✻ ( 4U - For You - Park JooHee)











    “you're just a sad song with nothing to say”




        “Let’s Start


        Username : yowzer135


        Nickname : Brittney or Britt


        Activeness : eleven






        “Getting To Know You


        Character Name(s) : Park Joohee


        Nicknames : JooJoo (from her little sister)


        Age : 20/ 26 August 1993


        Ethnicity : Korean-Chinese


        Languages : Korean (fluent, her mother is korean, so her mom taught her a lot of korean.), Chinese (fluent, her dad is chinese so he taught her some when she was younger), English (conversational; she loves supernatural so she watches it in Korean subs to understand what they are saying, but pauses each scene to repeat what they say), Russian (conversational; she has always been interested in Russia, so she has a Rosetta Stone account where she can learn Russian and it helps), Japansese (conversational; she gets her japansese from watching their game shows )






        “Hey, Pretty Girl


        Face-claim : Jung Bo Ra 


        Back-up : Jo So Yeon 


        Gallery or Links : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/105090/3/ulzzangs-requesting-closed-apply-graphics-request-ulzzang-resources-gallery (if you need me to fix it i will)






        “Let Me Know You


        Personality : One of the sweetest girls you could meet.  Even though she might look like a according to her face.  She is basically a therapist for 4U, likes to help her members out whenever they need it.  Does not like it when she hears the word 'saesangs' or else she will rip off that person's head. Nice to everyone shee meets, even to the people who that are mean to her.  But if she meets the same person twice and they are still mean, she backfires back and becomes the biggest in the history of es. Treats her fans like they are her best friends or even children! She likes to be whith them when the girls are not busy.  Talks to the fans a lot via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, any social networking. Even sometimes goes on omgele to chat with fans with a special tag and loves to see them smiling.  Loves to make anyone laugh and just to see them smile.  Back to her mean side, she sometimes does not have a filter between her brain and . When someone gets her mad, she just says whatever to have that person the same way she is feeling at the moment. Even though she has hurt someone's feelings, she usually can't find a reason to apologize to them, because now she wants them to feel what she is feeling.  And she hates to apologize because she feels like that person would have power over her, even though they don't.  She will argue to get her point across too.  She hates backing down, and sometimes she wants to be a queen.  
      But sometimes, she is not always happy go lucky, she is a very sensative girl.  She might look brave, but whatever someone says to her, can have an effct on her.  Whether it is good or bad, she can think very negatively on it.  Which leads to her self confidence issues.  She is the type of person that wants people to have smiles on her face rather than herself.  Always on the inside, it feels like she is a lost girl in someone's body, with negative comments going into her head, she feels like her soul is screaming to escape the words and she just needs to scream.  Like she feels like she is being scratched from the inside, and sometimes she wants to leave the world.  But she tries her hardest to ignore them, but they continue to get the best of her.  When she is in her depressed stage (it can be everyday), she bottles up her feelings until she cannot take it and just cries to get it out.  Then she feels weak and just does not want to talk to anyone or do anything.  She can get jealous very easily also, which is another addition to lead to her being depressed. If someone does something better than her, the little voices tell her 'you can't do it' 'it isn't worth your time' and just other negative things.  So now she works on trying to get tougher skin to not let negative things get into her head and make her think less than doing more.  During this time, she is just dead silent, and just goes through issues.  But when people make her laugh, she feels like she turns from black to white (meaning she is happy and she feels clean).  And when she sees or hear something negative, just ignore it, and to people who are a negative influence, do not hang with them nor talk to them, that would lead to just asking for trouble.  She never likes to talk about when this all started because memories come out at her and she just feels numb. Now everyday, she gets her journal, writes down her feelings about what has happened during the day and writes down the things she likes about herself to boost her self confidence physically and mentally.  


        Trivia’s : Likes to mess with the fans
Is a competitive figure skater and has been since she was five.
Has a little sister who is 12, Park YooJung, who is also a figure skater
Lived in Russia for two years for figure skating
Has been doing ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, and contemporary dancing since the age of three
Hates when people get plastic surgery
Likes to go iceskating in her free time
Laughs when she watches a Rated R movie or scary movie
Plays the Violin
Has a tattoo of ballet slippers on her lower back http://www.tattooartists.org/Images/FullSize/000218000/Img218547_Ballet_shoes_2.JPG (that is what it looks like) and it reminds her of her sister
Another tattoo near her neck of a bird flying from a cage (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aJqKo8Sn2r0/UQPrzA8PnHI/AAAAAAAAFcs/CrjDnMMIQCA/s1600/FreeBirdTattoo.jpg) (it reminds her of when her mom told her to spread her wings and follow her dreams)
Dreams of her engagement ring to be as big as Khloe Kardashians
Hates bullying and would stand up for anyone
Has a fear of ual abuse, scratched, and being forgotten or ignored.
Has every Rihanna CD and dreams to meet her.
She is 5'7 (176 cm) and hopes to be 5'8 (176.78 cm) 






        “Stage Presence


        Stage Name :Jazzy


        Persona : Firecracker (because of her facial expressions when she dances and she explodes)


        Position : Vocal, Lead Dancer, Rapper (M)






        “One and Only


        Love Interest :Tao


        Personality : Tao seems mean, but he is the fluffiest Kung Fu panda JooHee has ever known.  Besides the fact he acts like a legit kid when he is on TV, he is pretty shy around JooHee, and she is shy around him too.  Other than that, the two have been the best of friends since they started training together.  But she rarely gets to see him because he is either sleeping or having to do a schedule. 


        Interactions : Shy, but they like to wrestle with each other.  Mainly because they playfully argue majority of the time when they are with each other in the practice rooms.  On variety shows, they are seens as shy, but are always next to each other, or very close together. 


        Status : Best Friends (soon to be lovers) 






        “Let’s Stop


        Comments : Lol I hope I did this right and I pray everyday that I will be in possibly! Thanks for making this story! Even if I don't get in I will be so excited for the others! Oh and if I don't get in, I have a polyvore account that i can use to make the girl's outfits if you want me to! 


        Suggestions : Can we have our own reality show? Maybe go on Star King, Quiz to Change the World


        Scene Requests : 1. A scene where JooHee escapes from her schedule to go ice skating, but Tao finds her (when he was asked to) and secretly watches her skate, then surprises her and the two skate together (lol sorry it's stupid) 









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