ChanBaek Idea + poster

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Idea:{please do not take}


"Byun BaekHyun is a 17 year old boy who can get pregnant. How? He was born a hemaphrodite, whos Parent's gave him away to a foster home. He only has the girl part where he can have periods and get pregnant. He sufferes everyday of being picked on from being a freak. But if one day a boy comes out of nowhere into his room and says he wants to make him feel loved. Take him back in time, and start a new life. A new life where Baekhyun is the only one of his own kind but must adapt to it. What will he choose? Happiness or Misery?"



How does that sound? let me know please!


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AptonKey #1
Not stealing.
Sitting in the foster home's room alone, Baekhyun started to cry once again. All of the children had laughed and called terrible names. So once again, Baekhyun let out all the tears that had accumulated. Tomorrow is his 18th birthday and he still couldn't grow out of old habits. It was nice to know that tomorrow he would be kicked out/ forced to leave. No one wanted to adopt a she-male. there had been plenty of times new couples had wanted 'him'. Yet every time they found out he was taken back and was yelled at.
A mysterious boy had entered the room. It didn't click to Baekhyun that his door was locked. And he walked over to Baekhyun.
"Come with me Baekhyun so we can start a life together"a surprisingly dead voice told him.
"I would love to, but where could I go, no one would want a she-male like me"
"Back in time, but you have to promise me you will act as a female"
"Why a female?"
"You will find out in time. Do you agree?"
AhSongyi #2's a great idea >.<