a present from Starlight!

Since I have now finished my first term of this year of uni, I want to do something fun! So how's this, if you comment on this blog post with something you want to read, I'll write it for you. Kind of like a Secret Santa but you'll know that I'm writing for you. Obviously I can't do LOADS but I'll do as many as I can whilst I'm on break :) I write humour and crack and fluff better but I'm open to any pairing or genre - my fave pairings are Woogyu, Myungyeol and Wooyeol, but I will honestly write anything for you amazing people! :3


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Myungyeol, prompt based off Kimi Ni Todoke manga where Myungsoo's a social pariah and Sungyeol is the popular baseball player that takes an interest in Myungsoo one day.

Or time travel fic where Sungyeol's a master swordsman from the Joseon dynasty who suddenly finds himself in the 21st century and falls for Myungsoo, who happens to be a pediatrician/pre-school teacher. (But he also happens to be the reincarnation or has some ancestral ties to the Queen that Sungyeol served for.)

And I'm actually working on one of your prompts now, and there is a possibility that you'll get one of your prompts written and another short fic as well with the same pairing.
Aish I wish I got to your post sooner, I feel like you now probably have too many requests. But it's worth a shot:) if you ever do get to it, I'd like to read a ty filled Christmas themed fic futuring myungyeol<3 :)
salflower #3
myungya juseyong ;_; I want fluffeh myungya hehe thank you ♡
I just want the prompt below me (darkreverie13's) now THAT seems interesting.
Myunggyu please.... drabble is fine

When everything falls apart, you keep me (the pieces) together....
boyfriendfan1 #6
Woogyu please, fluff and funny ♥
Aw your idea is so cute^^ I really wanna read a ty Myungyeol... xD or just Myungyeol, anything with Myungyeol :D I'm looking forward to it :))
i third a fluffy woogyu!
Oooooh sooo sweet of you ^-^ Even if you're busy, you still wanna do it :)
Myungjong~ just anything with Myungjong
Awww I just need to read all your fics anyway XD
Your own fic is in the process....heh heh.
You're so sweet!!! I'd ask for one, but I really should get your drabble written first.
MyungJong!!! I adore MyungJong <3<3<3