full name. Kim Doyeon
nickname(s). none
age. 17
gender. male
date of birth. February 14, 1996
place of birth. Busan, South Korea
hometown. Incheon, South Korea
etnicity. Asian
languages spoken. Korean (fluent), English (basic), Japanese (conversational)
height. 181 cm
weight. 66 kg




bloodtype. B
personality traits. Quiet, introverted, sarcastic, pessimistic, smart, lonely, honest

"Attractive, cold and unapproachable" has been a persona of Doyeon's ever since he was a kid. It is often the case, as people see him for the first time, they automatically assume he's trouble and will walk away without getting to know the guy beneath it all. It has become a part of him these days; he wears this mask that keeps others away from looking at him a second time. 

Doyeon is the quiet and emotionless student in the back of the classroom. He keeps to himself and won't bother or be annoyance to those who leave him alone. Preferring the company of games and books over most people, he finds it hard expressing himself through words and even actions at times, somewhat afraid to be misunderstood. Because of his habit of pulling away from social interactions, he often finds himself at the library after "school" or in the park playing soccer until late in the evening. He likes both the outdoors and the indoors as it lets him do what he wants to, yet gives him enough room to have time with himself whenever he needs it.

He isn't a very sociable or talkative guy, but he does have a couple of friends. Once you get to know him, you'll realize that he's smart, sophisticated and quite sarcastic due to his honest and outspoken nature. He doesn't hold back on his comments and isn't afraid of admitting whenever he's wrong or damn right. He actually also has a dry sense of humor, but he rarely uses it because he doesn't really find it a necessity in order to stay alive throughout the day. Because of his quiet nature, he doesn't talk to a lot of people, especially not girls. He's never had a girlfriend before, but he has a girl friend or two.

An interesting fact about Doyeon is his sleeping habits. Whenever he's awake, he pulls away from any kind of physical contact unless the person's close to him, but while asleep, his true self comes out of the closet. He becomes a human octopus with an iron grip that cuddles up to anything warm, soft or with a pulse, which his family and even a few of his friends have had the "pleasure" of experiencing.


Kim Doyeon is a Korean boy who was born on February 14, 1996, in Busan, South Korea. He is an only child and son of a businessman and a lawyer, both of whom travelled a lot, especially during his childhood and teenage years. He didn't have an awful lot of friends growing up, but he did have a childhood friend who he was quite close to. Wanting to distract himself from feeling too much loneliness, he often occupied himself with games or, as he got older, books from the local bookstore. He was introduced to soccer at a young age, which he used to gain a few friends on the field.

When he was 13, his parents had a divorce, and he moved with his mother to her hometown in Incheon, which was close to her new workplace in Seoul. Because of this, he became a lot closer to his mother, but also became lonelier over the years. He became more and more isolated because of bullying at his new school and lack of close friends, which is why he locked himself up almost completely until high school. That's when he decided to change himself a little and become more open to others.


Father : Choi Jaegyu : 50 : Future-minded, strict, ambitious, quiet : Doyeon had never had a close relationship with his father. They were very different in terms of personality, and Mr. Kim often showed his disapproval towards his son rather openly. After Doyeon and his mother moved away, they never really talked, which wasn't that big of a change from before. : 3/10
Mother : Kim Seolhyun : 45 : Hard-working, sarcastic, stubborn, gentle : Doyeon's mother had always been a busy woman. She was never really quick to see just how lonely her son was these days as she always saw him playing or just reading. After the move, however, they became a lot closer as a result of more interactions and more time to see one another. She wants the best for her son and knows to a degree what he's capable of. : 7/10


Childhood friend : Lee Nabin : 16 : Cheerful, wild, fun-loving, mischievous : Despite her being his junior, she was pretty much his caretaker during their childhood back in Busan. They were always close despite their differences as both of them were only children and had grown up as neighbors and schoolmates. She likes teasing him and playing sports with him. These days they talk on the phone, and she visits him during the weekends at times. : 9/10


• Fantasy

• Action movies

• Detectives

• Horror

• Silence

• Astrology

• Supernatural beings


• Violence

• Sudden physical contact

• Cooking

• Sweets

• Dust

• Hard Rock music

• Alcohol

• Cigarette smell

• Bad breath


• Music

• Art

• Literature

• Games

• Soccer

• Astrology

• Stargazing


• Cuddles people in his sleep

• Becomes sarcastic during stressful situations

• Curses at times while playing video games


• Is an only child

• Left-handed

• Has a thing for classical music, especially Ludovico Einaudi

• Can't stand clingy girls

• Has a thing for people's eyes

• Likes the smell of rain and vanilla

• Is allergic to dust

• Gets itchy when wearing wool

• Wants to study abroad someday

• His ideal girl is small with a bright smile and a sense of humor




love interest. Park Choa
age. 18
gender. female
date of birth. March 6, 1995
year level. third

personality. Choa is definitely one of the most serious and sincere members of Seoul Arts High School. She is a kind, caring and motherly individual who gives off a feeling of gentleness and great enthusiasm. Popular among her peers, she is known for her personality and good grades. She can also be very emotional as she strives for perfection, trying to please everyone at once, which isn't an easy task for anyone out there. She finds it hard to be angry at anyone for a long time and is quick to forgive even those who might not have earned it just yet. 
how they met / meet. When Doyeon was a freshman, he was late for his first day of school. He was in a hurry by the time he reached school, but he got lost somewhere in the school building. Choa saw him in the hallway and asked him if he needed any help. She showed him the way to his own classroom.
reason. He admires her ability to stand in front of a crowd with a smile on her face and a helping hand despite all the negativity going on around her.
interactions. Choa acts like a friend and towards Doyeon. She treats him like an equal and isn't afraid of giving him attention despite the rumors that go about him and his past. She finds him a bit mysterious and exciting; he finds her beautiful and kind. They are still just acquaintances, but they talk to each other if they get time and opportunity.

relationship. noona-dongsaeng

back up love interest. Oh Hayoung




year level. second
grades. average 

what are your favourite subject/s. Science or gym
what are your least favourite subject/s. Math
why did you join the cultural research club. I've always had an interest in foreign cultures and societies. Don't you believe what people say, I have my reasons. It sounded interesting, and it didn't seem like it was too many people there, which suits me just fine.
do you slack off and/or procrastinate. yes (sometimes)




username. TheLandofBrownSugar
alias. Anna
activeness. 8 out of 10

ulzzang used. Bae Sang Gon
backup ulzzang. Won Jong Jin

appearance. Doyeon is 181 cm tall and weights about 66 kg. He has a semi-athletic body with strong legs due to soccer and a youthful face with fair, unblemished skin. Some might say his looks are a bit feminine, but he thinks of himself as more of a mix of masculine and feminine traits. He has kind of long hair compared to most boys his age, but he often gets mistaken for being a boy group member or an actor on the streets. His eyes are a dark chocolate brown, he has narrow eyes and a pointy nose. 
style. Doyeon has a very simple and undefined fashion style. Like most boys of his generation, he bases most of his outfits of simple clothes such as jeans and a T-shirt, but he spices it up at times by adding a collared shirt, a tie and perhaps a hat or a pair of sunglasses. His choice in shoes are mostly sneakers and combat boots, and he likes cool colors such as blue, white, silver and green, but also colors such as orange, red and black. 1 2 3 4

comments / questions / concerns. I was very confused by some of the layout in this story, like when you labeled "background/history" as personality and mixed some of them up, especially at the end. If I did something, please do not hesitate to tell me. I was just fixing up the things I believed were a bit of a mistake according to the rest of the application. I really hope you liked Doyeon and his character. I don't write applications for boys very often, but this one was a rather interesting one and might be one of my favorites. English isn't my first language, so I hope you don't mind my mistakes if you find any. Thank you for reading, author-nim!
scene requests. Doyeon getting confessed to by a girl (or a boy, I don't care! xp) It would be so sweet to see him bonding with fellow members~^^ I would love to see Doyeon in a fight somehow, be it physical or vocal... Getting in trouble, you know! Or bonding with his love interest! :D
suggestions. Hm... I've never been good with suggestions... I don't have any, sorry! ^^



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