Fantasy Fiction + Video

- The short piece will be based on the song featured in this video.

The Tainted Hymn
Do you remember the time I told you it was love at first sight? You merely smiled.
Did you believe me then? 
I suppose you didn't. You've always been so frustratingly sceptical.
When you did finally start to open up to me, you simply asked for one thing and I was only too eager to grant it.
Can I call you by a different name? You asked. Because my name reminded you of my heritage.
Kai, you said. You wanted to call me Kai.
And from there our relationship grew. 
And from then began the happiest days I've ever lived.
But then you started listening to their song.
Do you remember it, the song that praised your kind and spewed hatred at mine?
I imagine you do.
Even as I've shown you my best and my darkest, you allowed your trust in me to dissipate.
You let every word of that tainted hymn graft itself into your mind, and you began to curse my existence.
You thought me vile, for what you think my people have done.
Kim Jong In is your enemy, they said.
So you let them take me.
You let me die by their hands.
note: I got very inspired after the last fantasy video (Shoutout to PoisonApple :D ), so.. tadah! Did you know that there is an immense lack of fairytale concepts in the videos of KPop guys? Not even like, a sageuk-ified MV. Hmph.
When I wrote this I didn't really see 'giants' as big-sized people literally. Rather, people who are perceived/percieve themselves to be better in one way or another. Nobler heritage, special abilities, different upbringing, etc. But you take it as you will.
another note: (In case you've seen this) I transferred this here because it seemed out of place in my shop.
last note, promise: I used Kai's name simply because I thought Kai was a perfectly simple name for folks like the giants.


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