〈 #04 ♡ ⋮ kang, minah. 〉

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--CINNAMON ⋮ 9/10 ⋮ #04

name — kang, minah
❝ nickname(s) —

 • michi - by the girls, the reason is that 'minah' is too mainstream
 • kang-ah-ji (puppy) - sometimes by the girls as well, because her last name is kang, and she likes puppy
 • sweetheart - by baekhyun sometimes, calling her like this means that he's teasing her


❝ dob & age — 11/24 & 23
❝ ethnicity — korean
❝ languages —

 • korean - native
 • chinese - conversational

❝ appearance — do hwe ji // gallery
❝ back up appearance — kim soo yeon // gallery
❝ description —

at the girls' memories, minah was their adorable magnae, not really tall, had chubby cheeks and she had never use make up even just once around them. the girl they are remembered was a girl who didn't care about fashion, even didn't care (or genuinely didn't understand) about how the boys will look at her. the minah they knew was really different from the current minah.

the 23 years old minah is a 167 cm tall girl. her weight is 53 kg and she considered as one of the girls who have pretty ideal body, finally after such tough diet during college. minah done so many facial and physical treatments, it's just because her mother begged her to at least care about her appearance, and her mother threatened her that no one will marry her, and she's basically said that if she died, she will hunt minah down if minah still not married yet. minah has fair skin and a heart shaped face, with a pair of round eyes minah likes to look around innocently. she has a peach colored lips and minah just wear light make up to cover her bare face. she has two piercings on her left ear and she likes to wear a necklace she bought for her own birthday gift. blooming into a beautiful lady actually not really effected her fashion sense. minah went out with a loose shirt and short, without any make up and unstyled hair, and she's still don't care. basically because no one can stop her.



❝ personality

minah is a girl who was born with a child like personality. she’s so innocent and naive at her current age. minah completely doesn’t understand about adult stuffs even though she’s physically an adult and actually she’s supposed to understand all the stuffs at her current age. probably she’s the most innocent person in the world, and it’s make those people around her thought that she’s super adorable, but few of them thinks that she’s so annoying because her slow mind in her way to learn things and her slow react to something happened. people likes to , and even tricked her because she’s too clueless just like a child who knows nothing beside her own worlds. but even though at the end minah knew that people tricked her, minah never get mad or sad about it, she’s happy as long people accept her presence around them.

minah parent’s teach her to be a honest girl even since she was so young. minah is totally a bad liar and she is so polite when she should treat those people around her. this girl also the type of person who does every thing sincerely without expecting a change. when minah done something wrong, she’s not afraid to admit it. not forget to mention, minah was a clumsy and forgetful girl as well. and it’s not like she’s changed. she’s still the same minah who tripped over her own feet, minah who forgot her own phone number, minah who didn’t know any direction, and minah who is the youngest and be the one everyone protects. at the end, the girls loves her not only because her cuteness or innocence, but because of her clumsy side as well. living just by herself in jeju-do finally made minah changed, even maybe a change that people don't really realized. probably only her unnies who realized. how independent she is now, how she is not as spoilt as she was. it's true that the old minah was the one the girls likes to spoil, but now, she’s a young lady they can count on.

it was her, the one of the girl that never bothered to think about boys, or genuinely love. if minah think about it, during that time she was probably just got busy hanging out with the girls she adores too much. and after years, minah finally realized it would be great if she, at least know what is like to have a boyfriend. basically she has someone in her mind, someone perfect, handsome and loving, her ultimate idol. probably minah hasn't realized yet that reality and her dream is different. but let her dreamed about love, the first one in her life.

❝ trivia —

• she moved to jeju city, in jeju province right after she graduated from high school
• she was attending jeju national university, studying art & design

• she's now an illustrator for many novelist and working for some animation

• she adores rilakkuma plushies, by a lot
• she studied chinese from watching their dramas
• such a sleep talker, and she likes to space out when she's tired
• she's allergic to cheese; she'll get fever if she eat it
• she hates it when people disturb her when she was working
• she has a twin brothers, minhyuk and minho; the girls basically have crushes on her brothers during high school
• she studied how to use make up from her college friend; she has never done any plastic surgery
• she believes in santa, elfs, and the others fairy stuffs
• she brings a pack of gummy bears where ever she go
• secretly has a passion for cooking and baking




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back up partner — lu han, kim jongdae
❝ personality —

byun baekhyun is a guy with high pride and self confidence level. he's so confident with everything he has done and he's never bother to look back at them because they're as perfect as when baekhyun worked on it. baekhyun is the person who didn't really care about what people might think of him, didn't care about how people will react to his sharp words or even didn't care about the feeling of many girls he dated for fun. baekhyun is not the type of person who fit into someone's box, or any cage. baekhyun has his own mindset, has his own way to do every thing and he doesn't like to be controlled by anyone, even by his parents. under control is the worst situation for him, it's the reason why he doesn't really into serious relationship, why he doesn't work as team, why he's still living by himself in his apartment unit. it's because baekhyun is not a person who depending to someone, he's the one you can count on instead.

despite the fact that baekhyun is quite careless, baekhyun is an ambitious person. he did his best in everything, and he's really passionate about things he really loves or he adores. he doesn't hesitate to chase something if he thinks that it worth to chase it. the other side of him can be seen when he's around his close friends or around his family, he's totally turned out to be a bright and playful guy. he laughs loud at everything funny, and even doesn't hesitate to laugh at his own lame jokes. he's pretty talkative and totally can not stay still because he likes to play around with people he close with. this guy enjoys to tease people because he thinks that their various reaction is funny and sometimes adorable, depends on who is the person he tease. overall, baekhyun first impression probably came out unwell because his careless side, but he is genuinely nice and a person people will befriend with because he'll never leave a friendship.

❝ relationship —

their first meeting happened on ahreum's wedding. it was when minah was busy talking with one of her friend, when she accidentally bumped against baekhyun, who was taking a sip of his drink behind her. his drink spilled on his tux, luckily just a little, and baekhyun just sighed and didn't bother to think about it too far. but minah panicked, she apologized to him and offers to help him clean his tux. baekhyun laughed at her a little because he thought that minah was so cute and different from the other girls who usually took this kind of opportunity to seduce him. baekhyun pat minah's shoulder lightly before he said 'it's okay, it's really nothing. thanks for your offer, sweetheart' and made minah's face went red. got that respond, baekhyun laughed again and start to if no one had call her like that.

when the bride was quite relaxed, minah asked to her curiously if her unnie know who is that guy who before. the bride then introduced both of them officially and they got closer easily. baekhyun and minah spent the rest of the night together and talk about random things, mostly about arts, because surprisingly, both of them working on the same field. minah didn't really understand her own feeling when she started to feel that her heart pounded faster than before when baekhyun is around, she also pretty confused why her cheeks got redder easily when baekhyun laughs because of his own jokes. minah didn't understand, and she thought that she wont understand at all until then she realized the reason why it happened is probably because she's fell for him.

on baekhyun's side, he knew that the girl he just met, will be his true love. her innocence made her looked so adorable in his eyes, and baekhyun enjoyed it a lot when finally he found someone who is so understanding about his passion towards arts. the gullible minah made baekhyun wanted to all the time. when he knew that minah had not dated anyone since her birth (he knew this from one of minah's friend; the talkative ones) baekhyun got so excited and even more. he then promised himself to get ready to chase her and become her first-and-last boyfriend.

❝ trivia —

• he likes to wears eyeliner
• his friend calls him 'byun baek'
• he's such a playboy, but he believes in love at first impression
• he was attending seoul national university, college of fine arts

• he's a painter and a photographer for nature
• he owns a gallery where he put his own painting and photos
• he's the youngest son of his family; has an older brother
• his biggest fear is spider
• he likes to bite his bottom lip

• he treasured friendship so much


the wedding bells.

❝ how you reacted to the wedding invitation — seriously, ahreum-unnie is going to marry?! this kim jongin, is he marrying my unnie sincerely? my unnie didn't force him, right? i thought that she will not marrying anyone for her whole life, haha. i wonder about the person who took my ahreum unnie's heart, is he that handsome? or probably it's him who is totally fell for unnie? i can totally imagine that! my unnie is so irresistable, i know right!

❝ home for christmas — i'm jumping excitedly on my bed because finally i have a reason to go home and spend my christmas holiday with my family and friend, after those years when i couldn't go home during christmas because my mom didn't allow me to. i went to incheon every year, during thanksgiving, though, but i bet go home during christmas will be so different. more over, i'm back for something i will regret for my whole life if i missed it. the important thing is, i finally can meet you guys, soon. meet my unnies! i wonder what should i bring from jeju to incheon?

❝ scene requests —

• baekhyun playing with minah's hair to tease the clueless girl in front of their friends
• baekhyun give minah his jacket because minah is cold with her only peach colored dress

• minah asked her unnies why her heart beating faster when baekhyun is around, and her unnies laugh because minah is so slow and clueless as usual
• at the end of their story, baekhyun asked her to go out with him, and asked if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him in his gallery

❝ anything else? — i know you had remind us about the grammar, but please bear with me ; n ; i tried my best to not making too much errors ; n ; but still, i hope it's fine with you. with my english, i hope you understand what i wrote up there, and i hope you like her so far o u o your story is really daebak! i've never found this type of storyline, and the letter at the foreword is really beautiful ; u ;  good luck with this sweet story, authornim!

 it's the most wonderful time of the year



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