I'm getting tired of...




I'm thinking of quitting. shall I?


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joyzly12 #1
NO unnie T____T I will miss you .. just take a break :)
Just take a rest, I'll miss you if you quit. :))
dockie8ph #3
don't quit, u just need a breather!
ramAppler27 #4
noooooo!!you can just take a break...
centurygirl #5
:'( :""""(
dont do that :(
T________________T why unnie T___T
xacy07 #7
No.... Just take a break..because if you quit,we totally will miss your stories.
krxo35 #8
Take a break for now... If its about writing you don't need to always update...
Thank you for sharing your stories with us :)
Unnie!!!!! Wae??? Please don't... u've been one of my inspirations since day 1 Please unnie T.T
FYExoticBlackjack #10
Why on earth are you getting tired of aff? I thought you liked being here? Don't go!!! Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
favoritewords #11
If it what makes you happy then go ahead, but if you ever think of going back- then we'll be here to welcome you back. c: I just want to thank you for your wonderful stories that made us happy/giddy/curious while reading it. <3 hohohoho~
tbd_07 #12
Awwwwww whatever you do. Do what makes you happy. If i were you. Id chil for a bit then just be back when you feel like it. Write because you want to not because you need to. Okay??? Thats what writing is all about. Its passion and you have the talent for it. ♡♡♡ hugs!! XX
Gingerz #13
We can only say to really go with what you truely feel....dont feel pressured to write regular updates...writting should be a joy not feel like a job..if you feel the need to quit for good or take a much needed break then do so..you have to do whats best for you..if you do so decide to quit your writtings will be missed but it is about what you feel like you need to do!
assess your feelings. If you really don't feel having an acct. in AFF, then listen to what your heart is saying. We'll always be here for you authornim :D
gezzz >.> just take some break and relax..quit this drama ..kekekeke power hug >(-0-)< for your my dear authorin. ^^ i'll be waiting for you..