I'm stuck

I'm stuck,

I’m stuck with those memories, I’m stuck with your sweet smile and your horrible jokes, I'm stuck to the fact that you became my ideal partner,  and I’m stuck…

I’m stuck with you.

It’s been 3 years now and since we graduated high school all I can think was you, and how I hate myself that I denied this feeling when we were still close to each other.

How you make those witty tag lines and knock-knock jokes, how  you dance charmingly every time we have these required performance, how you draw your wonderful and sometimes horrible insights, how you play with the guitar whenever we have free time and sometimes I sing along, how you tell me those unreal stories and I never knew if that was a make-up story just to keep our conversation, how you ask me random questions and I just stare at you because I don’t know what to say and the most remarkable thing that you do to me is how you make me smile just gazing at your actions.

You were like the entertainment of my high school life and I wish. I wish I could be with you for the last time to reassure my feelings.

My friends always ask me,” why don’t you have any boyfriend since birth? Your smart, cute, your family is rich, easy to bond with it's like your the ideal girlfriend”, and I always say that

“my parents are strict and I can’t take up break-ups because it might be very hurtful for me” but the truth is…

 I’m stuck with you,

It's like you became the quick sand of my life and how I wish someone who is brave and strong enough, would reach out his/her hands to release me from the of you.


How I wish I could move-on.


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