✶ ( find them! ) : yoo, hani //incomplete

YOOhani 」
❝back to the basics❞

full name: YOO, HANI
nickname(s)NIKACHU ; SOMETHING HER older BROTHER OFTEN CALLED HER As a KID WHEN SHE HELD AN INTEREST FOR THE POKEMON PIKACHU. hatoori ; made & used during rm bcz both daehyun & her can talk in satoori. hani + satoori = hatoori.
date of birth: 07/01/93
age: 20
height&weight: 163cm&58kg
ethnicity: FULL KOREAN
birthplace: DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA
→ seoul
languages: KOREAN [fluent & satoori accented], ENGLISH [LIMITED & LEARNING]

❝about me about you❞

personality traits: exuberant, ostentatious, cheeky, versatile, ambitious
personality: so, go back to a time when you were a kid. a time where you were just making friends, and a time where you began to discover the different aspects of humans. do you ever recall facing one of those oddballs who frolick around screaming, taking other people's things and doing things that you never considered normal? ever recall seeing that six-year-old pick her nose, or that boy pull another girl's hair? well, if you think about it - odd kids were just kids - and then we have hani who isn't a kid, but shows just about the same equivalence of one. you see, there are really no limitations to how dense this girl is, reasonably speaking when I say she carries the mind of a six-year-old, who yes, happened to pick her nose when she was a kid and possibly pulled someone's hair just for the curiosity of it. generally, hani is not your average gist of girl. in fact, she's hardly ever seen as one since she's practically one of the guys that sizzles in heaps of mush over super pretty girls and howls at the moon when "they shoot, they score!". she's simply a cheerful character who flaunts around with an insufferble aura of "hey niqqa u r kewl lettuce be chingus yes? ok? bye". just don't let the face fool you! because, seriously - it will.

her strange ways of speech and incoherent actions prove to show how dumb she is. dumb, but a good dumb. if you know what I mean. she's like one of the girls who dress to impress, except she just spends her time wearing a smile instead of some quirky designer stuff. in fact she probably wouldn't know anything about designer products, so it's best not to ask. it's not like she knows fashion anyways. or what reality is for that matter. see, when you're hani, reality is just a figment of your imagination! let loose! be free! yolo swag, swag! she may believe in a lot of things, but harsh realities are not one of them. hani is someone who likes to think big, move in a matter of steps and rhythm rather than thinking ahead and planning. free-style she calls it. life is free-style. dance to the beat of your own heart and to move to the left, to the left; everything she owns is in the box to the left. meaning, when the world goes right, you can go wrong. it's just risky and stupid and the way of hani.

believing is one thing, being obliviously gullible is another; as someone who doesn't really use her noggin, hani is easily persuaded. easily impressed and is more than often tricked into doing just about anything for the fact that she's not one to judge and just goes around stupidly thinking that there's a better in everyone. you'z a badguy? she won't care. to her you're an utterly depressed bunny in need of a cuddle-wuggle-wuddle. but, not everyone really likes to agree with hani's open-arms. honestly speaking, she's an bratty one and is a perfect example of one of those over-the-top-annoying siblings. like a little brother that just happened to decide to sit in your room and observe the big kids. yeah, that's kind of what she is. big smile, no brain. good moves, no plan. it's a wish and a wash and a splish splash splosh (don't know what that is, but I'm using it anyhow). her intimate ways of skinship and attention, ertness and moments of bluntness just cause her to become - the that the popular kids would pick on, because if one were to look up the word L.A.M.E in the dictionary - hani's photo would be displayed right beside it. as well as moron, idiot, airhead and big-mouth because she never knows when to shut it. yap, yap, yap. that's what you get from someone passionate to the point of dreaming.

despite being overwhelming, it's clear to almost everyone that hani just means well with almost everything she does. she might be a little clingy, airheaded and odd, might say a few things that doesn't really go with what the world encourages, may act like the big cheese and may be a complete attention , but she has her good qualities! it's just murky water. not clear. she's the rusted metal in need of a polish or two. the diamond in the rough. she's not the brightest diamond, but she is the most satisfying, for even when she's being the most idiotic that has you itching to toss her over a bridge, she's endurable enough to make befriend and at least the slightest bit toleratable. she's a human just like everyone else - feels pain, happiness, tears and love - it's just her state of human is on a different level. her mind may travel peculiar distances and her world might be out of it's original universe, but she's a girl with good intentions (despite her stupid ideas). although impulsive, slow, childish and naive, quirky, awkward and just a mess all together, patience will teach you to accept her queer heart because even when she's smiling 24/7, there's the times where it's a mask to hide away her inner emotions. isn't that what acting's about?
background: [ personal history should be very brief, a paragraph maximum. focus more on her rise to fame. how she got into her entertainment company and how long has it been since her group/she debuted if she's an idol, what movies and shows she's acted in if she's an actress, what was the debut song. any awards? scandals? what about the members of her group if she's a girl group member? is she the lead rapper, the visual? what's her persona? tell me all about it. minimum of a paragraph for her fame background. ] WAS FORMALLY IN A GIRL-GROUP, BUT QUIT TO BECOME AN ACTRESS. both acting and singing were her passions, but she majored in theatre during university. attend university in seoul.
trivia: she was on a soccer team during highschool (played forward) // grew up w/ a satoori accent // not very fond of nicknames, but tolerates them // is jung daehyun's idol // left handed // had a boyfriend during middle-school // weakest subjects: math & science (dislikes both) // only has twitter (@missingyoo) // has a close relationship w/ her older brother // is easily scared, surprised // known for being friends w/ kim woobin // squeals & spazzes out when excited // snorts when she laughs // has a habit of talking to herself + being loud
face claim: may
gallery: eyy gall
face claim ii: kim seukhye ; joo
gallery ii: can i buyz you a drink?
style: [ if it's like the ulzzang's, state so. brief description of what she wears casually, 1-2 sentences. ] 
❝my boy so shy boy❞
love interest: JUNG DAEHYUN
age&band: 20 & b.a.p
backup: yoo youngjae
age&band: 19 & b.a.p
have they met before?: no
if yes, how?: n/a
status: strangers / idol & fan, fan & idol
on the show:

→ satoori alliance ; hatoori + datoori
personality traits: [ list at least four ]

personality: he may look the part, but princely is the least of his abilities. so, yeah, give him pointers for a fab-tab, bright smile. take those credits back when you learn his brain is no brighter than a dim-lit, fuzed-out fire cracker. he's just not that bright in general, i can tell you that. he's lucky the smile works for him, you know? coming from anyone that knows this stupid, doofus of a male, jung daehyun is just another one of those sickening, overly corny studs that spouts the words of stupid and sing the songs of 'yes i iz be-a-single desu'. honestly, he's about as smooth as a fat- tub of chunky peanut butter, brizzetled up on a grubby piece of dried toast. talk about yum yum yummy. the just doesn't even know when to "not" , because when he thinks he's all that, his jokes are all flat and you're laughing not because he's funny, but because he dares to laugh at them himself. and then it comes to your realiztation why the guy is always falling all over the place. he has no freakin' common knowledge. like, what is it, the dude needs help. despite it though, he holds good intentions and does become the good, average, look-at-me-i'm-handsome-and-sympathetic kind of guy when it's suppose to count. moronic, albeit in need for a serious brain-check, daehyun knows when to be someone's bestfriend and shoulder to cry on when you really need it. good qualities, bad qualities, he has them all. even this idiotic niqqa finds jealousy annoying sometimes. meh. at least he's toleratable, right?

"aish, this stupid upid kid and his stupid upid smile." 
 hani ; hatoori
" wae does this chick have to be so adorable? wae,  just wae?" — daehyun ; datoori
interaction: [ how you interact with your love interest, both offscreen and onscreen. do you guys get along? do you act like you get along? ] 

❝to bring to an end❞

comments: [ comments, questions, concerns ]
scene requests: [ won't guarantee than i'll use them, but go crazy. ]
suggestions: [ any suggestions for the story? list them here! ]
anything else?: protect your name tag at all time! (aigoo-cha)


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