I'm done!

Nananana, I'm done with my transcription exam! Or... I'm done with the first part of my phonetics exam which is a transcription to be handed in sooooon o.o And I did my laundry this morning because I pulled an all nighter (and because my cat decided to declare her love for me by peeing on my blanket AGAIN) so now I just need to tidy and clean my room ("just".....) and then I can concentrate on reading for the second part of the exam which is the 11th and with no help whatsoever o.o 

Then I have a large paper (which is an exam) to hand in January 8th and then I have the rest of January off! Yay! Now I need food XD


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hey gurl gurl you go gurl. :D i am sooooooooo proud of you. good job
I'm proud!!