In Need of Some Motivation T.T

So it is currently 1.30am here in England and I am roughly halfway through a piece of work that is due in 10 hours. It's possibly the most boring topic ever: plant species in hedgerows and I am sat here wondering why I chose to do a degree in Environmental Science rather than something I'm actually good at, like, say, Creative Writing.


Immediately after this I have to finish another piece of work, which is due on Thursday. Both of there are very important pieces of work and are very difficult...


On top of that, I'm having to do a lot of work answering questions about the Infinite Secret Santa (don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it, but it does take a lot of work!) and I am still really tired from OGS since I haven't slept for longer than 3 hours in a night since then.


So I am asking you, my lovely AFF friends, to motivate me! 

I am completely incapable of doing anything on my own - I need support, so either leave me a nice comment or write me somethign :P I would love to read something Wooyeol or Myungyeol or Woogyu or any couple from Infinite at all, just a drabble, just to keep me going.


<3 I will love you forever <3


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Hope you managed to finish it and get it in ^^
Good luck for Thursday. Its nearly xmas and then you can crash.
xillia #2
God, I understand your pain. Though I live in America, it's pre-finals week around here. I have projects due up the bum too. None are papers (I'm a Digital Design major, thus PROJECTS) but I feel your stress. *hug* But once they're done, you'll have all this time to stare at clouds and watch the rain fall and wonder if Gyu's eyes in any way inhibit his vision while he drives. The finer things in life, I assure you.

Listen, I have a few hours to putz around and do nothing with (BAH! WHO NEEDS SLEEP WHEN YOU'VE GOT RED BULL.) If you want, leave what you have a craving to read about and I'll write a quick Woogyu drabble.
I sadly can't read I want to read something from infiniti, but I want you to be able to write because I mean even your block post are very well written so I'm sure I woudl be dieing as infiniti fan to get to read a story for you.
And so I will to encourage you for all the silent inifintii reader which have no voice but would liek to tell you.
please please write something.
Because you are great and your fingers do magic kkk

And good luck with your studies ♥
hang in there soon christmas break will come
Fighting! And goodluck with your studies:)
aww, be strong! I'm in the middle of finishing my college task too (which deadline is this Thursday, le sobs) I know we can do it! Himne Starlight-ssi! :D

I'm also already making the main plot for my secret santa, all I have to do is write them after I'm finishing my homework later :)
Instead of writing a drabble for you, I can draw something if you want. Well, I'm usually drawing buildings in campus, but originally I'm enjoying drawing humans better. Feel free to give me a prompt of couple that you want me to draw, because you're a good friend of mine in AFF here ;) *cheesy mode on*
Good luck with your project ;w;

Ehm~...sorry for my lame attempt;

"/That's/ your uniform?" Woohyun says with an incredulous look flashing across his face. He had expected it to be more flashy, more-

"What? Male cheerleaders wear them!" Sungyeol stretches his arms wide and twists his upper half for the older male to speculate further. "What were you expecting anyway?"

Woohyun opens his mouth, only to have them shut. Eventually, he scrunches his nose and props a hand back before leaning his weight over it. It can't hurt to say it: "I was hoping you'd wear a skirt or something. You have the body for it."

That earns him a whack on the shoulder. "Ow! What did I say wrong?"

"That's not a compliment!"
Just follow replies for rest of drabble and don't mind the spelling mistakes because I did it pretty quickly.

And try using video game music for inspiration to help write, I usually use it whenever I need to write something. It's thrilling, but isn't the type of stuff that will make you stop writing due to singing along and whatnot.
Hwaiting~ do it in order of importance and dont rush yourself!! You can do it ^^/
"Hey, that one looks like chicken." Myungoso pointed out with his right hand, the other being held by the person next to him.

"You said that about the last one too," Sunggyu muttered with a laugh, "And the next one will be a cow or something, just like two times ago."

Myungsoo could only smile sheepishly, "Sorry, but they all look like animals that provide me with meat."

Sunggyu could only chuckle before tightening his grip around Myungsoo's hand, only to pull him up a second later with a smile, "If you wanted food, all you had to do was ask."

Myungsoo could only beam at him for that, "Bulgogi?"

"Yes, bulgogi, unless you want something else?"

Shaking his head no, Myungsoo gave him another smile, this one a bit softer and smaller than the last, as he squeezed the other's hand as he decided to march the two of them to the nearest barbecue place. Only to trip over his feet on the way there, the action easily causing the older boy to laugh, "Soo-ah, slow down. No need to brain yourself on the way there."

Coloring a bit at Sunggyu's words, a bit embarrassed for almost falling on his as he walked, his lips formed a somewhat apologetic pout, "Sorry, I was just excited."

Chuckling a bit at his boyfriend's words, eyes lingering a bit on Myungsoo's lips a bit, the poutiness of the other's mouth being a bit appetizing itself, Sunggyu couldn't help but pull Myungsoo closer to him. Hand removing itself from the other's so that he could wrap his arm around the other's waist as they walked, making sure that Myungsoo couldn't find some way to trip over air again. A feat that Sunggyu knows that Myungsoo could very well do, especially since the younger boy seemed to have the worst balance out of anyone he knew.
dongyeol #11
Haha, I'm not sure why you are asking for drabbles and such when you are so short on time but I believe in you! Aja aja fighting!!!
I hope reading these makes you work twice as fast and just remembered that it will all be over soon >.<
(i would like to write you a cute wooyeol but I can't really think of anything, sorry :[)
aww bby. i hate being in that type of rut ;p (i also have to write this paper but i'm sick and tired and it's not going anywhere ><)

i have wooyeol i wrote a long time ago- i hope it makes you crack at least a little smile!

feel better ;3
Hi (? oh okay I'll try to tell you some encouraging words~ FIGHTIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG~~~ You can do it, tell that work who's the boss here (lol what am I saying) anyways! I really hope you get to finish your works on time, everything will be alright. Think about all the funny/lovely/sad stories you'll get to read with the secret santa thing~
Fighting! I'm in the same loop as you. hw to do but no motivation. Except for the fact that I want to go to sleep but can't until I finish this crap.


Sunggyu sighed internally but smiled at the same time. It was a late Sunday evening, he and Woohyun were hanging out in Woohyun's dorm room. "What is it Woohyun?"
"What do you think are the limits of a human body and spirit?" Woohyun asked in a flat tone, looking up at Sunggyu with a hopeful look on his face.
"It's my philosophy question," Woohyun shoved a heavy textbook at him. "Essay. Due... never mind not important."
"What? When was it due?" Sunggyu pinned Woohyun with a sharp glare.
He looked away and blushed. "Last Friday." he muttered sheepishly.
"Aigoo! Woohyun-ah!"
"I know, I know. I talk to the teacher and he gave me an extension, just please, help me hyung?" Woohyun smiled hopefully at him. "Please?"
Sunggyu smirked. "Okay. Fine. Next time..."
Woohyun laughed. "I know. Thanks hyung."
Infinite is what we are. Infinite is what the human spirit is.
Infinite means limitless, we never put a restriction on our possibilities, and we'll always improve.
Our spirits are infinite and endless. That means that we'll last forever right?

Inspired by this tumblr post if you're interested:
Also another one but I can't find it anymore...
I made this up in 5 seconds while my brain is mush from hw so sorry if it makes no sense. Also this is my first Woogyu fic. :D
Okay, runs away in embarrassment.
asdlfkja;eb, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate :(
I know how you feel, it's been a heavy week for me as well. don't worry too much about all your work though, just finish everything to the best of your ability, and I promise you, before you know it, it will be over and done with. make sure to take a break somewhere between all the work you've been doing, too! it's not good to work for so long without a break. I know you'll do amazing, and that after all your hard work, you'll receive the marks you deserve. I'm sorry I can't send you a quick drabble or anything rn, but I wish you all the best oki? c: