NAME » Park Yuri
NICKNAMES » Byul ( by her friends due to her interest in stars ), Yulyeong ( means ghost and nicknamed so because of her bad associations with horror movies ), Man Hands ( her best friend because she inherited her father's hands) and Park Pokseol ( her family calls her by that at times as she loves to built snowmen, pokseol, every winter )
BIRTHDATE » September 26, 1995
BIRTHPLACE » Incheon, South Korea
ETHNICITY » Full Korean
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT » 165 cm and 53 kg
      Korean (fluent; native tongue) and English (conversational; learned it in school and from watching foreign shows)
LINKS » 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
LINKS » 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

THEY CALL ME MANNEQUIN » 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Yuri's style is simple and comfortable with a touch of femininity. Most of her outfits consist of elements such as a pair of skinny jeans with a nice shirt and a simple jacket, or she may take it a step further and go for skirts, blouses and waist belts. When it comes to fashion, she is open for experimentation and adding on details that makes her outfits more interesting and a part of herself. She is fond of simple accessories as too many bold elements would ruin it in her opinion. When it comes to her hair, she mostly wears it in a bun or a high ponytail, but she also goes for single braids or having it down, in which it curls naturally down her shoulders and back.
CHARACTER TRAITS » People pleaser, perfectionist, creative, honest, loyal
     PEOPLE PLEASER » Yuri has often found herself unable to say "no" when others ask for her help. She has always been the kind of person who wants to make everyone happy, get along with them and be their friend. She has a fear for rejection and abandonment, wanting to be there when you need her and always make sure she comes forward as a likable character. At times, this trait of hers has caused a great deal of misunderstanding, yet she finds herself unable to let it go. She's never sure whether people really care about or even think well of her at all, which makes her afraid of disappointing them
or making them sad.
     PERFECTIONIST » Whenever she knows she's good at something, she strives to be better. When she's bad at something, she wants to show that she has the potential to make it. Yuri is a hard-working and ambitious with high expectations towards herself and acts a bit like her own personal critic. This side of her is often used to her advantage, making her work looking even better than it would've been otherwise, but she can at times become a little obsessed at reaching success. She loves praise and works hard in order to keep it that way, but she also does it because she knows, deep within, that she is capable of it (if possible).
   CREATIVE » Yuri has always been someone with the dream of creating something. She's a deep thinker and has been a bit of an adventurous spirit, someone who wants to explore the world of her own mind and get it down on paper, either visually or with the power of words. She is often thinking outside of the box, finding alternative solutions and answers to a conflict. Normal is boring; she wants originality and more mystery during her everyday life.

    HONEST » Sometimes to the point of being harsh, Yuri has no problem expressing her opinion to those who ask for it. She can be bold when she speaks and is quite sarcastic with many comments in store due to her outspoken nature. She's a very bad liar, with habits and signs that reveal her almost right away unless she's with a more easy-to-trick kind of individual. She never holds back on information, but is no blabber mouth and knows (most of the time) when to keep shut.
     LOYAL » Honesty and trust are two elements that Yuri values above anything else when it comes to being in a relationship, be it family, friends or romantic partners. She is very open-minded and doesn't judge someone's character at first sight unless the impression is a truly powerful one. Yuri is a person who easily forgives others, sometimes even when they actually don't deserve it at all, but she is also the kind of person whom you can easily earn trust from, but once it's lost, it is very hard to get back. She has experienced being betrayed by people multiple times, which is why trust is especially important to this girl when making or breaking a bond.
BACKGROUND » Park Yuri was born on September 26, 1995, to Park Jiyong, a hospital director, and Im Yejin, a housewife and former model, in Incheon, South Korea. She is the middle child out of three siblings, two brothers, making her the only girl besides her mother. During her childhood, she was often spoiled rotten by her parents, especially her mother, who was so happy to have finally gotten a daughter like she wanted to. Her father was a bit absent from some parts of her life because of his busy life at work and workaholic tendencies, but they were still a united and happy family. Yuri was always a very active person. She'd be the child climbing in trees, running around and getting injures as she fell somewhere along the way, but this never stopped her from enjoying life itself. She was 13 when her family moved to her mother's oldest hometown, Yaksok.
When she began attending high school there, she became a much more of calm and collected kind of person. She found great interest in reading and writing, spending a lot of her free time plotting out stories and ideas for the future. Her parents never really noticed this interest of hers until she came home from school one day and told them, "I want to become a writer!" It was a surprising discovery to say the least, and her parents were hesitant on how to respond to it. They did come around, though. At least her mother, that is. Her father, who wanted a completely different career for his only daughter after the disappointment of his oldest son, protested and made it clear that it wasn't a good way of spending her future. She went against him, which she had never done before, and moved out of the house as soon as she graduated from high school.
LIFESTYLE » As of right now, Yuri lives in a two-bedroom apartment with her best friend from high school, Jiyoung. She attends a local university in Yaksok, majoring in Classical Literature with a minor in Communications & Media. During her time off, she likes taking a notebook and writing utensils to her favorite coffee shop and sit there for hours or go to the bookstore or to SM17E to help out in any way she can. When it comes to work, she works part-time at a bookstore and at a flower shop in order to pay her rent besides the financial support she gets from her mother.
  • Literature; it is currently her passion, and she wants to work with it sometimes in the future.
  • Coffee; her favorite drink besides tea and soft drinks.
  • Adventure; it's exciting and she likes the excitement of it.
  • Watermelons; perfect for hot seasons, she'll say.
  • Art; she enjoys a good piece of illustration and sometimes visits the closest gallery.
  • Weddings; she's secretly a bit of a romantic, it also gives her the opportunity to dress up and get some cake.
  • Manhwa (Korean manga); she loves reading it and the art itself - her favorite is Demon Diary.
  • Eyes; she has a thing for people's eyes and thinks of them as a source of inspiration.
  • Music; another source of inspiration - she believes it is is the modern lingua franca.
  • Boredom; it's boring, to keep it short.
  • Loneliness; she hates the thought of being left behind.
  • Alcohol; the smell makes her nauseous; she doesn't have a high tolerance of it anyway.
  • Rain; it's depressing and makes her want to write something angsty.
  • Cigarette smell; she is not a smoker and will never be one because of her experience with smoke.
  • Horror movies; it scares the hell out of her, gives her nightmares and makes her paranoid.
  • Impatience; while she isn't the most patient person herself, she doesn't enjoy it when people can't wait for even a few minutes. It makes her angry inside.
  • Acrophobia; fear of heights. She becomes paranoid and dizzy whenever she's more than two meters above the air. Good luck getting her to board a place.
  • Trypanophobia; fear of needles. She used to be extremely scared of going to the doctor or the dentist's office as a child. The objects they use scare her, and although the fear has settled a little in the last couple of years, she still gets very nervous when she has to visit either of them.
  • Aquaphobia; she has a hard time swimming and almost drowned once when her family was on vacation.
  • Writing down people's names, numbers and personal information on the back of her hand in order to remember.
  • Running her hand through her hair.
  • Biting her bottom lip.
  • Rapping in the shower.
  • Putting objects such as books and pillows on her head.
  • A closet cuddle (comes out when she sleeps)
  • Writing
  • Graphic design
  • Basketball
  • She's left-handed.
  • When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow whenever she went to sleep because she thought of them as protector of dreams and that they would blow away the bad ones
  • Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to crashing her bike down a hill during winter time
  • Donates blood almost every month
  • Enjoys sunflowers because they stretch towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck
  • Once her family went to Egypt, and her brother Sangchul "attempted" to sell her for a lot of camels
  • Her hair is naturally curly, but she straightens it sometimes because she finds her curls annoying
  • Used to have a more tomboyish style
  • Her ideal type is someone tall with a sense of humor who's not afraid of showing affection
      FATHER » Park Jiyong // 50 // Hospital Director // Yuri and her father have a bit of a rocky relationship. She loves him dearly like the father he is, but she did lose a little bit of respect for him when he protested against her wishes without even hearing her out. They both hesitate to call out to each other, lacking a proper conversation in years, but they keep in contact through her mother and both wish to reconcile someday. // 2
     MOTHER » Im Yejin // 47 // Housewife // Her relationship with her mother has always been a good one. She was always there whenever Jaehwa needed help with anything, acting as an advisor or simply being all ears. Jaehwa's mother is kind of the bridge between her and her father and seems to be a bit of a messenger with the qualities of a peacemaker. She wants a united family, not separated by bad history and wrong convictions of innocent dreams. // 4
    BROTHER » Park Sangchul // 23 // Chef // Yuri and Sangchul have always had a close relationship. They're each other's childhood buddies and have always been there for one another. Sangchul is kind of protective about his little sister while she enjoys teasing him about his failed parade of love stories. He is her personal cheerleader, always there to cheer her on. // 5
    BROTHER » Park Jiho // 18 // Student // Those two have a funny relationship. Jiho acts like this tough, masculine do-it-myself kind of guy who always gets the girl in the end, yet he has no trouble admitting that he is nothing without those around him. Loneliness is this guy's worst enemy, and he often ends up at her or her brother's apartment whenever he's away from home. // 4
      BEST FRIEND » Jo Jiyoung // 21 // Law student // They are roommates and very close to one another. Jiyoung likes to tease Yuri about her lack of relationships and is always there to support her in a time of need. Yuri is supportive of Jiyoung and always there to make food for her as Jiyoung is the cleaner. // 5
      NEIGHBOR » Lee Howon // 22 // Student // They have greeted each other in the hallway out of pure politeness from time to time, but had never really engaged in anything prior to that. Yuri finds him a little weird, but they have recently started hanging out more after she asked him to help him to help her out when it came to ideas and university life itself. They also have similar experiences with lack of approval from their paternal figures. // 3
      FRIEND » Lee Hyeri // 19 // Student // She was Yuri's junior back in high school and also Hyeri's tutor. They end up meeting each other some times to talk about the old days, and sometimes Hyeri even brings her much older boyfriend, Tony, which Yuri doesn't really mind other than feeling like a third wheel at times. // 3

      YAKSOK'S BALL OF SUNSHINE » Yuri finds her to be a great source of support and encouragement. They both like to see things in different shades of colors and sometimes find each other connecting due to their relations to art (her love interest and Yuri's dream) // 3

       YAKSOK'S STURDY HEART » They have been friends for a time now, and with her fighting for her own life, Yuri feels a little desperate to be there for her, to pray and hope that she will make it and achieve the things she desires to do. They sometimes tease each other a little due to their stubbornness. // 3
NAME » Jang Doyoon
NICKNAMES » Janghan (combination of Jang and ganghan, which means strong, because she admires his will and strength to go on) and Fashion Wiz (because he's like a wizard with his clothes)
BIRTHDATE » August 29, 1995
PERSONALITY TRAITS » Ambitious, sweet, hard-working, creative, unpredictable
HOW DID YOU MEET/MET » Yuri was at work at the flower shop when Doyoon came into the shop with an expression of wonder and curiosity. Finding him quite handsome, she was quick to interact with him and ask him the standard questions. Doyoon, who was there to look at the flowers as a way of finding inspiration with colors and shape, is a bit taken aback by the sudden friendliness, but is no less open about his real intentions; to get some inspiration. She responds, telling him that she knows what it's like and helps him out.
INTERACTION » Both Yuri and Doyoon have similar experiences with their families and their misleading expectations of them. Doyoon is a little surprised when he finds out that Yuri sees nothing wrong with him being into fashion, and they are there for one another to support their dreams. Yuri admires Doyoon for his determination, strength and willingness to continue on despite the opposition, and Doyoon finds her comforting to be around.


SCENE REQUESTS » Yuri watching Doyoon making another outfit for the show, and as they continue talking, they notice the distance between them gradually becoming smaller and smaller. They really want to kiss, but Yuri pulls back as she knows Doyoon needs all the focus and concentration he can get. (The girls interacting would be awesome, or different boys and girls plotlines that aren't just love interests!)
COMMENTS, SUGGEST, QUERIES » I was so happy when the application for this applyfic came out. I was still in school, so just imagine my excitement when I got the story update notification from AFF! I hope you don't mind my odd English, and I really look forward to seeing more of the story. I hope you like Yuri! ^^
PASSWORD » Like Seventeen



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