If EXO were reaped for the Hunger Games

Xiumin : Ooh! Me? What am I supposed to do? { Puffs out cheeks } 


Luhan : Strategy all planned! Just pout in front of them and maybe, just maybe they'll take pity on a cutie like me


Kris : Oh wells...better make out with the girls so they don't kill me { Streches arms and cracks knuckles } 


Suho : Ahhhhhhhhhhh! This is a joke right? That scared me.


Lay : Huh?


Baekhyun : If they so much as touch my eyeliner, oh they gonna pay real bad { Strikes diva pose } 


Chen : Is this where we get food?


Chanyeol : I'll scare them all away { Flashes creepy face } 


D.O : { Blinks for a while } Okay


Tao : I'll go all aegyo mode on them and then when they're not looking...WHAM! Wushu attack


Kai : My abs brings all the girls to the yard, and they're like I won't kill you. Damn right! I'm so y!


Sehun : { chin } Hmm?


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lol @ Lay, always so ignorant... XD