If you could have any kind of superpower...

What would it be?

And why?

You may choose more than one~ ^^


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i love the dark side, it has cookiez. OuO
ShaiRa1009 #2
for me telepathy is teh best cause i at READING PEOPLE MIND and i think its kinda COOL <3
I would choose teleportation because I don't like walking places, and I'd rather just teleport places. It's quicker :)
Honestly... telepathy. I'd really like to read people's minds and send messages to them through telepathy. I don't know why but as someone that tends to be super conscious about what other think and I do have trouble reading people's faces at times in real life when they're trying to signal me to do something... it's something that I would really like to have.
idyllicmuse #5
Time control. although that might make a few problems, being able to go back every time you do something wrong sounds pretty decent. skipping boring lectures is cool too XD
Mind reading. well cheating is hard without it XD lol jks but its hard to figure out what someone is thinking sometimes and this helps.
Healing. yeah... im clumsy although if I had time control...
Teleportation. Go fly to korea and meet my bias :D