to anyone awake: Give me your number one EXO song atm in the XOXO album

Hey, guys.

sorry for this dumb post

i just need some song to listen to atm, so i decided to listen to an EXO(M) song

but i don't know what song to listen to

the reason i need a song to listen to is cuz i'm updating a story of mine and i usually can't seem to write without taking my mind off the story by listening to songs. dumb, right?

anyways, sorry for making this dumb post just for a silly reason like this. but, please, i really hav no idea what song to listen to cuz, in all honesty, i hav yet to hear all the songs from their album :P /slapped/

Also, the song must be from their XOXO album :P pleaseeee~~

that's all.


Bye now!~


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I like Peter Pan, Baby don't cry, 3.6.5 and Don't go the best!! ^^
Peter Pan is by far the best
hanagoun #3
Baby Don't Cry or 3.6.5 ^^
EXO-M My Lady or Heart Attack

I listen to a song to get in the mood of the story >v< so it's not dumb at all !!
black pearl and baby don't cry. they are really meaningful to me :)
my favorite song by exo-m, 第一步 ♥