amazing Rabin fic.

Hello guys outta there.

Okay I'm not a regular blogger. Nor do I post recommendations often. But I found an amazing Rabin (Ravi-Hongbin) fic. I think one of the best VIXX fics I've read so far. This fandom is seriously getting more and more amazing as they are getting knows out there. <3

So the fic I'm talking about. This is amazing and well-written and beautiful and depicts emotions and personalities so well. I highly recommend it, though I warn you it's sad. I don't often cry because of fics but this time, I kind of did. (held back because naaah I dun want my roommate asking why I'm crying. she better not know about fanfics and even less about .) but I teared up. so yeah... not exactly telling what kind of sad because that would be a spoiler. so brave and/or strongs starlights outta there, read this~


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