This or That (Stolen)

This or That?
1. Math or English?
- English Of Course  
2. Summer or Winter? 
- Winter  
3. Morning or Night?
- Night
4. Full House or Family Matters?
- Full House
5. Tea or Coffee?
- Coffee~
6. Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings?
- Harry Potte xD
7. Black or White?
- Both are my favorite.
8. Dogs or Cats?
- Hmm... Cats? My mom won't allows me to have dog T.T
9. McDonalds or Burger King?
- McDonalds
10. Cake or Pie?
- Hmm... I'll go with Cake
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?
- Vanilla. Like what I always said, Chocholate is way too y
12. Jocks or Nerds? 
- Jocks?
13. Cable or Internet?
- Internet of course
14. Twitter or Facebook?
- Twitter
15. The Simpsons or Family Guy?
- The Simpsons
16. Coke or Pepsi?
- Coke, just like Kris, Coke is my style LOL XD
17. Batman or Superman?
- BatPerman?
18. Fantasy or Reality?
- Fantasy that become into Reality. Hell yeah~
19. Comedy or Horror?
- Depends on my mood
20. Pancake or Waffles?
- Waffle x9
21. Baked or Fried?
- Baked
22. China or Japan? 
- China cause my dear 4 friends -Luhan, Kris, Lay and Tao- are from China xP
23. Hamburgers or Hotdogs?
- Burgers
24. Salt or Pepper?
- Salt and Pepper. There won't be Salt or Pepper
25. Peanut Butter or Jelly?
- Peanut Butter
26. Boxers or Briefs?
- I'll choose Boxers >.<
27. Amazon or Ebay?
- Hmm....
28. TV shows or Movies?
- Movies
29. Pen or Pencil?
- Pencil
30.  Phone call or in person?
- In Person
31. Video Games or Board Games?
- Video Games of course
32. Shower or Bath?
- Anything as long as EXO members will be there with me~
33. Rain or Snow?
- There's no snow in my country OTL
34. Pixar or Dreamworks? 
- BOTH!!
35. 30 Rock or The Office?
- Uh?
36. Rock or Rap?
- Rap...?
37. Ketchup or Mustard?
- Once again it depends
38. White or Wheat?
- Wheat
39. Love or Money?
- Money... Once you have money then you can search for love
40. Movies or Reading?
- Movies cause in the end I'll reading the subtitles of that movie
41. Car or Motorcycle?  
- Depends
42. Michael Jackson or Elvis?
- MJ
43. France or Italy?
- France
44. Gift cards or Cash?
- Of course Cash~ Ohohoho
45. Paper or Plastic?
- Paper
46. Santa Clause or Easter Bunny?
- SanTao Clause lol xD
47. Lucky Charms or Trix?
- Lucky Charms no matter what
48. Mayo or Miracle Whip?

- Mayo

49. Pickles or Olives?
- Olives
50. Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew?
- None of them


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Batperman = lol