
My stomach was hurting yesterday I came home and slept. It had gotten worse. And even more worse today. I threw up 3-4 time in the past 2 hours. We have no medicine cuz my little brothe used it all.

I can't sleep without waking up to tummy aches.

Gawd I hate my life


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i hope you're better now
bohyemi #2
Aigi-ah drink plenty of water and eat burnt bread for weird reason our stomachs like the burnt bits
blackandwhite23 #3
take care and get well soon!! :) panda hugs*
awww, get well soon unnie^^
aww I'm sorry that happened to you btw everyone at school missed you
Monica94 #7
Rest in a position that you'r tummy dose't ache, if food dose't stay in you tummy then don't eat anything for some time's and try drinking some soda/coca-cola slowly and little at a time (it will sound wired but it will help a little). Get Well :)
Try not to eat any oily or fatty food. Oily food is harder to digest as compared to other foods. Eat healthy food and drink more water. Get well soon. :) fighting!
hopefully its a stomache virus & doesn't last long. hope ur doing better, & have a speedy recovery.
You'll get better. You're a tough girl!
Omo. I'm not a doctor... yet, but don't eat things that contain fats and stuff. Drink water, I think.
Be careful though. I don't want you to choke on vomit^^
Get well soon JinJin!!! I'm praying for your recovery!
Oh yeah, do something fun to take your mind off the stomach pain!
yoaisummer #12
Did u c the doctor?
omo, if you have no med, then use balm or cajuput oil, get well soon
21jaNine22 #14
- Ohhh. be healthy? get well soon?