
Yes, I'm tired. And you all are right, I need a break. But before everything else, I want to say something to eveyone who said/thought that I was being a drama queen and I should stop it. First of all, I have a reason why I said I was tired, just like everyone else who had the exact same feelings when they're undergoing stress or at the part of their life where they think stress is just engulfing them. I wasn't being a drama queen trying to seek attention from AFF users.

Let me tell you the reason why I'm undegoing this. When i first came to AFF on Spetember 2011, the only thought i had was to share my stories because there were a lot of great DG fics. I am not going to lie but I also wanted to be as famous as them, with a lot of readers, subbies, and comments. It's the truth. But, aside from that, I just really love writing. But let's go to that later on. So, that was my first thought. Second, I thought it would be great meeting fellow applers on this site. They seemed to be a lot. Isn't it amazing meeting people with the same interests as you? Yes.

During the years of me writing for this site, I have noticed one thing that had changed. that my passion for writing had decreased. That my motivation for writing had been driven without a hint of my passion for writing but merely for the readers. I have noticed that it seems that writing had become my job, my obligation to everyone. I felt that I had the obligation to update the stories as regularly as i can. I underwent a time when all I could think off was Asianfanfics, was my readers who were probably waiting for me to post anothe update. I felt that I was driven by these facts only.

I lost my passion for writing. probably not entirely lost but just shoved aside by this intense feeling of obligation. Like I said, before entering Asianfanfics, I really loved writing. i write for myself. I write fo my pasttime. I write when I like to. I write when I feel down. This had been what I had been doing two or three years before I entered Asianfanfics. Now, I want that passion to come back. But it couldn't because of this obligation i felt i need to do. I want to write like i usually do. i want to write only when i want to. i want to write when i feel i need to. i want to write for myself, not for anybody. it sounds selfish. But this had been what I feel even before i entered asianfanfics. i write for myself, not for anybody.

I write not to improve though, because I found out that i love what I am studyng (Accountancy and a little bit of Management) and that I want to pursue this career and not being an author (which by the way I had the ambition even when I became a univesity student). I always had a dream of pursuing writing while I am being an accountant too, in the future. But, i found out that I am not really a good author. I lack vocabulary. i lack creativity. i commit careless grammar and spelling mistakes. I found out that I only write because I want to. But really, wth the amount of subscribers I get on a story, I just can't not worry about my lack of vocabulary and creativity and my grammars and spellings. that was also the time I found out that I write for the readers. I write fo the subscribers. There was even a time when even though I still have an ongoing fanfic, I am aleady thinking of another stoy, a more creative one, one that ight attract readers, one that might satisfy the readers.

Writing lost its color for me. 

I just want to write without any worries of being criticized or if I will be complimented after I post an update or after i finish a story. Somehow, there was a satisfaction finishing a story but the satisfaction is really meaningless, so short-lived. I want to wite that after the end of witing, I'll be able to say, "WOW, that was fun!"

I thought Asianfanfics was a bad idea after undergoing through these issues. The abovementioned might be really shallow for all of you, but I was bothered. i shouldn't have entered Asianfanfics, shouldn't have let the amount of readers get to my head, pressure me, and in the end, just be stressed over it. I shouldn't have thought that Asianfanfics would be fun.

But, it was, really. Don't get me wrong. The best part is when I met lots of lovely friends. You guys are one of the reasons why I'm hesitating leaving this site.

Really, though. I am tired. And i wasn't kidding when I made that blog post that I will be quitting. I wanted to. I really do. I was about to that exact time. I was supposed to do it quietly but I thought it would be rude. That was why I did that post. I wanted to say goodbye properly. I at least thought it would be better to let you know. But, I wanted to know what you think that's why i added the 'Shall I?' part. Not because I want to be held back. I wanted to see your reactions. That's true. Although, I must say, I'm quite surprised at the overwhelming reactions of stopping me. I appreciate that. Thanks. And also, for those who told me to just follow my heart (there are a lot of them, i didn't expect it), Thank you so much T_T Just, really.... THANKS!

So, to end this freakishly long post, I want to tell you that I'm not quitting. Asianfanfics takes a lot of my time so I thought quitting would be the answer. Asianfanfics took a lot of my time that I should have used in focusing on my studies. Now, I'm stressed with my studies too. I have my lfe outside of this so i don't want to feel obligated to this site. Fotunately, I thought to myself that i might regret quitting later on. I am taking a break like what you tell me. I will ocassionally come here when I feel like to. I will write when I feel like to. But i won't be staying long. This means that I won't be able to talk to you, guys, like what I usually do before. I won't be posting blogs unless if needed. I won't be replying to comments or posting on walls of new subscribers. (I ealized it takes a lot of my time too) But, if you want to talk to me, you can always PM me in my inbox, not on wall posts. You can also tweet me @zeyniiDara. I thought this as a compromise so I hope it's fine with you.

Lastly, I want to reiterate that I am not being a drama queen. Call me defensive after saying this a lot of times, I don't care. I just don't like how you recklessly run your fingers along your keyboard typing that comment. I dare you say that again afte going through what I'm going through. If that ever happens, please do tell. Thank you.

i don't know if anyone read until this line, but Thank YOU! <3


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jiyonglurver #1
Awwww that was so sweet <3 don't get stressed by subscribers okay :) write like u used to, write what u want, write like you're the only one that reads it. I'll (more like we) will support you okay :>
Dariaheart21 #2
It's ok. In every career it's also hard when fame involves in the process of working. I think it also influences in a good way that the pressure makes our standard increase and makes us grown. If you can pass this time, you have nothing to afriad of. The matter is you need to be stronge for your dream. Readers should be your energy not pressure (bcos writer's pressure should be the editer of the book you write for hahaha). What do your dream to be? You may have to find yourself. Don't worry. If your heart still wanna write, you will come back without any feeling of responsibility. But if you don't continue the writting I also understand. It could happen to everyone. You may find your new dream. It also good! I'm happy for you and I support you to follow your new dream. Go for it and just let writting to be your hobby not way around.

Thank you so much for sharing your story to us. If you don't enjoy writing how can readers enjoy reading right? Don't think too much. Just follow your heart!! Fighting~~!!!! ^___^
naue523 #3
Whatever it is, we Applers will always be here to support you!!
xNarya #4
Don't quit AFF because your ff are amazing & I kinda now how you feel, well not about writing maybe but it's okay everyone know what you are saying. People who said the drama queen thing are so rude, I mean we ( people who are reading ) are here for people who are writing but we are not the Queen of AFF huh, so we should be supportive, kind... Take a break and fightiiiiiiiing ! :)
But please don't cancel your account because there's too many FFs that I love and they are just gone forever, I don't want the same with yours :(
joms_sundae #5
Glad ur not quitting ur one of the daragon writers whose stories i love read,,, take ur tym authonim♥♥ pls pls dont delete urvstories in aff kamsa
Daragon22 #6
I experienced the same thing-not the writing but reading in AFF. I got too addicted to it and always used to read fanfics . I forgot all about my studies and all that was in my mind was daragon... daragon... AFF...AFF

I'm not that addicted to it now because I've been trying to not check AFF all the time. What I did was to do my homework if I had some and watch more films to keep my mind of of AFF and daragon....

You're not being a drama queen at all, you're just a human who needs relaxation.
I would suggest that you take some time of from AFF and maybe concentrate on your studies :)
Please don't stress yourself too much and I hope that with this blog, your other fans could realize how much stress you go through when you try and update... And I hope that you'll have the relaxation that will bring back the writer in you....

dezri28 #7
I wasn't able to say anything when you posted that you wanna quit cuz i have just read it. *sigh I'm glad that you're not quitting unnie. And I'm hoping that you'll be able to find your lost passion in writing. I promise you that I won't bother and pressure you anymore to update. Just update if you feel like doing it. Rest well unnie. Take care! :**
tbd_07 #8
Awwww enjou ur break authornim we will wait for you!!♥♥♥
purple_bee #9
Glad for ur decision authornim! Take a break... Refresh ur writer's soul...
LittLEpONNY #10
Write for yourself enjoyment not others. Let them because writing is your passion. Dont let anyone pressure about updating ur story. Be yourself:-). Thanks for not quiting♥♥
Gingerz #11
Take your much deserved break...as for those who were talking bout you being a drama queen...blah...explaining your feelings isnt being a drama queen...its being real with yourself and others...tho my thought are just that my thoughts Im glad you are not quitting bc I enjoyed your work...but it should be something you dont feel pressure doing but something you can enjoy....write when you want or feel the passion to do so
im glad that ur not quitting aff. take your time and enjoy ur break. u earned it. we will support you with whatever ur decision is. fighting!!
Somehow, I can understand what you feel. I lost my passion in writing since I come to AFF. But, I found many story that give me so many feels like yours. So, good luck for your study, authornim. Your life is more important. I'll wait for your another story. Fighting!
Yes, I read the last line :) And unnie, i just wanted to tell you that whatever decision you go with, i'll support you :D Take your time and give yourself a break ;) but good luck!
fiekavictory #15
yes, i read till the last line :) dun worry, whatever your decision i'll support you.. i love reading your fics, u did a very good job all this time authornim.. sory, im not someone who good at comforting people, so erm i juz wanna say, take your time, and give yourself a break :)

gooodluck with your life authornim! hwaiting!!