  the only child , she actually not a spoil and bratty brat like other rich girls since her maids had always taught her how to proper young lady in order to take over her father's company once he retire. Secretly, she never wanted to become the CEO of the Grand.

When she was 16, she was allowed to traveled all over the world and helped the children in need like in Africa and America. She was 17 when she had her first love and heart break. Her first love was Lee Nam Soo, they met each other when he was working as a cashier at the supermarket. It was love at first for the both of them. They went on a few dates and Nam Soo asked Ye Jin to be his girlfriend. They dated for 9 months until something heartbroken had happened when Ye Jin decided to suprise Nam Soo for his birthday. When Ye Jin entered Nam Soo's house, she heard a conversation between Nam Soo and his mother. They talked about taking Ye Jin's money and Nam Soo break up with her after Nam Soo make some excuse such as his mother was sick and she needs surgey. Once Ye Jin had found out the plan, her heart dropped. Later that night, Ye Jin and broke up with him and left. After a year, she came back  from  America, recoving from heart break. She grew up as a intelligent, beautiful and motherly like. Now she's 21, She always helps the employees and her father at the hotel, and became a model, rookie actress and a trainee at SM. Ye Jin is currently attending Taekyung University majoring in Music and Business.


Family; always at my site


Father:  Choi Ji Sub | 48 | Hotel owner of the Grands | Loving, strict, hard working | She is daddy little girl, they always do things together especially playing baseball.

Mother:  Crystal Scott | 48 | House wife  | caring, organise, active | Although they don't spend too much time together, She always comes for advices
Grandmother: Choi Ha Na | 74 | Formal Cafe owner | Sweet,blunt, understanding | They are very close together. Often, they always bake and cook. Ha Na always understand Ye Jin's situation especially when Ye Jin had her first heartbreak. She is the only person that knows the heartbreak.

Grandfather: Choi Jae Hyun | 77 | Formal Cafe owner | witty, funny, lazy | Jae Hyun always make Ye Jin laugh. Although, his jokes aren't funny; Ye Jin laugh at his laugh which sound really weird.

Cousin: Choi Soo Yoing | 23 | Member of Girl Generation | Bright, supportive, down to earth | Soo Young and Ye Jin are very super close. They hang out and do everything together.

Cousin: Choi Hyun Tae | 28 | Current cafe owner | Socialable, energetic, protective | Ye Jin always comes to his cafe once a while to help around and be a waitress. They often mistaken as a couple since they do a lot of skin ship but luckily his wife clear it all up.

Cousin: Choi Na Young | 25 | Current cafe owner | Loving, caring, trustworthy | They treat each other like sister, even if they are cousin in laws. Na Young always protect Ye Jin no matter what.

Friends for life

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Best Friend: Ahn Sohee | 21 | Member of Wondergirls | Blunt, demanding, sweet | Met during school when they were desk partner | They are very close, Sohee is also know about Ye Jin's heart break. Ye Jin seems like to be a mother while Sohee is like her child.
Friend 1:     Kim Joo Myeon/Suho | 22 | Member of EXO | Awkward, charming, gentle | During trainee's day |They always eat and treat each other. They joke around but when it comes to reading, they become very serious
Friend 2:   Park Shin Hye | 23 |Actress | Cute, funny, adorable | Met when they during Heart Strings  | They always laugh at each other and imitate or even mock at their acting.
Friend 3:   Lee Byung Hun/L.Joe | 20 | Member of Teen Top | Warm, cocky, polite | Met in Ye Jin's cafe when L.Joe was ordering smoothies for his group members | At first, they hate each other; since they were opposite attract but once they hang out a few times, they slowly like each other as a friend. L.Joe usually teaches her teen top cheorgraghy.





My love and my life


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Name:Kim Myungsoo/L
Occupation:Member of Infinite
Status: friends/crushes

:Myungsoo has a cold image,mysterious, and quiet but only on stage though, off stage he's actually very sweet, caring, clumsy and dorky. He's pretty quiet in some variety shows. He doesn't joke that much but instead he will be the one that laugh the most. He absolutely loves to play revenge back on people who had prank him before which is the reason why he put salt in everybody's coffee on Sesame street player. He also happen to be well-mannered but only when he doesn't like people playing their foods during their meal while he's with them because he finds it disrespectful and it's a waste of food. He admits to being really stubborn and hot headed and actually wishes to change that but he knows it's not going to happen. He is really smart. He works hard in order to get what he wants. Also, it seems that he is very introverted at times.


He is the oldest in the his family, so it is normal for the oldest to be shy away from others and stay reserved. For example, once when his mom visited his dorm, he was kind of quiet and didn't show much emotion to her until he read a letter from her, which caused him to shed some tears. He is really obsessive over Ye Jin which explain why he obsesses with his plaid button downs shirts in different color. Myungsoo rarely shows in cute side of him. He shows aegyo to his crush or for fan service. Often, he makes all the girls falls for his charms 99.9%


How you met/will meet:They met back in grade 7 but they never talked to each other nor did they notice each other. It all change when they were partner up for a project. Although they were partners, they only spoke a few words probably 10 words each. Once the project was over, they never to each other again. When Ye Jin turned 21 this year, they met each other again when Myungsoo  and his family went on a vacation and booked a hotel which happened to be The Grand's. They talked to each other for a few hours about their lives over the years. When it was time for Myungsoo to go back home, they gave each other's numbers and promised to contact each other soon.How


you act around each other:  Myungsoo bullies Ye Jin, he loves to call her shorty Ye Jin because she shorter than him. She will always get mad at him and kick him lightly and stick her tongue out, yelling 'Merong'. Even though, she's already get used with Myungsoo's  attitude but he's a sensitive person, that's why he usually feels guilty for action. Ye Jin  would always laugh at Myungsoo when he tries to use his puppy eye looks and pout. Not like with other stranger, where Ye Jin would be cold and rude, Ye Jin is no longer a stranger anymore. She opened up to him and tells him her secrets while Myungsoo would be listening and comforting her with sweet cheesy words, which makes Ye Jin blush. She never calls Myungsoo oppa because she said he too childish to be called oppa. Myungsoo always and only treats Ye Jin  for foods especially when Infinite are with them. Infinite has say Myungsoo- ah  you always treats Ye Jin for food! WHY YOU DON'T TREAT US??!! Ye Jin MUST BE SPECIAL.. we think Myungsoo has a crush on her!!!' Which makes Myungsoo blush and denies it while Ye Jin Rae would just smirk smugly. Infinite  would always teases Ye Jin and Myungsoo and they think they look good together.



It´s showtime girls;

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Stagename: Yenny J.
Persona: Innocent Angel
Fanclub: YouthfulAngelz
Take a video every once in while when members are at home, take selcas when it's very close to comeback, sometimes give them a blue sky's limit edition water bottle during fan signing, give out foods and drinks to fans.


Trainee years:4 years
Companies you were before SM: JYP
How did you get into SM: She was one of the chosen selective trainee to be in the swapping system. She eventually transferred to SM.
How was your life as a Trainee:
She been training, attending school, modeling, and acting;  it was difficult for her since she was bullied but she made it through with the help of her sunbaes. During her final year of her trainee's day, JYP decided to put Ye Jin in the swapping system where trainees with other trainees from different company. She eventually transferred to SM entertainment. She was very happy when she's get a chance to debut as singer again and hopefully it won't cancelled at the last minute.


Site jobs:

  • MC for a music show [ ]
  • MC for radio/varity show [x]
  • Model for Magazines [x]
  • Model for endoresments [x]
  • Actress [x]
  • Composer/Songwriter [ ]
  • Choreographer [ ]
  • Producer [ ]


I´m a Princess;

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Faceclaim name:Chorong from APink
pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05  


Backgup Faceclaim name: Jei from Fiestar

pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 ||


Singing twin: Min ah
Dancing twin: Kahi
Rapping twin:



This is the end;


Passwort:here~ and here~
Comments:Annyeonghaesyo Authornim~
Before you start criticizing my work, i want to point out that English is my first language for only speaking. My writing not so much, so i have trouble with my grammar and spelling mistakes; please excuse for that. Anyways, I hope you like my app and i hope you consider Ye Jin!


Song Suggestions:
Hello Venus - Can I have some tea?
    A Pink - NoNoNo
    Girl's Day - Expectation
    After School - Flashback
    Girls Generation - The Boys
    AOA - Elvis
  F(x)- Rum pum pum pum
    4 Minutes - What's you name?
    Miss A - I don't need a man
    Sistar - Alone

Show suggestions: Running Man, We Got Married, Weekly Idol, Beatle Code 2
Scene Suggestions:   Myungsoo brought a dog for Ye Jin's birthday, All the members from Dream went on Running Man as a secret guest in the final destination, EXO Kai and Ye Jin does a dance battle on SM Town Concert, Participate in Athletic Idol Championship with EXO, Infinite, Girl's Day in their team, Won her first gold in 70 m sprint in Idol Championship,  Beatle Code; the Mc's when she tried to imitate Park Shin Hye's cuteness/ageyo, Dances to many boy group's dance such as B.A.P, EXO, Super Junior, Infinite on Weekly Idol, Yoo JiAe a soloist from Woolim teams up with a trainee whose hates Ye Jin and make her injure; so she can't participate in the comeback, Some fans bashed Ye Jin because they think she's dating Myungsoo, Myungsoo and Ye Jin accidental kiss





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