Annoying, unnecessary whinings of a graphic-designer wannabe

If someone didn't get it, the title is about ME and not others xD I once again had no idea what to put there *shrugs* Okay, so before anything. I don't want anyone to think that I'm under the impression that I'm the best ever and that all my posters are coool because nope, they aren't. Actually, some of them are so bad that I wish to print them only so I can tear them to pieces.

However, for the past month or so (although I admit, with my on shop's posters I had been really really slow) I have been sort of... neglected? Not in the way that people don't request, they do, in fact, quite a few times although I only work in a few shops + mine. However, no one ever picks the posters up. Because of the new feature of aff, I could see that in my own shop, some of the posters hadn't.even.been.viewed.

Honestly, I know that many other designers are going through this at the moment and I admire you all for never making rants about it but right now I seriously..snapped. So, okay, these days I've been making a bit..worse posters than before, I admit. But... I accept redos and it's not like I want an hour long comment about what the requesters like on the poster or not. I just want a 'thanks', that's all.

I'm really sure that those who requested from me don't even read this but... really, this is just a bit.. saddening. I just don't like it when I try for hours (even if I fail) and everything I do is just so I can say that 'another poster that's not needed'. I kinda wish to be really good so people would actually at least tell me if they won't pick the posters up.

Really, that'd be good enough for me.

Sorry to the other designers who might have felt offended or annoyed by this. I'm just upset cause of this matter and felt like writing it down would take away some of the stress.

On a lighter note, just because why not, here's what I made these days. Only a few because I was focused on writing (the drabble in the previous blog of mine and a oneshot and NAW and and..okay, nothing else besides Hot Farmers but well that's a parody so that


(I think this was in another blogpost before xD whatever xD)



That's all. Umm... thanks for those who read the post..?


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Your work is really nice! It's neat and simple >3< I love them! I'm surprised I haven't noticed them before???? Anyways, I hope you get more acknowledgment! Bc you seriously deserve it!
disrespectful people
I hope u get the respect and acknowledgement u deserve and good luck with your graphic making <3 ~
you're one of my fave artist and I'm cheering on you, ne?
hwaiting <3 ~
I think your posters are beautiful ^-^