Another annoying Secret Santa post (Sorry folks! Don't hate me for spamming)


I know a few people have sent in fics which haven't yet been posted - let me explain why.

It's nothing wrong with your fic (I've probably not even read it yet T.T)

But actually, I had a piece of very important coursework that I have due in tomorrow afternnon and I've just finished it, I've literally barely had time to sleep (especially since last night I had the unrefusable urge to update my work in progress). 


Right now, I'm getting ready to go clubbing and be a normal 20 year old girl and celebrate the fact that I survived the first term of my second year of university (Fanfiction hasn't completely taken over my life yet!) 


However, as of tomorrow I am free and so stories will be posted and messages replied to a lot quicker as of then! So please just bear with me another 24 hours :P


Also, please, if you change your username whilst this Secret Santa is onoing, please do tell me. You don't know how confusing it is when someone PMs me and I have to do some detective spreadsheet searching to try and guess who they are! T.T


Love and hugs (and Wooyeol feels)~

StarlightSpirit <3


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Itscold #1
It's alright man we understand. I'm pretty busy as well and I'm still worrying about my fic
Good job with surviving. I just finished my last bit of coursework today as well but I'm leaving partying for Friday. Have fun and don't worry :)
Take your time don't worry go wild and party XD I don't think anyone mind since you are the first reason why this even happening so don't worry and have fun clubbing ^--^