100 years




Ok so I am going to make that little stroy i have poster in my blog In to a

Give me somthing to do,
It my take me a long time to do it, 

I may at first try it with out a beta 

Iso be worend for lots and lots of messy up in spelling and gramma*
but that way it will take a long time to do I be going over it lot of time with difrent spell checkers again and again,

I really want to do a stary with out a beta to see if I can

I know what i first started  I really need on and everyone was telling me it,
So in nice way some in not so nice way but I did it anyway


So wish my really big luck,

I may make a new poster for it and see which on I like best 
or have them both hehe


SO yeah wish my luck everyone


Love you all




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