Read if you're in the little Secret Santa thing I'm running. (Please)

Hi everyone.


Now I know that my constant blog posts are annoying, but what can I say? I love writing annoying boring that nobody actually cares about...


That being said, I'd appreciate it if you read this:


I know that I am very behind on posting Secret Santa fics and I want to explain that to you. Obviously y'all know that I've only just handed in my last piece of coursework so I was busy up until basically yesterday and then last night my housemates and I cooked a massive meal to share, since we were all leaving for hometowns today!

Then, today, I've had a two hour journey home and have wanted to spend a little time with my family before I started writing again today. Now the late nights and hard work the past few days has just caught up to me, I'll sleep so much tonight T.T. From now on I'll be a lot more active though! Promise <3


Also, there is another reason why fics aren't being posted constantly - I'm trying to spread them out so that every fic gets at least a few hours of being the most recently posted oneshot (I know people don't have time to read all of the ones posted everyday, so they may just read the most recent). 

I'm posting the next chapter whenever the previous one has like 3/4 comments. No, I'm not begging for comments - they aren't even my stories! I just think that every story should have comments so the author knows how awesome people think they are so I stress once again that it would be so freaking awesome if everyone could comment on the fics that they read (and read them all :P I have to!) even if you are usually a silent reader! Tehe, I hate to say this (I never would on my own fic) but more comments do actually mean quicker updates. (I hate myself for saying that).


Also, on the comment front, you may have noticed that I've added a comment part to the bottom of each oneshot and I am posting any comments that are directly related to the oneshot at the bottom there, the comment from the prompt giver gets their own little part :3 I think this is a good idea since it means that authors don't have to scroll through the comments list to try and find any related to their Secret Santa fic! Hehe, so yeah.


As I said above. i'll try to speed up from now on, but please appreciate that for each fic I post I read it, then proofread it, then I have to post and format it and add the comments part. I also have to go through my masterlist to find who the fic is 'for'. Then, I proof read it again and finally I post it. For some fics, the proofreading takes no time at all but for other people obviously I have to fully beta it, especially people who struggle with tense and grammar, this takes me a little while to go through. (I'm honestly not complaining, I love organising this and betaing is so fun! I'm just stating that obviously it does take a lot of time up).


On top of that I'm trying to keep up to date with private messages (but don't stress if you have a question, ask me! Or just message me if you have any fic recs or want to talk about anything. I like volcanoes and kpop the most!) as well as posting comments, the masterlist and my own fics! It's all fun (I'm a er that loves organising stuff like this!) but it is pretty time consuming (YAY FOR WINTER BREAK!).


Oh and on the topic of my own fics, you may have noticed that I am doing oneshot requests throughout December, so let me know a couple (INFINITE only) and genre/prompt/whatever that you'd like to read! I'm open to absolutely anything but I write humour, comdey and fluff better (I'm totally open to writing anything though - challenge me!)

Uber long blog post over! TL;DR = Read and comment. I try post fast but sorry if you wait, I'm not sat round twiddling my thumbs ;D Also oneshot requests. Comment here or pm like.


I love you all! <3



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Everyone has their real life commitments and if people can't understand that, then obviously they aren't mature enough to realize that life is usually more important than fandom stuff.

You're doing a fine job at keeping the updates consistent but giving enough time between them. (Though I really haven't had time to read any yet, so once my major exams are done, I'll be able to read some of them and hopefully comment on them.)

But yeah, just keep doing what you're doing and take it at your pace so you don't get burned out. And if you need to rant or blog about it, just do it. Stuff like this is hard and can be stressful, even when people are cooperating, so just do what you need to do.
You know, you are amazing!
The way you organize this and handle it, shows how much you care for the author of every oneshot! I really respect you for that! If u ever do such a thing again, i will join right away XD
Ohh and u got me to comment on every chapter i read now as well XD
(btw, where can i request?)
lol I haven't started mine yet. XDD I'll send it before christmas eve though. XPPP

I was actually surprised people already finished theirs. XDDD <== uni why are making things hard for me??!!

thank you for this event <3
It's ok!! December has just started, please don't rush yourself <3 thank you for doing all this!!! Good luck~~ ;D
That_Inspirit #5
It's all good! You should take your time, you're only one person after all! You organized all this for all the inspirits here so you shouldn't have to worry. We are so happy you did this, it's really unique and different here in AFF. Saranghae!
You keep worrying about updating, don't :D It's okay, you're human too lol. Just do it whenever you can
I have a habit of being a silent reader most of the time but I've been pretty active with my comments x3 Even though I don't comment on all of them I do read all of them because I honestly see no reason not to.
But I really love this secret santa and you're really awesome for making it! ^^
Aw, and we love you:) Dont worry, take your time. The secret santa thing is awesomeXD