Life Ruiners

So I've just realized that I indeed won a SIGNED Voodoo Doll CD. 
I literally cried a little when I found out. It's my first signed CD 
EVER so I'm super happy that it's VIXX. Seriously, those guys are
kind of ruining my life haha. I just went through and rewatched all
of their videos from Super Hero on (not necessarily in order). I keep
making the most high pitched squeaky noises I've ever heard myself
make. I sound like a mouse on steriods. Anyway, with that said, I have
an unsigned Voodoo Doll CD (that I forgot I bought before I signed up
to win the signed one until it came in the mail. I was like WUT? oh yea)
that I am willing to give away (not just to anybody, you have to be a
close friend of mine! You know who you are!). It's in perfect condition 
(you know I'd never give you something in bad condition) because I'm
a freak that doesn't like when my things are in less than perfect conditon
XD Anyway, that's all for now, so SEE YA! <3



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I wish I was lucky as you but then again, I'm so full of bad luck that I can't win anything at all. -.-
Anyway, congratulations. ^^
And you're friend is lucky to have you given a signed CD album to him/her. ^^
ByungKitty- #2
/sends you huggles
Nich111 #3
Congrats =o that's awesome you managed to get a signed cd of theirs!~