°•. Wu Yi Min .•° ✾ °•. ß∊ɑʊʈɭƴ .•°

{Panda3093} ✾ {Abz/Panda} ✾ {8.5/10}
Wu Yi Min
Nickname/s: Mui-mui ; Kris, it means "little sister" in Chinese(Canto.) as she calls him "Go-go" for older brother | Min ; most classmates, it is just easier to call her Min than Yi Min | Minnie ; Zelo and Chen, cause they like to , since she hates the nickname
Other name/s: Michaela {English name}
Age: 18 {4/04/1995}
Languages: English + Chinese(mother tongue): Fluent | Korean: Conversational
Nationality/Ethnictiy: Chinese//Chinese
Height/Weight: 168 cm // 55 kg
Birthplace: Guangzhou, China
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Grade: 3
Fine Arts
Extra Drama
Sports; Volleyball & Badminton
How long have they been at Jeonjung for?: for about 2 years and the beginning of her third at the moment..
Do they like/dislike it? Why?: she does not like it at the school. It's not good for her state of mind. With so many around, so much drama, so much noise; she can't handle it all. Sooner or later she will snap.
How are they treated there?: she is treated as an outsider. A loner, no less. she does not associate herself with anyone. she tries her best to not get associated with anyone. It's for their and her own good.
Faceclaim: Kang Hyeyeon
Gallery: :3
Backup: Song Mira
Style: at home- she wears something comfortable. Sweats/pajamas are really just the best option for her, though it's not the most lady-like thing to wear, she just finds it very conforting and easy to move around in.
Work- she works at a library, for the sole reason of her not having to talk or interact with many. It's a quiet and nice place to be, silence is her friend and she likes it. The silence keeps her calm, and that way she won't/has less of a chance to "switch." She wears comfortable clothing, not as comfortable as at home, but she may just wear a pair of jeans(never wears a dress or skirt) and a sweater with a t-shirt. She dresses in neutral colors for the most part.
Weekend- she goes casual, that is if she is going out. She will just wear jeans and a t-shirt, nothing fancy, nothing special. She mostly works on her weekends as well.
School- she hates wearing skirts with a passion, and the school so happened to have a girl uniform with a skirt. So the only way she could "get out" of wearing a skirt is that she just wore spandex or leggings under it.. Hey, at least she could move around in it without the worry of having someone see her underwear.
Homewear: 1 / 2 / / 4 / 5
Work: 1 / 2 / 3
Weekends: 1{except she would wear sneakers} / 2{no purse/bag} / 3 
Extra: scar on her back from an accident (it's a guy's back, but just using the scar)//she and her family got into a car accident when she was around 10 years old. They were driving back from a trip on a rainy and dark night. Then the car slipped, impacting with another car. Her brother, mother, and father were all badly injured and she was no exception. She had a big gash down her back from breaking metal and glasses just impaling her back and luckily just missing her spinal cord. When she woke up in the hospital, all she remembered was blacking out when something hit her back. Everything else is a blur.
Secret: Dissociative Identity Disorder {multiple/split-personalities disorder}
What/how/when/why?: She has always had it, since she was born. She was born with this mental disorder, but nothing had happened until she started her education. It happened during her first month of Kindergarten. She was just any ordinary overly happy and hyper child, with a love for doing hands-on activities and running around. But, it wasn't until a "small" and "unharmful" fight broke out between a small boy and a girl.Yi Min had felt compelled to help, so she did. She stepped up and helped the young girl who was being bullied and taunted by the young boy for not having both her parents. Yi Min told the boy to stop, but he wouldn't. He kept speaking and even questioning why Yi Min stood up for the young girl. He wouldn't shut his mouth, and as each word escaped the hole of his face, her anger grew. She clenched her fists and teeth then looked down to the floor.
She couldn't calm down, her anger level was already pass being normal. She..snapped. She went limp for a few seconds. Her expression turned dark, and for a second she said nothing, not even arguing with the boy anymore. He felt haughty and thought she gave up until...a dark chuckle emitted from her. She looked up and her facial expression did not look as comforting or welcoming as before. As though the girl there before had just left her. She started to speak and her words felt like stabs to the young boy. Her words were full of venom and it hurt him each time. The boy started to cry out loudly, but Yi Min didn't stop, she kept going with her harsh words.

This was not Yi Min speaking, it was someone else. It was her voice, but the speech and tone did not at all sound like her's. This was a new side to Yi Min, a darker side that was locked away. A side that has just been released and revealed. The teachers finally came over to tend to the young boy. The situation made it look like Yi Min was the bully and started it all. Though, she was only helping the girl in the beginning, deep inside, that "helping" turned into "competition" to win over the boy. And she did just that. But, she would have to pay the price.
Yi Min only snapped out of her trance when she wouldn't stop running , she was ultimately slapped across the face after a while of the teachers trying to keep her quiet, stop her and even threaten the girl.Yi Min went limp again, and unlike before, she did not wake p so quickly. She had passed out from all the energy she used up when yelling at the boy. She did not wake up until a few hours later. And even then, when she woke up, she remembered nothing after the first time she went limp. It was as though the whole scene of her making the boy cry was erased or nonexistent in her memory. Meaning, her brain and common sense had shut down for those couple of minutes of her "switch."
Personality traits: stubborn, fearful, quiet, anti-social(is that a trait??), distant/"closed-off," intelligent, dense, hesitant, secretive...changed state: sarcastic, outgoing, witty, loud, opposite of her true self, brutally honest, blunt, and uncaring
Personality: She is...distant. That is the main trait to describe this lonely girl. But, she doesn't care. She distances herself from others on purpose. She doesn't want to associate herself with anyone else; she minds her own business and doesn't want ANYONE to get invovled. It's only for the best. At least, that is what she believes. She holds a dark secret that is only within the family. Her secret is seen as a disgrace. She knows it, and her mother isn't afraid to remind her of that. She has split-personalities. It is a rare mental disorder that is highly dangerous. For the sole reason of not wanting anyone to find out and to not hurt another again(check reason for her secret above) she keeps a safe distance from everyone. She is alone, but it was mostly by choice. She doesn't want to be seen as a freak with this issue, yet it's better to be seen as a loner and loser than freak it seems.
✾ She is fearful. As stated above, she is scared...scared of others knowing of the true Yi Min. Since the truth will only hurt them. They would be into her situation and she doesn't want that. The reason they left China and went to Canada was to start a new. So that no one there would know of her secret. She is scared of who she truly is. She must hide it. She must be a good girl and keep it in within herself. She must control her anger and urges for the "inner Yi Min" to break out. She can't let anyone in. Into her situation or..into her heart. If someone went deeply into her mind and thoughts, they would not even understand half of what she is feeling. No one understands where Yi Min is coming from, or who she truly is. The only person close was her brother. He tried to understand her. Yi Min is alone, her mind is full of confusion, fear, and the wish to run away from it all. To run away from the truth. From reality. But she knows that wish is too good to be true. That she must live in her fear forever.
✾ She is quiet. She is alone. She has no one to talk to. Being a loner means you are alone, and that is what she is. She is alone. All by herself. Once her brother left for college, he left Yi Min behind to huddle in a corner alone and stay silent. She is a wallflower. She tries her best to blend in with the scene. The last thing she wants is to stand out and expose herself to the world. She is not ready to do that. She doesn't know if she will ever by "ready." So, for now she must stay silent. Not make a peep. Keep quiet and everything will be okay. Or will it?
✾ An anti-social. She refuses to associate herself with anyone. The only person she talks to is her brother. Well, before he left that is. So it is a huge hardship for her when she must attend these parties to represent her family's company. She does it for her parents only, since the real reason is that if she could run away and never go to one of those big parties, she would. But, her brother is no longer there, so she must take his place. She can't stand those snooty and stuck-up people though. She is used to being around rude, obnoxious gloaters, but a room full of old and middle-aged versions of them is too much. She thought school was hell, well these events are on a whole different level. She tries to stay out of everyone's way, keep to herself mostly. And if the unfortunate chance of someone actually talking to her happens, she would smile(the best she could) and speak about her family's company, just as her parents have told her. Nothing more, nothing less. [b/n: sorry if I rambled in this paragraph]
✾ She is hesitant. She thinks before she acts. She doesn't want to make any mistakes. Cause even the smallest mistake could lead to consequences. She is scared and hesitant to become close to anyone. To speak even, is a choice. She must think it through and think of what her actions may lead to. She doesn't want to rush into things without thinking about it. She knows that would just be a bad idea. Her secret is what stops her from doing anything. It is what stops her from trusting others.It stops her from loving anyone. She has never learned what love was.
✾ Though she is quiet, that doesn't mean her brain is(if that makes any sense). She is smart, academically that is. She loves to read and through that she learns of new words, people's actions and how people respond to things. She is a distant girl so she doesn't much no how to interact with others very well, all she knows is to push them away. So, through books she learns of how people react to certain things and how to treat another. What the good and bad is considered, she knows of it, but has never experienced any of these scenes that she reads so much about. Her reading and self-learning has made her knowledge grow. She is a smart girl and is one of the best in her classes. Her reading has also enhanced her creativity. She has a passion for art, and through art she expresses her thoughts, feelings, and what she would like to experience. But, her paintings are only pictures.
✾ Of course through the many books she has read, she has come across some love novels. Through that she has learned of what kissing, hugging, among other things are. She knows of all these actions, but has never experienced them, of course. So she does not know what "love" is truly like. Making her dense to the feeling of loving another. So she does not truly know what love is. And a book cannot even teach her that. Without knowing what it feels like, she cannot tell if she has even had "feelings" for anyone. The closest she has got to experiencing love was for her older brother, so at times she gets confused family love with loving another that is not of the family (so she wonders if she LOVES her brother).
✾ When she "snaps," EVERYTHING changes. Her whole personality turns a whole 180 degrees and she is not the quiet girl she was, anymore. Her personality turns "sour." She becomes loud and very outgoing. A girl that isn't scared to speak her mind. When in this stage, she will speak her mind withOUT any hesitation. She will give everyone her opinion on everything, whether they like it or not. And no one can speak against her (besides saying "Hey! It's none of your business!") because everything she says is the truth. No matter which state, she does not lie. She is brutally honest. She will give her exact opinion without sugar coating her words. Of course this just means her words are straight to the point and, most of all, quite hurtful. Her words are blades, just stabbing at the hearts and egos of others. If you piss this girl off enough and make her "snap," just remember what YOU got yourself into.
✾ In her changes state she is HIGHLY sarcastic and witty. With her words, she is able to make grown men cry. Her words are laced with venom(metaphorically, of course) and as it "pierces" through others, they will drop down, stunned. When she changes, it is almost as though the once quiet girl side of her was never there in the beginning. She is a whole different person. She DOESN'T care of how anyone feels, she only cares of her own thoughts when in this phase. She doesn't show and remorse to what she says. She only will give a smirk as a response to the person crying. This being the reason why she doesn't want to snap. She has heard of her attitude, her personality when she changes. She doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore. She knows how hurtful she can be in this phase. So, she distances herself so no one would have to experience it again. It's her burden, she doesn't want anyone in. But, if someone gets too close to her. If someone pisses her off too much, there is no doubt she will change.
Background: She was born into the Wu family where she had a mother, father, and older brother. She was a little child like any other. She loved to run around, was very energetic and always seemed hyped up on sugar. She was a happy and fun child. She loved to see others smile; just knowing others smiled made her feel warm and good inside. She loved the warmth she received from those around her. As a kid, she was very outgoing and social. She had many friends from just her loud and welcoming aura. She was content. She was happy.
But fate had played a cruel, cruel trick on this girl. Little did she, or anyone, know this girl had a horribly rare mental issue. But, it became apparent to everyone one fateful day. (check above on the "what/where/why/when/how?" sect.). She remembered nothing of that day except what happened before she out the first time. After that day, she tried to go back to things as though it never happened, but fellow classmates were now scared of her. The boy had told everyone of how much of a "monster" she is, of what she did to him. Even the girl, she helped was scared of Yi Min. Her "friends" ignored her and looked at her with faces of fear. She was soon alone. Just one little thing can have such a big effect and impact on so many people.
When Yi Min was starting Middle school and her brother was starting high school, the whole family moved out of China and moved to Canada. There they all decided to start a new, all except Yi Min. Her parents' business flourished and became a big enterprise in Canada that soon traveled down to the U.S. Her brother was as popular as always, being a social guy, he was able to fit in quickly. But, Yi Min, she distanced herself. Like how others distanced themselves from her back then, this time she made her best effort to not get too close to anyone. She did this to make sure no one got hurt again, but deep down she knew it was so that she couldn't be hurt again. She believed it was better to escape it than have to go through the pain again. She didn't want to be seen as a "freak" anymore. Once was enough. She hated those looks of fear and disgust, it was as though she was a "monster." Her second phase serves as a nuisance. Her second phase and mental issue took everything away from her. Her smile. Her friends. Her life. All gone; but, she somewhere within her heart, she feels..no, knows her second phase is a deep, hidden feeling within her that she has tried to push down, but she knows it's there still. They are hidden feelings of how she truly feels, just waiting to come out. But, even as an urge, she knows she can't reveal it. "For her, and everyone's, own good."
Father / Wu Mingyao / 52 / CEO + co-founder of Wu Interprise / she used to be a "daddy's girl" and was the one of the only people to support and help her through her issues. But as their enterprise grew, he became much more busier and had no time to be with the family anymore. She rarely talked to him anymore, and once she distances herself from people, her father had just unconsciously fell into that category. They are no longer as close as they used to be. / alive
Mother / Wu Yi Lin / 48 / CEO + co-founder of Wu Interprise / her mother was everything a "perfect" mother could be. Caring, helpful, loving, but the thing was, it all felt fake. It was as though it were just for show, just so that it seems she is a caring mother. And Yi Min was right, it was all just an act. As the two parents became busier, her mother's fakeness became more prominent as the stress increased. Her mother started to treat Yi Min as a nuisance and would slap her if she did even the smallest thing wrong. Yi Min hated being hit, she thought it was the worse, so she started to distance herself from her mother as well. But, though she was never loved by her mother, even from the beginning, she stilled loved her mother deeply, because it was the only one she had. / alive
Older brother / Wu Yi Fan//Kris / 20 / College student / he had always been there, by her side when everyone else had left. He promised to always protect her, make sure she is never hurt. And she believed him, because he meant it. For the most part. Kris was the perfect older brother towards Yi Min, and unlike their mother, he wasn't faking it, it was genuine love. Kris was the only one that was able to help Yi Min out of her "switch" without having to hurt or physically slap her out of it. If she just heard his voice and if he told her to stop, it would strangely make her feel calm, relax, comforted, and safe. Kris was her safe haven. She felt so happy around him. So, of course, it hurt her the most when he had to go away for college and leave her behind. / alive
Friends: {none, refuses to actually get to "know" people}
relation / name / age / occupation / interactions
✾ silence
✾the night sky and stars // she feels calm when she looks up into them
✾astronomy // goes along with her love for stars
✾fine art // fave mediums are ink, pencil, water color, pastels(chalk, oil, etc), and acrylic
✾art museums//always wanted to go to France, America, and other worldy places to go and see the museums there
✾hot chocolate//chocolate is the only sweet thing she likes
✾Japanse and Korean culture
✾cute things //her secret obsession
✾the library
✾her older brother//the person that can help calm her down(w/o physical violence) and help her snap out of her second phase, she is quite close with him and was sad/scared when he left for college
✾loud people and noises//just irritates her, so she can't stay around many people for long (which is a trouble for when she must attend parties/formals for the family company)
✾her mental issue//she knows she has it of course, but she just doesn't remember it, she has just been told of having it (she thinks it's a huge nuisance and reason for her being anti-social and keeping a distance)
✾being around annoying and preppy people//it only gets her irritation up, but it's hard to avoid them with a school full of them
✾getting in trouble//that's the last thing she wants
✾sadness and crying//she hates to cry and she doesn't want others to cry, cause she just has this gut-wrenching feeling that it is ALL her fault
✾sweet or sour/bitter things//besides chocolate of course
✾back-stabbers, cheaters, liars//she doesn't want to get herself involved with them most of all, she just knows it leads to trouble
✾whining, squeals, complaints//only makes her angrier(most of the things on this list just makes her angry)
✾skirts + dresses//thinks they are useless and a nuisance as no one can do anything in them
Chen/Kim Jongdae//his cocky and jokester personality is troublesome and loud, she doesn't appreciate his presence, but she finds him secretly amusing and fun to be around(of course she tries to surpress those thoughts and feelings)
The weird/bad feeling she get when she sees others around Chen or Zelo//she doesn't know of the feeling "Jealousy" since she has never experienced it before, so she thinks that she is just sick
✾running//she likes to exercise and pretend that if she pushes herself and runs farther that she can actually escape reality and her problems
✾drawing//she likes to draw people the most
✾reading//she likes to read to learn, think and as a calming mechanism
✾listening to music//keeps her calm and relaxed, she likes to listen to pop and ballads(pop, mainly K-Pop, cause it's catchy and ballads cause it's soothing)
✾moans in her sleep
✾reflexively physically and emotionally pushes someone away if they are getting too close to her(physically and emotionally)
✾usually keeps a stoic expression on
✾stays up late//she usually climbs to the roof of their house at night to just look at the night sky(this is when everyone is asleep and everything is finally silent, which is not common in Seoul)
✾people finding out her secret//the last thing she wants is to be taunted and seen as a freak. So she secludes herself; she is seen as a loner, but at least she isn't seen as a freak.
✾fear of breaking her hand//and being unable to pursue in art
✾ambidexterous (but she mainly draws with her left hand)
✾was home-schooled up until middle school
✾a great artist//but doesn't let people touch her sketchbook, let alone look through it
✾never dated or had her first kiss//how could she is she is distancing herself
✾dense to love
✾allergic to cigarette smoke//her wind pipe starts to close and she can't breathe
✾does not squeal or moan//reason, cause she hates it(check in dislikes)
✾sometimes she accidentally falls asleep on the roof//cause she stays up late to see the night sky(when it's clear) and just passes out. But she never falls cause she doesn't move around and the roof is a flat surface
✾she has learned martial arts//way to relieve anger(but only uses it, ever, for self-defense)
✾she is NOT a girly-girl at all//she has a tomboy image of wearing mostly just jeans and never skirts.
✾she is not timid//she is just distant.

✾artist//loves art with a passion, she sees art as a way to express how she is feeling, since it's hard for her to say it in words
✾writer//likes books, loves to read, and would like to write one, one day
✾psychiatrist//just cause she knows how hard it is to deal with her own issue, so she wants to help others one day, as well
Love interest: Choi Junhong//Zelo
Age/grade: 18 {3}
PersonalityNot the smartest, but his nice and sweet guy persona makes up for it. He is the happiest and sweetest guy one will ever meet in the school. He is very kind, caring, and is childish in a sense. He is a pretty innocent guy that loves to goof off and fool around. He is pretty laid-back and goes with the flow of things. Loves to help out others and is as loyal as a dog. He is childish since he does "whine" at times and acts like a cute kid that likes to roam around free and fall back on the grassy field. Of course, as a "child" he is also very curious. He has a need to find out something that interests him. His stubborn personality won't let the thought of that "interesting thing" go until he figures it out. Basically, when something catches his interest, he must know what it "is" and everything about it.
He gets easily jealous and cannot hide his emotions well. When angry/jealous, he puffs out his cheeks and pouts a bit with furrowed brows. When happy he smiles widely. He can be as open as a book and though he tries to deny his feelings, it doesn't help his situation. Though he is only a teenager and doesn't know much on what actual "love" is, when he thinks/believes that he is pretty damn close to feeling that way about a person, he will do anything in his power to make her smile, laugh, and feel safe.
Interactions: She treats him like everyone else. She pushes him away, keeps a safe distance with the guy, and even offers to do the whole damn project alone. But this guy can't take a single hint. He won't back off and instead just follows along. Even when they do meet up to work on the project, it usually turns to Yi Min doing all the work, while Zelo sits and watches. She doesn't know how this guy's mind works, but she sure can see why he needs help. However, of course while she is working, she can't look back and see the curious glances he gives her. But, she does feel as though she is constantly being stared at, which is uncommon for a girl like her.
Relationship: Strangers
Meet/met: They are unfortunately in the same science class. In science, the teacher was giving a project that included having...partners. Ultimately, Yi Min was no glad about this, the last thing she wanted was to have to work on a project with a stranger(aka classmate) for weeks. Anyways, she and this guy named Junhong were assigned as partners (teacher's choice). Really, the reason for them being partners was that Junhong really needed the grade. He wasn't exactly "failing," but he wasn't on the exact verge of what many consider "passing." So, the teacher thought Yi Min could help the guy pass, since she was one of the smartest in the class (the teacher obviously does not know of her disorder, no one does). Of course, she couldn't say no to a school project, so she put up with the whole "partner thing." Though, she did offer MANY times that she could do the whole project for both of them(not that she was thrilled on doing a project alone, it was just better than doing it with anyone). But, he declined her "kind" offer and said he would assist. Oh, joy.
Their status: Yi Min is a secluded girl, so she tries to keep her distance from as many people as possible. She is single and likes to keep it that way.
Zelo is a taken man..err..boy..guy? Anyways, he is dating this girl that he is to "marry" one day, under his parents' words. He is to marry her one day for the sake of his family's company. His and his gf's family are business partners and some of the most powerful people in Korea, so it would only make sense to put their power together to achieve a lot more.
Love requests:
 working on the project, and as much as she is trying to push him away and keep a distance; it doesn't work cause he is also stubborn and keeps insisting he can help her.
 she snaps in front of him, he sees her secret?? He tries to help her as much as he can; but, he doesn't know what to do...
✾ the two meeting at one of those "all companies" events, where all enterprises, companies, industries, etc must attend. It was mandatory and of course Yi Min couldn't escape it. Zelo sees her and goes up to talk to her. Though she shuns him and tries to get away from him, he just grabs her arm and pulls her out of the event's main ballroom and brings her to the great outdoors. Where the nightsky is clear.
Age/grade: 17 {3}
Personality: The beautiful queen of the school. She is one of the well known girls that are of the "popular crowd." She is wealthy and her family is well known around Korea. She rules the schools with her persuasive words and charm. Guys yearn for her, as girls want to be her. She may look nice on the outside, but she is a theif and cliche mean girl on the inside. But, that's not how she sees it, of course. She thinks she is just helping out the school, keeping people in their places and making sure they "stay there." She "worked hard" to get to the top, and she won't let anyone take her spot. Especially a loser like Yi Min. She wants what's "best" for the school, even if that means knocking down a few pegs. She has connections and she can ruin your life, if she wanted. She mainly cares for herself and gets what she wants. This is probably the effect of her being constantly spoiled as a younger child, she was an only child so she received all the love from her parents. She gets what she wants, no further questions.
Interactions: Yi Min tries to keep her distance from this girl(from everyone actually) and tries to never get in any of the queens' ways, cause it will only anger her if she gets in trouble with any of them. So she stays in the back for her(and their) own good. She has no reason to hate or detest any of them so, she feels absolutely nothing towards Luna or any of the other queens. On the other hand, Luna notices the quiet girl at times and tries her best to embarass her in some way, just to show/prove that she is nothing special and so Zelo can see how much of a humiliation Yi Min "is." Whenever they cross paths, Yi Min pays no mind to Luna, as Luna looks to Yi Min with disgust, as though she were last season's shoes (lolz, i'm so sorry >.> i had to xDD).
Why they're your rival: this high and mighty girl in no way feels scared of such a lonely loser like Yi Min. In fact, she feels that Yi Min is just not staying in "her place." So of course, as one of the queens of the school, she must make sure everything and everyone is in order, right? So, she makes sure Yi Min and Zelo(another poular guy in school) keeps a safe distance from one another. In no way are Zelo and Luna connected. But, she does happen to have a crush on him. She(and everyone else) knows how he is a taken guy by another one of the queens of the school, but that won't stop this girl from flirting with him. No harm done, right? She has learned to put up with Zelo's gf, but she can't stand the "disgusting" sight of Yi Min, a loner, talking and "socializing" with him. She doesn't feel intimidated by Yi Min, she just feels that Yi Min is walking on some dangerous and uncharted territory, and that Yi Min should leave before something bad happens.
Scene requests??:
✾ Luna slaps Yi Min for getting too close to ___(Love Interest), ultimately making Yi Min "snap" into her 2nd/hidden phase??
Backup: Son Naeun
Comments: {while I was writing this I was listening to "Let it Go" from the movie "Frozen" and I thought it fit the character I was writing xP I don't know why, I just thought it fit pretty well with her keeping a secret and secluding herself from others} just hope it's good enough (I am 100% positive that there is SOMETHING wrong with this app. I can just feel it in my bone O_o). sorry for any errors >.< if i'm missing something, or you want me to change something, just tell me and i will ^_^
✾ having an annual school wide event, maybe??? *shrugs* sorry, not good with scene requests >.> (that Yi Min can't escape from ad must participate in)
Suggestions: none, sorry...
Anything else?: no??
Thank you for applying!
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