Why do Laptop's hate me?

So, my laptop old faithful 'Daiki-sama' (oh those Hey! Say! JUMP days), 's keyboard stopped working. Then I borrowed my sisters so I could still write and update for you guise, I saved up 700 pounds and finally got the Laptop (and Microsoft) I needed... however it wasn't the one that I wanted and was pressured into buying it because my sister wanted her laptop back, it was a Sony VIAO and a windows 8 too... I dont like Windows 8, never have, never will-- but I gave it a chance since it was touch screen and apparently worked better like that! Well, 3 weeks later... i turn it on to watch a bit of Reply 1994 and guess what? IT DOESNT SWITCH ON! I was huffing and puffing, then I plugged in the power cable and it came on, but wouldn't boot up properly... saying it was 'repairing' something or another! 

Anyway, I took it back to the shop I brought it from and got a full refund. So now I'm saving up the rest of the money to get a Macbook Pro. And no one will change my mind!!!!!!!! GRR 



(until that time comes I'm back to using Old Faithful Daiki-sama, whose working a little better than before but still not great, please be patient with me subber-dubbers -.-)


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