10 facts

These are 10 facts about me if you want to know a little about me..

1. I'm a boy and I'm Bi 

2. I was born in Korea but moved to the U.S when I was 12.

3. I'm 6'3 

4. My birthday is Dec. 1 ^^ 

5. I'm 15 ( turning 16 )

6. I'm really shy and awkward in person haha

7. I play the guitar, ukulele, and violin

8. I love to dance and sing 

9. I have an older brother (23) and a little sister (11) (I'm middle child -.-')

10. I wish to be a kpop idol when I grow up haha x)  


This was kinda hard to do haha well since I told you 10 facts about me. I want you to tell me 10 facts about you ^^ comment below or make a blog post ^^ you don't have to hah but it would be great if you did (: I get to know a little more about you.


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OMG! You're so tall! *-*
Okay I'll do ten facts about myself here...

1. I'm a girl

2. I'm 14

3. I'm Hmong

4. I want to audition to be a kpop idol next year

5. I'm 5' 1 (I'm sssooo short....... :[ )

6. I can play the piano and some what of the ukulele

7. I have 4 older siblings: The oldest is 31 and a girl, the 2nd oldest is turning 28 on Christmas and is a boy, the middle child is 27 and a girl, and the 2nd youngest is turning 20 in January!

8. Refer to number 7 that I am the maknae in my family

9. My birthday is July 21st

10. I use to have suicidal thoughts but I always had a smile on my face everyday
I'll do one haha
Your tall.
Taller than Kris. Wait are you?
_Sona_ #4
Haha I'm going to do this now ^^