

A word that defines my life.


I stand on the edge of the abyss that is my life. 

A dark, cold hole that will swallow me up at any moment, claiming me as it's own and never letting me go.

Why do I feel so lonely? Why do I feel so incomplete? Why do I feel empty?

Yes, epmty, that's the right word. 

It describes me perfectly. 

It seems, no matter what I do, I never feel whole.


Emptiness has become a dear friend of mine, and I wish so desperately that it would leave. 

I smile and say, "I'm fine." When I'm really not. Lying through my teeth and never admitting the truth. Keeping up a facade of lies that have kept me alive since I was young.

My life was built on lies. 

Lies of my father telling me that my mother was his number one, that he would always be with me.

Lies of friends, stabbing me in the back to gain higher rank over me in the food chain that is life. 

Lies from boys, telling me that I was fat and ugly, that I was annoying and shouldn't be living. 

Lies that I have sustained through the years.


Emptiness has also brought me loneliness. 

Being left to yourself, with no one around, a lot of things can happen.

It can bring a blade to your arm, slicing the skin open, thinking it will help the pain. 

Thinking that you're doing the right thing. 

Turning you into someone you don't recognize when you look in the mirror.




A word that defines, my life. 

A word that defines, me.



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I have never been good with poems but...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You think your empty
But I think your full!

Poetry is not my fortei unlike someone below and you!
It's All Worth It

Sometimes I dream about going to sleep

And never waking up.

I wonder if I'll look at my life and think about all the effort I've done that has gone to waste,

The work I've done to a future I would never have.

Or will I look back at the times I laughed,

The people I have loved,

The moments I have felt alive.


In the End,

It's not about the people who you left you alone,

Who let go of your hand when you thought they were holding on,

Who talked behind your back,

Who betrayed you while looking into your eyes.

It's about THE people,

Who always acted with you in mind,

Who were willing to wait for you until you were ready,

Who always watched out for you in the shadows where you couldn't see them,

Who stood by you even when you weren't looking,

It's about the people who loved you faithfully, unconditionally, and shamelessly.