Infinite Secret Santa has started (and it's awesome)

So I started getting the first few Secret Santa fics through today and I am about to start formatting and adding them. The first one is already up (and guys you really need to go and read it, it's awesome) but I wanted to make this post!


It would be awesome if everyone checks them out as they come in and comments on it because obviously you can't directly tell the author if you liked it, so you should all comment for the ones that you read (and you should read lots *^^*) to show the support for the fellow authors.

I will be putting multiple up on days as they come in, so I apologise for the incessant 'Story Updates' notifications. I'm also keeping an up to date masterlist so you can access them all from there as well.




I think it would be awesome if y'all would show your love for your fellow Infinite authors by commenting on the chapter of their fic, because eveyone is writing totally awesome stuff!


StarlightSpirit <3 


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Will do! I'll go read them all tonight :)
And don't worry, I havent forgotten about your drabble. Haha that's gonna haunt me while I do hw xD
Did everyone get their prompts? I dont thonk i got mine; ;
Wow how are some already going up? Lol ive like writen two paragraphs...
pomiloli #4
I will surely read them all :D And i'll try commenting everyone's story ^^
Thank you for being so hard-working <3 will make sure to read everyone's