Im sorry everyone

Im sorry for yesterday's blog post. I was sorta having a break down and I didn't know what to do, and that was what sort of hurt me. Again, I'm sorry for worrying some of you over something as petty as my break downs.


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it's okay mimi-ah...*hugs u tightly* just don't keep it in and talk to me whenever u want
MizzPeel0007 #2
That is O.K as long as you are feeling better now, at least you have people to talk to.
CraZyDreamer_lord #3
It ain't petty.Cheer up.:D
12a43689 #4
I really hope you're okay!

But seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here! *smothers in a hug*
*hugs* not sure if u got yur matter solve but i hope u feel better. remember to smile cuz u nvr knows when someone is in love with yur smile :)
Take care of yourself. :(
Don't ever say that your breakdowns are petty. You have emotions, just like everyone else on this site and on this earth. We can't stop ourselves from having these emotions, but we can learn to control them if we just try. Please don't feel bad anymore...
BunnyBandit16 #9
Baby your break downs aren't petty so don't say that, okay? *hug you tightly* unnie was worried about you..*smile* but I'm happy that you're okay~
It's not petty we will always be here for you so don't worry and am here if you ever wanna talk okay
*hugs* we love you, hun <3
*attacks you with hugs* THEY ARE NOT PETTY! *kisses you on your forehead* *squishes your cheeks* My little baby is okay~ *cradles you in my lap*
exo_baozi #13
Ne dicant semper.