constellation's cool charisma


Jung Dahee

username: TheLandofBrownSugar | nickname: Anna | Activeness: 8.5



Character Name: Jung Dahee

Stage Name: Dahee

Other Names: n/a

Nicknames: Detective Jung ( due to her love for detective novels; her friends )

Birthday: October 1, 1994

Age: 19

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean (fluent; native tongue), English (conversational; learnt it in school and by foreign shows), Japanese (basic; learned it in school)

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Blood type: AB

Style: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5




Face claim: Park Hwan Hui

Back-up Face claim: Park Cha Hun



Personality: Dahee is an energetic and unpredictable tomboy with a wild side and a secret love for astronomy and mythology. She is athletic and spends a lot of her time experimenting with those around her, whether they're objects or people. She enjoys testing the waters, being a bit of a prankster and a trickster. She's a fan of magic, often amazing her friends with tricks involving cards, colorful scarves and optical illusions. She's a bit of an attention seeker, a little arrogant and sometimes even rude when someone really makes her lose her mind.

She loves children, but hates the work it usually involves. Playing with them and taking care of them, sure, but she's not the group's best cook and she doesn't want to be either. Even in stressful situations, she has a tendency of being a bit sarcastic in orer to tune down the seriousness a little. She's bold, brave, outspoken and honest to the point of becoming harsh. She's smart, but easily stressed and besides sports, she's rather lazy when it comes to doing things. She'd rather lie down on her bed reading fanfiction on her phone than practice. Dahee is playful, but attentive and very gentle at heart. She is very comfortable with her own body despite her need to be modest and can easily do a y or bad girl concept. Aegyo is not her big field of experience, but she might try it out once in a while. The reason she avoids doing it, is because of how strange it is. She makes this high-pitched robotic sound as if something's choking her, and often ends up laughing in the middle of it because of embarrassment.

Dahee loves the outdoors. Even after becoming trainee, you'd often find her taking walks along the bridge or jogging around in the morning. She loves exploring and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means almost everything to her, and she loves them through all the good and the bad times. She likes to show others that she can keep a smile on her face through almost anything, and she is there to let people rely on her, but finds it hard to rely on others for some reason. Dahee is like an open book; she is extremely easy to read as her emotions are like words across her face, especially her eyes which are very expressionate. She's hard-working and a perfectionist, wanting to please everyone and be friends with everyone she meets.


  • Ice cream
  • Basketball
  • Archery
  • Martial arts
  • Detective novels
  • Kung fu movies
  • Comic books
  • Fanfiction
  • Games
  • Bright colors
  • Coffee
  • Astronomy
  • Mythology
  • The color blue


  • People who cry easily
  • Nagging
  • Apples
  • Water
  • Storms
  • Rain
  • Being ignored
  • Falling
  • Nightmares
  • Alcohol
  • Violence
  • Cigarette smell
  • Bad breath


  • Kendo
  • Online gaming
  • Crosswords
  • Puzzles
  • Scaring people
  • Graphic design
  • Stargazing


  • Dyes her hair often
  • Bites her bottom lip
  • Clings on to the closest person whenever she's scared
  • Raps in the shower
  • Puts objects such as books and pillows on her head
  • A closet cuddle (comes out in her sleep)
  • Screams like a dolphin
  • When she's angry, she counts in Japanese and talks to herself
  • Hits people when they scare her (harder than expected for some people)
  • Sings calmly in Japanese whenever she's having trouble sleeping


  • When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow as she fell asleep at night. She believed them to be the protectors of good dreams who'd chase away the bad ones and blow off evil powers
  • The bigger the puzzle, the happier Dahee is
  • Can move her hips like a hula dancer
  • Wants to learn the cha-cha-cha and rumba
  • She's ambidextrous; she finds it confusing and a bit of an identity crisis (right or left, you know?)
  • Used to make covers and posting them on YouTube
  • She adores dak bulgogi
  • Has a Shiba Inu at home named Jun
  • Favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • She likes sunflowers because they reach towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck
  • Donates blood almost every month
  • Likes to go jogging in the morning
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men
  • She has a partial, red-green colorblindness
  • Her ideal type is someone who's tall, affectionate and open-minded
  • Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to falling off her bike down a hill during winter
  • Her brother is deaf
  • 80's rock is a guilty pleasure of hers



Background: Jung Dahee is a Korean girl who was born on October 1, 1995, in Seoul, South Korea. She was raised most of her life in its neighboring city, Incheon, as the daughter of Jung Chiwon, an architect, and Nam Haejoo, a music teacher and pianist. She is the middle child of three siblings; an older sister three years her junior and a younger brother two years her junior. During her childhood, Dahee was a very active child. She'd be the one climbing in trees and running around and getting bruises from falling somewhere along the way. Always a bright and optimistic child, she never had trouble connecting with people, which resulted in a bit of a friend-seeking side of her, in which she wanted to bond with everyone she said more than a sentence to.

Dahee's father was a big fan of Shinhwa and brought her and her older sister to a concert back in '02. She was immediately mesmerized by their stage presence, team work and synchronization on the spot. Their music was stuck in her ears for days, and she often turned to her father's old albums when wanting to listen to something else. Whenever her family visited her paternal grandparents who were residing in Japan, she'd convince them to put on some Japanese music, which she would then sit and listen to for hours.

When Dahee entered middle school back in 2009, she was scouted by a YG Entertainment representative on her way home from a piano lesson. She was asked to consider auditioning for their company, but didn't make it through when she did. She decided to do something herself and began posting videos of herself doing dance covers and music covers of popular Korean, Japanese and American singles. She was picking her younger brother up from school when someone from SM Entertainment, who recognized her, approached her and asked her to audition. Considering the failure of her first attempt, she took some time thinking about it before trying it out with support from her friends and family.

Father | Jung Chiwon | 48 | Architect | Strict, loving, child-like, oblivious, kind | Dahee and her father have a close father-daughter relationship. She looks up to him as the source of her inspiration and as a good example of what her future man should be like. She comes to him for advice and admires him greatly.
Mother | Nam Haejoo | 45 | Music teacher | Gentle, sweet, bubbly, energetic, vain | Her mother is definitely the head of the household, despite any comments from her husband. She has always wanted the best for her children, and Dahee is certainly no exception. Haejoo introduced Dahee to the piano at a young age and learnt her a few tricks before she started taking lessons on her own. She is proud and supportive of her daughter.
Sister | Jung Haeun | 22 | Law student | Intelligent, nurturing, gentle, wallflower | Despite their , Dahee and Haeun always had a close relationship during their childhood. They used to be best friends before Haeun decided that playing with your little sister was embarrassing, but they're still there for one another. Dahee's sister likes to and enjoys their quality time together.
Brother | Jung Muyeol | 17 | Student | Calm, smart, attentive, honest | Muyeol is certainly Dahee's younger brother, but it's sometimes difficult to see who the older sibling really is. Dahee has often been Muyeol's ideal for a playmate and would sometimes compare other female friends to her, just because she was the only sibling who wanted to play with him as he grew older. Muyeol acts rather arrogant and selfish at times, but has no trouble admitting when he needs someone by his side.


Best friends:
Choi Sunmi | 19 | SM trainee/Actress | Curious, observant, open-minded, sarcastic | Sunmi and Dahee are close in a way few people can understand. They met while they were trainees and have been stuck by the hip pretty much since. Sunmi is calmer and more mature than Dahee herself, but they are both hard-working girls who admire each other for their own passions. They love to bicker and gossip.

Lee Hyeri | Girl's Day

Kim Seolhyun | AOA

Kwon Sohyun | 4minute

Lee Taemin | SHINee

Jung Soojung | f(x)

Park Sunyoung (Luna) | f(x)



Rival: Shin Hyejeong

Personality: Hyejeong seems like a quiet person, but is actually very bright and bubbly. She has a hard time reaching out to people due to her shy personality, but can be very friendly once you get to know her. She's hard-working and ambitious, just like Dahee, and will go far to make her dreams come true.

How you interact: Hyejeong and Dahee ignore each other pretty much all the time. Because they belong to different companies, they don't see each other that often in person, but they are sometimes competing "against" one another in terms of television appearances, acting and stage performances. Hyejeong is a little jealous of Dahee due to her open and friendly nature unlike her own shy one. Dahee finds Hyejeong to be a talented senior and has a bit of doubt whether she is actually suitable for the world of entertainment or not.

Reason for rivalry: When both of them were still trainees, they auditioned for the same role in a drama series. Hyejeong had worked hard to get the role and wanted it so badly, but was rather surprised when she found out she lost it to someone else. When she found out about Dahee, she got pretty irritated by it. They met officially when Seolhyun introduced them to one another, and there was a bit of tension between them from day one.

Back-up: None.




Love Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Age: 22

Personality: Chen is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a little insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has these big eyes which are easy to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide his emotions and what he's thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive guy who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often. Chen can actually be rather oblivious about things such as love and relationships. He is a very naturally flirty person and it's hard to see at times whether he has real feelings for someone or is just having fun, but he is secretly a hopeless romantic and can get very clingy whenever he's in a relationship.

How you met: It was winter time in 2011. Dahee had finished school for the day and was soon off to reach practice in time. It was snowing a lot that day, so she had declined her friends' offer to walk home and had fought her way through the snow with the determination of a Viking. It was really cold that day, and when she finally reached her destination, she was disappointed to find out that practice had been cancelled due to the weather conditions. As she turned to leave, she had her head down and didn't see the person in front of her until they bumped into each other. Dahee looks up to apologize when she sees Chen, who is still a trainee at the time (a.k.a. hasn't debuted yet). Somehow unable to apologize for her actions, he is quick to do it himself, which triggers hers as well. Chen asks her why the long face, and Dahee quickly fills him in about the cancellation, somehow feeling comfortable around this guy. They introduce themselves to one another, excited to discover they're both trainees at SM.

How you interact: Chen treats Dahee like a younger sister and can be very protective of her at times. She likes to freak him out by calling him "oppa" in her odd version of aegyo. They feel pretty much at ease around one another, but maintains a sense of formality due to their age differences and only knowing each other properly for a few years. Dahee used to consult him back in their trainee days, on how to make it out there. She enjoys listening to his voice, dubbing it "beautiful" and "pure delight" whenever he asks for her feedback. Chen and Dahee like playing pranks on one another, a thing they happily have in common.

Back-up: Park Chanyeol


Love Rival: Lee Howon (Hoya)

Age: 22

Personality: Howon (Hoya) is quiet, observant and definitely a bit of a mystery. He emits this cold and charismatic aura, giving off the impression of "attractive and unapproachable" as Dahee has dubbed it. He is usually a very calm, cool and collected kind of person, but he can have a bit of a temper on a day bad day, but usually avoids showing it in public. Underneath the so-called cold side of him, is a very warm and sweet guy who's a bit of a dork. He finds it a bit hard expressing his emotions, preferring actions over words. He is smart, attentive and protective of his loved ones.

How you met: Dahee became a fan of Infinite during her days as a trainee, so she and her friend Sunmi took a trip to one of their concerts during one of their days off. It was a good one, so after it all ended, they went out quickly in order to get a glimpse of the members before they left. The boys had to fight their way through such a crowd that one of them (Hoya) even lost his cellphone. Dahee saw it, picked it up and yelled above the crowd, "Has anyone lost their phone?" Hoya noticed his was missing and got back out in order to retrieve it from the girl. He thanked her quickly before getting back into the car with the rest of s. She felt a slight tingling in her fingers that day.

How you interact: Hoya might seem pretty indifferent towards her, but he actually cares deeply for his junior. Dahee admires him for his determination and willingness to continue despite the hardships and finds it fun to watch him dance to all the different kinds of beats on his playlists. Hoya thinks she's tough for daring to go out into the world like that at only 19 years of age, definitely a fan of her courage. They enjoy hanging out and chat a lot via text messages and online through private chatrooms. Being very busy, both of them, most of their communication happens over phone and the internet.

Why is he your love rival?: Hoya was kind of Dahee's crush before she met Chen, and even that took some time before any of them were ready to see the sparks flying between them. Hoya didn't feel that way for Dahee back in the start, but as time goes by, he finds himself missing her hearty laughter and bad puns. He finds that he wants to be closer to her all the time, but knows that she might find Chen more appealing, being in the same company and also a singer just like herself.

Back up: Kim Mingyu





Persona: The Cool Charisma

Fanclub Name: Runners

Fanclub Colour: #9966cc

Position: Main Rapper, 2nd Leader, Vocals

Back-up Position: Sub-Rapper, Main Vocals

Training years: 3 years and 2 months

Singing Twin: AOA Yuna

Dancing Twin: Girl's Day Minah

Rapping Twin: miss A Jia

Speaking Twin: Girl's Day Sojin



Comments/Suggestions: Thank you for reading, author-nim! ^^ I hope you enjoyed reading about Dahee, I had a lot of fun creating this application and it was enjoyable getting to know this character as well! :D Sorry if my English is odd, it's not my native language. If you find any errors or mistakes, please do not hesitate to tell me!

Scene Requests: 

1. Dahee bonding with other members of her group. It would be so nice seeing interactions between them! ^^

2. Dahee and her love interest entering a secret relationship, having to sneak around and be all secretive and stuff.

3. Getting caught up in a scandal with a random celebrity, a close friend or perhaps the love rival!

4. Dahee possibly getting into some sort of argument with Hyejeong over their rivalry.

Password: 'Twinkle twinkle little star'




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