The BAP Family



[Radio Trans] The Family Positions of B.A.P

[Source: 121213 DIG IT! DIG IT! (Unrevealed Interview)

[Trans: hellosaya]

(Please give full credit if you’re reposting this to somewhere else (e.g. Twitter, weibo etc)

MC: Usually people would relate a group as a family, like who’s the mom, who’s the dad…Who’s the dad?

DH: Yongguk San Yongguk San.

MC: The mom?

All: Himchan San.

MC: What about the elder brother?

YJ: The elder brother…

HC: Elder brother?

DH: It’s the childish me.

MC: (Laughs) The youthful elder brother right?

DH: I’m the elder brother.

MC: Then who’s the younger brother?

YJ: The maknaes.

MC: So what about Youngjae Kun?

HC: (Immediately) Daughter!

MC: (Shocked) Daughter!!? Hahahahaha…

HC&DH: (Laugh loudly) Hahahahahahahahahahaha…(Someone clapped)

DH: Ah!! That’s right! That’s right!

YJ: Daughter=,=…(Defeated) Daughter is good…(Bitterly)

MC: Because everyone will give love to you…

HC: Just kidding, just kidding.

YJ: Daughter…(Sadly) I won’t forget this…

MC: But I understand why you’re responsible for this position. I understand your (HC) feeling.

YJ: Why?

MC: Because you’re very kawaii (cute).

YJ: Ahh…

MC: Because they think you’re kawaii.

HC: Just like Toshio (俊雄) (The name of a scary child ghost character)

DH: Toshio? (Confused)

HC: English. (HC has mixed up his own Japanese, he was trying to say “Movie”)

DH: English? (Even more confused)

HC: Movie! Japanese movie’s main character.

DH: Ahh!! Ju-on!!! (Ju-on “呪怨” is a scary Japanese ghost movie)

MC: Ju-on? Ju-on? Ahh!!! Ju-on!!(Finally understands them) Hahaha, just like the character Toshio in the movie “Ju-on”.

DH: Obeke! Obeke! (He was trying to say Obake which means ghost/monster but he pronounced wrongly)

MC: Obake! (お化け)

DH: Obake!

YJ: Isn’t it scary??

MC: It’s not scary! If the ghost is like this (looks like you) it’s okay!

DH: Hahahahahaha…

YJ: Not scary…

HC: Daughter, daughter.

YJ: Daughter…(Still sad)

DH: Sorry, it’s okay, it’s okay.


MC: We didn’t expect this, Youngjae Kun as Toshio…because of his black hair and straight bangs, it’s cute, and it makes him looks like Toshio Kun. They really know who Toshio Kun is (Surprised) , and their Japanese is really good as well.


Omg! Himchan really knows a lot! He even knows Toshio! If you want to know who Toshio is (the child character in Ju-on), you may search the picture of “呪怨” + “俊雄”, but I suggest you not to…it scared the hell outta me…((((;゚Д゚)))) I feel sorry for Youngjae…the daughter of B.A.P…and he is even a scary child ghost…



if you have already read it again :P




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idyllicmuse #2
i searched up a picture and that kid is scary >.<
youngjae can not be a child ghost. oh wait /tries to imagine
/hides under a pillow
theres no way youngjae is the daughter
hes above any standards, if bap is a country, youngjae is the international affair minister