No More English Subs?

Breaking News: Kshownow, exoticsubs and baekhundred channel got blocked and banned


No more english subs? Are you serious? This is a total nightmare for all international fans! So, after this, there's no more channel to watch Running Man and EXO's shows. I only get to watch EXO Showtime until eps 2 OTL what is life? And I get another news that a bunch of other subbing groups and HD video uploaders got suspended too on the same day (cr; slowdanse)


Copyright thingy, maybe? idk.


But, hey, I got a solution! A very big thanks to slowdanse. You're my live savior LOL (even idk how that website works OTL)



exoticsubs is still a part of . you can still download the videos from the forum. they won't disappear. :)


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sleepingdreamer96 #1
i'm so shocked when i went to my account and go to baekhundred channel. omaigee what happened to baekhundred!!
i still don't understand. why did these channel got banned?
my only sources.....
/orders every ing thing that will teach me korean/
oh they haz new channel *^*
and i can download vids
/rolls awhei to do dat shiet/ ouo
flipping tables right now Q.Q
baekhundred has a second channel!
Goshh, are you serious? O_O That's quite a shocking news. ASDFGHJKL