SM is Biased

So, here's the thing:

When my uncle went to Korea, I asked him to buy me a Mr. Simple ver A and A-CHa ver. C. He came home with JUST a ver C. VER A IS SOLD OUT. 

You must be thinking,  "Hey, you should be happy. SJ has sold out albums." But NO. If GDA counts ver A only, we ELFs and Super Junior are in big trouble. SM supports the OTHER GIRL GROUP too much. I saw their album and the materials used was so damn better than Super Junior's.(Placed in a tin can, with BIGGER photocards which are made of better materials and I think on the CD case, there was some cloth. Cover was CARVED.) And they released worldwide. Our ver A counts are stuck! SM DOES NOT PRODUCE VER A ANYMORE TO MAKE THAT GROUP WIN. Not to offend their fans, but it's just so disappointing. In every awards show, SM gives a damn to make them win and WASTE the efforts of Super Junior and ELFs. 

Yeah, I'm happy to get my ver C but so ed up when I figured this out myself. Do you guys think I'm right?


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@Raspberry I don't hate them. BUT I ABSOLUTELY HATE SM. :)
SM maybe biased over my (our) girl group but the tin can thing shows the theme of the album and in fact they made it iron or whatever because they will also release it overseas cause of those girls are going to debut in america! It needed to be special...
I know it's unfair for suju and elfs but we can't change the fact that the girl group will debut in america! SUJU is one of the main reason why kpop is popular! So that means SM also biased them in a way we doesn't know. Please don't hate OUR girls cause they don't decide for themselves but blame SM