Random facts about me

This is not a tag but I’m doing this just to let my subscribers and readers know more about me ! 
1. I completely hate cats ― I find them cute when they’re really small and fluffy
2. My most favorite food since I was young to date is pasta ― who can resist that?
3. I’m really afraid of big things (trucks, skyscrapers) and open spaces 
4. I hate quiet places ― I don’t think I will ever live at the countryside
5. I do not have a bias group in K-pop ― I never had
6. I’m a cold and indifferent person ― I’m very serious about this; everyone tells me that I’m almost heartless and too cold for my own good
7. I always forget where I had parked my car ― yes, it is as weird as it sounds
8. I’ve been living alone since I was seventeen
9. I’m the youngest sibling ― older sister and brother 
10. I hate cooking ― I know how to cook because I had to learn so I could mange to live by myself but I totally hate it being in the kitchen (that’s why I will marry a guy that knows how to cook and likes it)
11. I only had serious / long relationship
12. I have high alcohol tolerance ― very high, actually
13. I love myself ― I’m extremely confident in myself; every morning I look in the mirror, with my bed hair and morning face, and I say to my reflection: “You’re the iest person that has ever walked on this freaking planet”
14. I can’t cry ― and I never cry when I’m with someone else, not even my mother; I shed a couple of tears when I’m alone if I need to, if not, forget about crying
15. I get obsessed easily with songs ― eg. when EXO’s Growl was released, I listened every second of the day for like one week but then I got bored
16. I get bored easily ― with everything, not only songs
17. I love dogs 
18. I had car accidents ― but they were never serious and it was never my fault
19. I have good memory ― except for my car; in rest, I tend to remember almost everything, even little things
20. I never did homework ― in high-school; and I hardly prepared for exams, like read or something, I remembered things from the class 
21. I speak Spanish ― Spanish was the second language, I learnt it before English
22. I love Asia ― and I mean everything, not only K-pop; the culture, the people, and I plan on moving there soon
23. I have descent in German, Greek, Russian and Mongolian/Korean 
24. I hate seeing drawers open 
25. I’m addicted to crime tv series ― like CSI, NCIS, Hawaii 5-0 etc. I have seen every episode of them
26. I mostly sleep around five hours / night ― if I sleep more, I have headaches
27. I suffer from a heart disease since I was born ― I got it genetically from my father’s side
28. I took dance classes for thirteen years
29. I keep my house clean ― not really a neat freak, just organized
30. I never wash oily dishes ― NEVER
31. I don’t eat oily / fat food
32. I hardly remember my dreams 
33. I can only sleep with my hand under my pillow
34. I prefer tea over water 
35. My addiction is coke 
36. I’m afraid of water ― I almost died when I was younger and since then, I got to the beach just to get tanned 
37. I used to have freckles when I was young
38. I want my family to donate my organs when I die ― I strongly believe in it
39. I never eat pork meat 
40. I read a lot 
41. I’m always on my phone ― at the class, in the car, at home, everywhere
42. I started working when I was fifteen
43. I’m not a club lover ― but I do enjoy going once in a while
44. I’m allergic to peanuts, parrots and fishes
45. I hate the hospital ― and the smell; I can’t even walk in the pharmacy without feeling like fainting
46. My favorite fruit is strawberry ― banana is close behind
47. I’m afraid of spiders ― of anything with more than four legs 
48. I travel a lot ― and as I child I changed schools often
49. My parents divorced ― when I was a little over three years old
50. I change my nail polish everyday
So that’s it ~ Feel free to ask questions or post random facts about you too ♥ 


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Multiverse97 #1
OMg I feel like I'm reading about myself. Most of the things you've said is about me :)
OMG, hablas español? Yo tambien!
Well that was interesting XD
I really enjoyed reading them because lot of facts suits me too XD haha lol