92 Truths (Stolen from LiveForYou_)

NAME: Alyssa


AGE: 16


BIRTHDATE: August 22, 1997




Rules: Once you've read this, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you.




1. Last beverage = Blueberry Tea

2. Last phone call = Yesterday from my best friend who is now beside me playing BigBang

3. Last text message = Mom: On the way home

4. Last song you listened to = Midnight by BEAST

5. Last time you cried = Miracles in December… When Tao reverses time T3T




6. Dated someone twice = No

7. Been cheated on = Nope

8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Yes

9. Lost someone special =  Nope

10. Been depressed = Once or twice

11. Been drunk and threw up = No comment




12. Purple

13. Silver

14. Black




15. Made a new friend = Yes, she is beside me right now

16. Fallen out of love = …?

17. Laughed until you cried = Did this morning at Teen Top on Weekly Idol

18. Met someone who changed you = Yes

19. Found out who your true friends were = Yes

20. Found out someone was talking about you = My parents tell my best friend embarrassing stories of me when I leave the room...

21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = Yes




22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = I don’t friend people I don’t know

24. Do you have any pets = Not anymore… I WANT A PUPPY!

25. Do you want to change your name = Yes… I want my last name to be an Asian one… preferably the same as my husbands ;P

26. What did you do for your last birthday = My mommy and best friend made me Korean food ^_^

27. What time did you wake up today = 10am… It was great

28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Sleeping

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = The day I get married to Tao...

30. Last time you saw your Mother = An hour ago

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = That I lived in Korea… or back in Hawaii

32. What are you listening to right now = Angel by EXO

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = … No

34. What's getting on your nerves right now = I am running low on tea

35. Most visited webpage = AFF, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

37. Nickname = Lyss, Lysser, Kaua (Part of my middle name), Noenoe (Part of my middle name that my Papa calls me ^_^), (By my best friend), (Also by my best friend), (Again, my best friend. We’re that close xD), AlyssaMalyssaAmannda (Guy I know can’t remember my name and doesn’t bother to learn), Stouty (My volleyball coach based it off my last name Stout)

38. Relationship Status = Single! Looking for Asian boys ;)

39. Zodiac sign =Leo

40. He or She = Both 0-0… Hahahaha jk SHE

41. Elementary = In Hawaii where I am from

42. High School = In Missouri where I currently live

43. College = In Korea xD

44. Hair color =  Brown… For now xD I change my hair a lot

45. Long or short = Long

46. Height = 5 feet 5 inches (165/6 cm)

47. Do you have a crush on someone? = My 100+ Asian crushes

48. What do you like about yourself? = I am freaking hilarious xD need a life. I also like my eyes xP

49. Piercings = 1 in each ear (Need more)

50. Tattoos = Will soon ;)

51. Righty or lefty= Righty




52. First surgery= None.

53. First piercing = I got my ears pierced when I was 3 months old. Gave the woman doing my ears the death glare when she pricked my ears xD No joke ask my mom!

54. First best friend = Girl named Kiana in Hawaii

55. First sport you joined = Basketball in first grade. Was the only girl on my team with my dad as the coach ;)

56. First vacation = To Ohio when I was 11. Not exciting but it was my first time in the States away from Hawaii

57. First boyfriend = Fifth grade.

58. First Kpop bias = WOOKIE FROM SUJU!!!




59. Eating = Nothing… now that I think about it… I want pie >_>

60. Drinking = Blueberry tea

61. I'm about to = Pee myself but I must finish this thing before I do!

62. Listening to = Beautiful Night by Beast

63. Waiting for = The day I marry Tao




64. Want kids? = 2! Preferably twins!

65. Get Married? = Yes

66. Career? = Script writer, movie director/producer




67. Lips or eyes = Eyes

68. Hugs or kisses= Both <3

69. Shorter or taller = Taller

70. Older or Younger = Older

71. Romantic or spontaneous = Both

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Both xD maybe stomach more

73. Sensitive or loud = Depends… I can be both… mostly loud...

74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant = -_- idk




76. Kissed a stranger = No.

77. Drank hard liquor = No comment

78. Lost glasses/contacts = Yes T_T

79. on first date = I’m a . Boy can swerve on that thought

80. Broke someone's heart = … T_T yes

81. Had your own heart broken = … Nope… in fact I’ve never been dumped...

82. Been arrested = No… Yet xD bound to happen

83. Turned someone down = Yes

84. Cried when someone died = Plenty of times… on AFF and in Kdramas xD

85. Fallen for a friend = Yes




86. Yourself = Yes! I CAN DO ANYTHING!

87. Miracles = Yes

88. Love at first sight = Could happen

89. Heaven = I guess

90. Santa Claus = Duh… haha jk

91. Kiss on the first date = Depends…

92. Angels = Uh, have you not seen these Korean boys I obsess over??? xD


Haha hope you guys were entertained xD

I am so weird.

Love you all <3






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Sorry for skipping #23,the person I stole it from didnt have it either :(( Anyways..I see what you did there,stealing my quizz \o/ Nah I dont mind really~
BAPismyrice #2
U skipped #23 tho..XD
Lovex2254 #3
Taking this!!
I love you :) Be nice to your unnie later on in life!! and don't lay your head down while we watch scary movies ever again.. because you've been hurt.. you've been hurt