Miracles in december!

maybe Im a bit too late about this thing ....


well, i have exam this week started by yesterday, and heel the mv came out! i couldnt even concentrate at my study-_- 

and me and my exotic friend named Putri, being freak and spamming our class group on WhatsApp kkk. we didnt even care how many boys hate us because of we fangirl over Exo haha. So we screamed about how cuteeeee Kai with that adorable little puppy awww:3 

and sehun with his marvelous flowers:')

since my parents prohibite me to touch my laptop because of my damn exam, so i couldnt download the mv and i was just streaming at my phone and screaming and play it over and over again haha. 

its 11.24 pm in Indonesia and I silently took my laptop and then youtubing hehe. I've downloaded the audio format from youtube since the song doesnt come out on site right? i couldnt find it anywhere:( 

but now, i cant stop listening this Miracle in December!<33 

i dont care that i have math as my exam tomorrow. gotta sleep and keep listening to #miraclesindecember hehe.

so hows your opinion about Miracles in December, guys? Tell me:)


Xoxo, J.


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chulleh #1
omg i just knew you from indonesia .-. me too~~~ ^^ and i think you're in shs, arent you?.-. and since there're just a few school that started the test from yesterday, could we be in the same school? lol