I am not alone, but why do i feel lonely?

I've been feeling down lately. Well not lately, but like for weeks.

I guess....





I've been not caring anymore that i'm avoiding being the hardworker like i used to be.

Maybe being a freshman is killing me or it's that i'm behaving adolescently 


i guess not caring became a habit. 

I know i don't make sense right now, but i need help.

I don't even remember when i was last time happy for longer than a minute.

I guess nothing does really last. 

Everyone eventually goes away





or it's me leaving them. 






I wished that i never held on so tightly....





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Gigi_L #1
Well honestly I haven't been feeling the best either.
I don't know why
I think it will eventually pass I guess
But with the help of God I'll get through it.
Stay strong and may God bless you.
Hey, it's okay...

The things we imagine in our head are never as bad as they are in real life. It's fine to cry and it's perfectly fine to feel down, as long as you can somehow get back up.

Happiness can't come easily, it never has. As children, we find it so easily, but as we grow we keep missing it even though it is plain in front of us.

Love the little things, and they'll become big things. Slow walks, blasting music, writing neatly, eating good food, snuggly hoodies, and more. If you keep loving and complimenting yourself for doing little things, soon you'll start on the big things.

Baby steps can turn into adult steps, just take as much time as you need. Be selfish for yourself, but don't hurt other people. Take peoples' advice, but don't let it steer and speed up your steps if you're not ready.