The Problem With Running a Secret Santa... (Ramble and fuzzy feelings!) the fact that I have to read all of these amazing fics as they come in even when I'm already overwhelmed by feels.

I just had a fic come in, it's pretty freaking heartbreaking (it will be up when I start to get through this queue) and I just had to read it from start to finish and now I am sat here sobbing because it's so perfect and happy and sad and as soon as I can announce the authors every single one of you will be getting so much respect because you all deserve so much love and hugs. <3


What I love about this is that the diversity of the prompts was amazing and I love what people have done to interpret it! The prompt giver may have a totally different idea in mind, but in the end they get to read something totally different yet equally amazing written especially for them.

In one day we have had dystopian Yadong, historical Yadong, fluffy Myungyeol, bittersweet Myungyeol, cutesy funny Woogyu (with an ice watching Gyu) and pirate captain Sungjong (which is so perfect oh my gosh).


Honestly, I'm almost crying because the response to this thing is so massive - I was expecting maybe 20 people to join when I made it. The final count is 130.

You all deserve gigantic hugs because I feel so warm and fuzzy inside and I'm really emotional right now <3 Thank you all for joining and working so hard and thank you to everyone that is giving me kind upportive words - they really help!


Running this is kind of stressful and takes a lot of time and hard work, and I have so much uni work that my own fics are kind of getting neglected (but not for long! Christmas break in two days), but it's worth it when I see people posting nice comments on an anonymous stranger's story or when people thank me for it and say that it makes them happy!


I love you all so much <3 Thank you for making this so big and possible and for all of the support to me and the other authors.

You're all pretty freaking amazing.


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It must be a lot of work, but its really a good idea and everyone seems to be having fun, so thanks for coming up with such a sweet idea^^
My dear, you are the amazing one for organising this event. *hugs* It must be extremely time and effort consuming and yet you are doing everything with aplomb. A BIG THANK YOU to you for creating this awesomeness! <3
I agree with kurious! we should do this every yer because it's really fun! I got a hard time trying to think what to write and I think that that is the best part- thinking in a gift for a stranger is the best. Doing your best for someone you don't know and seeing that they love it, it's awesome. I'm also part of the Shinee fandom and a shawol created her own secret santa and said that it was insired by you and thought that the idea was amazing so she wnted to try it! I also agree with the other persons that commented abt the "united inspirits" thingy cs it's so true, fans all over the world are participating and I feel happy to know it, even though I'm not you kkkk <3 you're awesome author-nim, and I seriously think that you should do this again next year! like a tradition for Inspirits in AFF<3 IT'D BE COOL. You're working hard so Fighting! and our oppas would be proud of you, instead of fanwars you're making peace and love between us. Fighting! I'll send my fi soon, tomorrow hopefuly :
Yes! This should be a thing. lol, let's do it every year!
That_Inspirit #5
You are the amazing one for making this! I really thank you because you brought all INSPIRITS together and that is amazing itself. It must've been really hard organizing all this and I just want to say you should be the one we need to thank. SO THANK YOU!~ ^^
I think you making this idea is the best thing ever, i mean you're like uniting all inspirits from around the world. I mean if all inspirits uniting wouldn't it make INFINITE happy? To have such harmonized fans just like how the members harmonized with each other, its like a very very big family... and i really like it, and the fact that you do this... i mean this must take a lot of time, and isn't it hard to coordinize all of this? Wow... you're so daebak XD
The idea for this whole thing is amazing! You're awesome for thinking it :) I keep reading the comments and cant stop smiling
Awe♡ you are such a sweetheart. THANK YOU for coming up with this idea of secret Santa♡♡♡♡