About Me

Hello fellow fanfictioners xD

( Is that even a word...... I dont know haha )


Anyways... xD

My name is Crystal, also known as Starbursts

I got that nickname from my bestfriend. Her nickname is Skittles haha dont judge.... xD

( Love you Sandeep ( _Sona_ )! If you even see this hahah )

I like writing stories whenever I'm bored and have nothing else to do or whenever I think of ideas

Just a hobby I do once in awhile (:

I like to write stories but I can never finish them... So sorry about that guys

I'm 16 years old and a Junior 


I'm in multi-fandoms but SHINee is my #1 bias group ^^

I've been with them since they sang the OST for Boys Over Flowers (:

And loved them ever since ♥



These dorks are the reasons why I smile. Whenever I'm having a hard time I'll go listen to their songs or watch any of their funny videos (: especially of Onew condition xD


onew_condition_gif_by_kimminjung-d4bg9qk onew-condition-o.gif tumblr_lh1ni9qoqS1qf1h23.gif tumblr_n800i7CkvW1sqg0cbo6_500.gif onew-tackles-luna-o.gif tumblr_m4gvr32FVQ1qapn5eo1_r1_250.gif tumblr_mhbyhlVw4a1r2gfnno1_400.gif 


tumblr_merfymry4H1qeew1po5_r1_250.gif tumblr_merfymry4H1qeew1po6_r1_250.gif

Yep. My ultimate bias right there.. xD



Ermm.. I don't know what else to put so yep! ^^

Thanks for reading hah 

I'm going to put random pictures below hah so feel free to continue scrolling 


6.gif tumblr_m1c83opmgE1qb5rxfo1_500.gif  shinee_dazzling_girl_gif_by_taemininwond shinee___dream_girl_gif_by_vampireslivei tumblr_inline_n6tzjemSGt1rkoe89.gif key-s-cute-aegyo-shinee-o.gif tumblr_muu8x8JDfy1qb5rxfo1_500.gif tumblr_mwyy919ArB1sk07bco2_500.gif 

tumblr_n9uudwBtjx1s5kazuo2_250.gif tumblr_mij0fztvig1qi6l6wo1_500.gif tumblr_mxwy42oEeR1rl8ttqo10_250.gif tumblr_inline_mxbpn49IYL1s3e49f.gif tumblr_mn8y3n9zec1qbr95po1_500.gif tumblr_mlufkwybz31qcwz7ho1_500.gif 

Random EXO gifs 

tumblr_inline_nd8izb4F571slydo6.gif tumblr_inline_nbwl7zYoBj1s9daq5.gif tumblr_mieu5douCx1ro9ia7o1_500.gif tumblr_mqs75pRwke1rv0cgmo1_500.gif 



Ok that's it ^^

If you guys came all the way down here then wow xD you're awesome *thumbs up* haha xD

The last gif now 

Bye~ *waves*
