When is it my turn?


I've always been there for you,


Never wanting to leave your side,


Always there for you


Whenever you were bored


Whenever you were happy


Whenever you were sad


Whenever you were angry


But who do I have? 


I've only known how to help someone else


Never have I learned what it felt to feel loved.


Never have I known what it felt to feel appreciated.


I've always been your pillar


But on the inside of this pillar....... I'm crumbling




It hurts.


All I have ever known was pain.


Since young, I taught myself to never be selfish.


To never hurt someone else


To never sit there as someone else is being hurt


I forgot what happiness feels like


What love feels like.


I lived as a person only wanting to see other's happy.


Always telling myself "Self pain is nothing compared to the unhappiness of another."


I spent my life building up walls


Creating masks so I can always see someone else smile.


A person's smile is worth more than a million words


Living like this..... not knowing what it feels like to love, be happy, feel good about myself..... What does it feel like?


When will it be my turn?








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It's always your turn. There's people out there who would die for you. Just this person in particular, she/he doesn't deserve you.
Don't be sad. <3
12a43689 #2
Aigoo~ my unnie~ me and aj will always be here for you and love you~
exo_baozi #3
It will always be your turn. You know that we're here for you and we truly love you with our all ^_^
WOW- you know, to be this way is great (somehow) but you are also important so try doing things which will make you smile (a real one)
wooowwwww ._. i feel your pain tbh lol i feel a lot like these ugh orz /patspats/
You seem to be having such a hard time, I know I've said this before (I'm not sure if you've even read my comments) but we're all here for you, please don't think you're alone!! We will all support you, we'll be your pillars as well! I know if I were you and I felt so hurt I would go insane, so props to you! You're really strong for being able to handle all of this, but you should know that it won't be forever. Feel free to talk to me or anyone else, please!

maybe u just hv to look at the side where those ppol hu loves u are.. just like the ppol hu always comment with ur posts.. (posts like this.. ur heartbrks..)

i dont know u.. amd we dont chat actually.. but whenever i reas ur post.. i feel how hurt u r.. but u know what.. i also read the comments below.. and by that.. i cn tell u dont hv to feel tht way.. bcos there r ppol hu loves u..

u just hv to look at them..

i hope u get what i mean..

i know u do.. pls be happy.. ok?

were not close.. but ofc.. i want u to be ok..

hwaiting.. (=^.^=)
It will just take time and it is good its like another world just give it a shot be happy for one whole day and think about what makes you really happy deep inside your family what ever it is and just smile and tell our self" nothing will ruin my day..." It is going to feel like your high and your in another world showing people your happy and I know I am that person also but ty it for a day or two your gonna love it and am here if you ever need to cheer up be happy let me know I wil do that okay saranghae
mimi-ah~~~ you know that i'm always here for u and i will try my best to make u feel happy...