❛ 〈 약속 〉 : HEART UPON HER SLEEVE // 채다소


  Chae Daso
 Chae Daso
message // vanny //5 // kind of. more fluent than mothertongue, but second language.

NAME » Chae, Daso,. Also known as Blaire Chae/Wu and Wu Leying.
-Chaeso, by her family, an affectionate tem

-Dada, by her friends, an affectionate term
-Miss Aish, by Hansol, an affectionate term, "Aish" taken from the curse word "Aishib@l".
-Daso Hyung, by neighbourhood children, for her headstrong personality
-Dahyun, 'male' version of her name, called by neighbourhood elders when she walks past their porches, a joke that Daso might just be male.
BIRTHDATE » December 23rd, 1998
BIRTHPLACE » Yasok, South Korea
ETHNICITY » Korean-Chinese
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT » 168cm & 55kg
LANGUAGES » (Shall explain in comments)
      -Cantonese, fluent, by her father, mothertongue
      -Korean, fluent, by mother and default, mothertongue
      -English, fluent, by father because "No one under my name does not know English. English is must learnt if you have Hong Kong blood." 
      -Mandarin, semi-fluent, by father, same reason as above.
LINKS » <3
LINKS » <3

THEY CALL ME MANNEQUIN » She's really style savvy (please blame her mother) and is always on top of trends. She fits every style there is and has a sharp eye in fashion, so she pretty much throws on anything that matches in her closet and usually get some attention. She usually lets her wavy, I-don't-care-about-school-rules chestnut hair down, or if she's being especially hardworking or maybe doing some activities that'd mess up her hair, she'd tie her hair up in a braid. She has five ear piercings, two on respective earlobes, two more higher up on her left ear and one higher up on the right. Her vision is just okay, she needs glasses, but she can see perfectly fine without it, unless she's sitting at the back row of anything or using the computer.
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CHARACTER TRAITS » Blunt, confident, independent, hotheaded, lazy.
     BLUNT» "Laughing at you, brb, don't yell, just saying the truth," Daso is famous in her neighbourhood for . Her words are like a knife that punches you in the guts. She doesn't really care what others think about her but she just likes to say what she wants, and is really oblivious to others' feelings, or rather she doesn't care. She sees it as honesty when everyone pretty much knows it's sacarsm. She thinks it's the right thing to do to tell people the truth even if it hurts, yes, she's stubborn.
     CONFIDENT » "NAEGA JEIL JAL NAGA!" Daso is really confident. She believes that everyone is already good enough if they've already worked hard and tried their best. And thus Daso is usually happy about the work she produces, because she knows she's worked hard to acheive it. True, she's rather optimistic in whatever she does, not to mention a teeny bit of conceited -- so maybe a lot, but close enough. She thinks that she's a hardworking person and so she thinks that she's always done her best in everything. See she's conceited. She's enthusiastic in everything she does and is absolutely the first to do anything adventrous. Bungee jumping? She's first as the males jitter in the background, first to rock climb as others whine about the height. She's rather bold and she says so herself, usually with a little hair flip.
    INDEPENDENT » "I'm a free birdie, and nobody, nobody, can trap me," Daso takes care of herself pretty well. She can cook, she can clean, she can take care of children, she's pretty much a grown woman except the fact she can't yet support herself economically, which she hopes she can do so soon. Do thank her parents. She doesn't like relying on others and the only times she whines is towards Seunghyun so she can squeeze a favour out of him. She hates being bossed around and never listens to other peoples' orders. She doesn't like others pitying her and would raise a middle finger if you do so. She doesn't like other people helping her either, she's called strong -- mentally, and she likes to live up to the name.
     HOTHEADED» "I'm just a volcano waiting to burst, hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway.." "You're singing it wrong," I DON'T FRIGGIN CARE," She gets angry. Really easily. Laughing at her one tiny second and she roars and curses. Never, ever make her angry. As she's really violent as well, if you make her angry, she chases you so she can hit you. She takes whatever's near her -- if she's reading her newspaper, congratulations, but if she's drinking from her water bottle, oh dear good luck. She is always being yelled at for being too fiery -- she needs to stop and think before she yells at every human in the way. She is never one to think before she acts so that gets her into lots of trouble. There have been mutliple times when she was skateboarding and accidentally rammed into a ahjumma's house, causing trouble, then she would yell back at the poor old woman, making her, sadly, grounded. 
     LAZY » "I'm on the top of the world~" " If you stopped lying on the floor like a dead seal," "Shut up," Daso is lazy. She doesn't even like moving and she needs fifteen minutes to get up. Favourite activity: Sleeping. She needs Seunghyun to barge into her room every day to pull her out of bed and shove her into the bathroom. If he hears nothing he will blare Daso's hated artist -- Justin Beiber outside the bathroom door loudly until Daso runs out to kick Seunghyun and make him stop the music. Her parents are already utterly used to a pyjama-clad Seunghyun coming into their house every morning.  Daso usually does her things at the last minute but then is still confident in what she does. While everyone likes to finish their homework at Friday so they have a nice weekend, Daso likes to go wild first then leave her homework for Sunday night and sleep at about 2-3 am.
BACKGROUND » Daso's parents love her but then wasn't always around. Her parents were hippies, and one night made Daso appear on earth. Her mother was 17 and her father 18 when so. When Daso was born, they loved their daughter but they were still teenagers therefore they were never at home, usually out partying. In her first few years of her childhood, Daso spent her life at either her aunt's or her neighbour's, which was also where she met Hansol. When her aunt wanted to focus on her own children instead of Daso when Daso was five, Daso spent every day either at kindergarten/school then at her neighbour's. Her house was almost never touched. When Daso turned twelve, and her parents twenty-nine and thirty respectively and had to work till late, she insisted on staying at home herself and would cook, clean and take care of herself. That was how she got her independence and also somewhat her confidence.  Now that her mom has decided to be a housewife, she can do less around the house. 
LIFESTYLE » Daso is only sixteen therefore she still has to live with her parents, but they have agreed that when Daso is twenty she can move out into her own apartment. She is currently attending the local school in Yasok and is lazing around, not doing any part time job. Every day she goes to school, lazes around and if she's feeling energetic, skate around the neighbourhood. Sometimes she goes to parties and well, her friends are turning sixteen and she will, soon and so right now she's busy attending sweet sixteens and planning her own one. 
>Purin. She loves the cute dog and has a set of its merchandise. Her cup, her towels and her toothbrush are all Purin. She also has one set of pyjama of it and also has bedsheets and pillows. She hugs a Purin doll to sleep.
>Purple. She loves the colours. Most of her staple clothes are purple. Her favourite necklace is also purple. Her firs ear peircing...she requested
purple studs .
>Sleeping. Who wouldn't?
>Christmas. Presents! The festive aura males Daso really pumped up. HIGHTLIGHT: PRESENTTTS
>Underrated Korean bands. She is a huge fan of Jaurim and The Boss. Her guilty pleasure is Bigbang.
>Italian food! Spaghetti and pizza are her favourite. Open the Chae family fridge and you wil forever see a few boxes of microwave cream sauce macaroni with her name scrawled on it with a...purple marker.
>Skateboarding. It's just a mere hobby and she owns a purple board.
>Celery, almonds and papayas. She hates the taste and cringes every time she bites on one teeny bit of them.
>Sports. Someone a lot~
>Details. She hates writing down details, especially in essays.
>Alarm clocks. She loves sleeping and hates anything that distracts her.
>Justin Beiber. "I don't like him okay? He's....kind of gay to me,"
>Cats. She thinks they're creepy.
>Clowns. Please, please, please blame Hansol for dragging her to a circus.
>She bites her nails when she feels bored.
>She pulls on her ear lobes when she's flustered.
>Skateboarding...If she's up for it.
>Sleeping. That doesn't really count as a hobby, but she's always seen doing so. 
>She is drastically good at dodgeball as she's horrified of balls striking her. She's good at dodging. Sidestepping, parting her legs, or even bending down can save her. 
>Definitely not a sporty person. First pick for dodgeball and volleyball, but when it's other sports, the girls always try not to have her on the team.
>Her phone is an iPhone 4 with a black purse case.
>She is a huge fan of Running Man and her favourite member is Ji Sukjin, suprisingly. Every Sunday she sticks to her house and refuses to leave.
>Her favourite actors are Yoon Siyoon, Kim Soohyun and Song Joongki.
>Huge Hee Hee NakRock and Master. Small VIP.
>Cannot stand the smell of hospitals.
>She dislikes....can't stand Crayon Pop. She thinks they're actually dirtying Korea's name of Kpop.
>She's an athiest. 
>Least favourite colour is green.
>She can stand acupuncture mats as her parents could and always made her walk on them when she was young.
>Allergic to kiwis, strangely. 
>Her favourite peice of clothing is a purple woolly jumper given by her younger sister.
>She has no idea how to write properly. Her handwriting is messed up and even herself can't understand it. If it was better it would be a bit like the font Boopee.
      FATHER » Wu Jian // 34 // Accountant // They're close, and Jian desperately tries to be the stricter one out of Daso's parents, forcing Daso to learn languages, but of course, he's failing. They love each other nevertheless, and Jian melts easily. You could say Daso is always pranking him.  // 4
      MOTHER » Namgoong Ahri // 33 // Housewife // IThey're more like sisters than mother and daughter. They talk about everything and are like two peas in a pod. They are always seen walking arm in arm with each other. // 5
      AUNT » Namgoong Aesook // 40 // Manager // They don't really talk. The times Daso spent at Aesook's house was spent on watching the television, and then eating. Daso, is, still, grateful. // 2
   BEST FRIENDS » Lee Seunghyun // 16 // Student // Often mistaken as dating. Seunghyun and Daso call each other "bro" and are utterly comfortable with each other. Seunghyun lives across the street and has the mission to wake Daso up every morning.// 5
      FRIENDS » Nam Shinah // 17 // Student // While it's a wonder why Shinah would be friends with Daso, her polar opposite, Shinah loves Daso nevertheless. Daso usually rants and Shinah listens. Not close enough to talk about Deep Dark Secrets, but things like crushes are definitely their topic. // 4.5
    COMMON FRIEND » Yoo Jonghyun // 15 // Student // Jonghyun is everyone's friend. The paper boy, he goes around every day and knows everyone. Jonghyun calls Daso "hyung" and Daso in return knocks him on the head. // 3

      BALL OF SUNSHINE » Daso and her always go around pranking people and making people laugh. They both speak colourfully and people either groan in annoyance or laugh when those two are together. They jab at each other but they still love each other as friends just the same. // 4.5

      STURDY HEART » Daso is impressed at her strength to stand up by herself and desperately tries to become closer to her. The latter's not exactly opening up, but Daso is trying. // 1


NAME » Choi, Hansol.
-Solie, an embarrassing endearment used by none other than Daso

-Choisol, a nikcname that everyont calls him with
BIRTHDATE » February 18th,  1998
PERSONALITY TRAITS » Ignorant, quiet, rebellious, pessimistic, stubborn, hardworking, confident. 
HOW DID YOU MEET/MET » Daso met Hansol when her parents dropped her off at Hansol's house for the week. At that time Hansol was happy-go-lucky, cheerful, and loud, but as he grew up he matured and became ignorant. Daso and Hansol became friends almost immediately and at 6 years old, they made a blood pact to be friends forever, but it was ketchup instead of blood... When Hansol moved back to Yasok, Daso was the first to go up to their house and hug Hansol once he opened the door, catching him off-guard. But Daso didn't know this Hansol and sadly they drifted apart. 

INTERACTION » When they were kids they were as close as siblings. They went around hand in hand and pranked others just because they could. Skinship was nothing and Daso was always punching and tickling Hansol and nobody really gave a . Daso knew that they couldn't keep going on like this forever.

When Hansol came back, things were awkward and it was as if they were never friends. Daso tried to be friends, but soon gave up after Hansol only stared back at him with his "really pretty face, I swear, he's now a transgender,". But when his mother pushed him to Daso's, Daso reminded him of what they were and then they behaved just like how they used to be. (Can this happen in the story u.u)





>Where Daso yells at Hansol to wake up and be her friend again, then proceeding to pull out a peice of paper with two splattered ketchup stains. Let's say their parents were not happy to see Hansol on the floor with Daso on sitting on top of him afterwards.
>Daso and Seunghyun going cray crazy around the neighbourhood.
COMMENTS, SUGGEST, QUERIES » I hope you like Daso (her name means full of smile)....My apps aren't good tbh, but...I hope she shines. That sounds cliche xD 



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