Zodiac Game

♈ ARIES. (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)

[ ] you have a tendency to not finish things you start.

[ ] you are very conscious of what people think of you, and you let it impact you deeply.

[ ] you’re impulsive and spontaneous.

[x] you are very headstrong and hard to sway. — This is definetely me 

[x] you are more likely to take your own approach to something rather than go by conventional methods. — I feel safer with doing things in my own way rather than following others

[x] you’re not afraid to say what you think, but sometimes you forget how what you think might make other people feel. — I feel kind of sorry for those people but it's hard to think of others's feelings when they dream too high and don't see the reality

[ ] you are young at heart.

[x] you love to experience new things, even though you bore of them quickly. — It's nice to try new things, no matter what

[ ] you can be very jealous.

[x] you know how to make the best out of any situation. — I tend to see the good side of every situation and not get disappointed



♉ TAURUS. (APRIL 20 - MAY 20)

[ ] you are very possession-oriented, and have a hard time sharing your belongings.

[ ] you are extremely affectionate.

[x] you have great tolerance, and it takes you a lot to reach a breaking point. — People can try all they want~

[x] but when you do, it’s disastrous. — You better hide but I will find you, anyway

[ ] you like to take things slow and know what you’re getting into.

[ ] you have never been one for change.

[ ] you can’t stand to be challenged.

[ ] you have a firmly set comfort zone, and it irritates you when people tamper with it. 

[x] you are especially reliable, and you are always there for people who need you. — I try

[ ] you always keep your promises without fail.



♊ GEMINI. (MAY 21 - JUNE 20)

[ ] your dominant trait is absolutely your love of communication.

[ ] you are naturally a very curious person, but since you flutter from one thing to another so often, you aren't one to appreciate the deeper aspects of an experience.

[x] you are all about logic. things need to make sense to you. —  Being absurd won't help, so why do it?

[x] you are very restless and active, in both body and mind. — Nothing to say on this

[x] you tend to be two faced. — I believe everyone on this planet has two faces, and you cannot help changing that. I ain't no exception

[ ] you are a very critical person.

[x] you are a cynic. — Sue me

[x] you thrive on change and hate being in the same environment for an extended period of time. — I get bored~

[x] once someone betrays you, you have difficulty trusting them again. — Trust it's an expensive thing

[x] you are very unpredictable. — You never know me



♋ CANCER. (JUNE 21 - JULY 22)

[x] who you are as a person is deeply affected by your childhood. — That's why I'm like this

[x] you are very in touch with emotions, to the point where you can almost instantly tell how someone else is genuinely feeling. — You are born with this and I feel proud

[x] you need a place you can call your own, which is why you value ‘home’ — It's mine~

[x] you love kids. — I can't wait to be a mother

[ ] you are very affected by other people’s problems, and have a knack for putting yourself in the shoes of other people.

[x] you dislike confrontation. — We have mouths, we can discuss things rather than act immaturely 

[ ] you have always valued your heart over your mind. 

[x] you hate being told what to do. — I will cut off your head and throw it to sharks

[x] your moods are very fluid, as you are very sensitive. — It's called mood swings, another thing I was born with

[x] if you like someone, you accept them into your heart just the way they are. — I expect the same



♌ LEO. (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22)

[ ] you would move heaven and earth for the people you care about.

[ ] you would never consider yourself petty. 

[x] you are naturally a very generous person. — Most of times

[ ] for you, there is nothing worse than losing.

[x] in arguments, you come across as stubborn and hot headed, but you just want to justify your actions and explain why you believe you’re right. — Exactly. Everyone who knows me personally should read this

[x] you set very high, occasionally unreasonable expectations. — They're not unreasonable but harder to get

[x] your ego is the size of a small planet. — A very big planet

[ ] unlike Gemini, you dislike change, and would much rather have stability in your life.

[ ] one of your talents is making people feel special.

[x] you love being in the limelight, and it roots from a need to be appreciated. — I like to be appreciated




[x] you like to dream and fantasize, but in the grand scheme of things, you are realistic and won’t waste time on the impossible. — Everyone has dreams but we have to be rational

[x] you know exactly what you want, you just don’t know how to get it. — I know how to get it. I have plans

[ ] education is very important to you. 

[ ] all you really want is to feel useful.

[x] you never lose your cool. — I'm that awesome *wiggle eyebrows*

[ ] you second guess yourself a lot, and majority of the time, you don’t think you’re good enough. 

[ ] you don’t mind going the extra mile, even for people you don’t really know.

[x] you are not overly emotional, and you sometimes perceive them as messy, embarrassing or even a weakness. — A weakness for me!

[x] you are deep and reflective. — Usually, but only when it's about me

[x] you would rather be lonely than settle for less. — Why be happy with little, when you can have so much? 




[x] you are very laid back and you don’t mind a lot of things. — I'm indifferent

[x] you are fascinated with people, and you love to understand others. — Rather than saying I love it, I guess it comes naturally; However, I do love people

[ ] you dread hurting other people’s feelings. 

[x] you are very charming. — And a littleee narcissistic ; I do believe in myself and I know who I am 

[ ] you would rather look at life through rose-tinted glasses than acknowledge the negatives. 

[ ] you are very focused on balance. if someone pushes you, you will push them right back.

[ ] you are indecisive.

[x] you wish more people would give peace a chance. — Whining about things and not doing anything bothers me

[x] you become annoyed when you spot unoriginality in others. — Copying something and/or someone only proves who low a person can be

[ ] you will never forget to let the people you love know how much you care about them.




[x] if someone tries too hard to control you, nothing will hold you back from rebelling. — I can't be tamed

[ ] you are vindictive. 

[x] you prefer to keep your feelings to yourself. — Why should I let them out?

[x] you can see right through people when they lie to you. — Both a bad and a good thing

[x] you can always be trusted with secrets. always. — I repeat, always 

[x] you are horrified of being made vulnerable. — Horrified it's understable, atrocious it's another level

[x] you have complete control over your emotions. people only see what you let them see, and you prefer it this way. — That's right

[x] you do not desire approval from anyone; you’re content to do your own thing. — It's easier to say sorry than ask for permission, especially for me

[x] you can be pretty blunt. — Direct sounds nicer

[x] people often say you’re a mystery. — And you can't elucidate me




[x] you’re a risk-taker. you've never been afraid to act on a hunch. — Sometimes, this proved to be the best

[x] you love to learn and gain knowledge. wisdom in general is something you find very, very respectable. — Yes

[x] freedom means the world to you. — What would we be without freedom?

[x] you’re not a dishonest person, and very rarely will you take advantage of someone to get what you want. — Rarely

[x] a lot of people think you have a great sense of humor. — I should do stand-up comedy 

[ ] you are very carefree by nature, but occasionally you tend to be careless.

[x] you don’t freely hand out compliments, but when you do give them, you mean them. — It's better to say it once and be true, then repeat it nth times and lie

[x] you love a challenge. if something comes too easily, your interest in it will disappear. — I was born this way

[x] you are very enthusiastic about life. — I love living

[ ] you are generally upbeat and happy-go-lucky.




[x] you are very reliable, but you have a hard time relying on other people. — That's me

[x] you don’t know how to ask for help. — I hardly do it

[x] you finish everything you start. — Most times, when it comes to personal life 

[x] you hate making mistakes, no matter how small. — I'm a perfectionist 

[x] you don’t like talking about your deeper emotions, and you get really irritated when people try to make you. — Yeah

[x] you are far more complicated than people believe you to be. — That's my middle name

[x] you may come across as harmless, but you are tough as a keg of nails — What I have in my head.. boy, you can't even imagine

[x] you like to be in charge of everything in your life. — I get irritated when I'm not

[x] you always stand your ground. — For what I believe in

[x] a trait you hate to see in someone is vulnerability, and you might find yourself taking advantage of someone who tends to play the ‘victim’ role. — If the person acts like a victim because of baseless reasons, then I can't help myself




[x] emotions can be scary for you. — I might have nightmares

[ ] you are a walking contradiction. you want freedom, yet you want protection. you want to be alone, yet you want the laughter and adventures that only other people can bring you.

[x] you are not the jealous type. — Yes

[x] you are an inventor. you live in today’s world, but think in tomorrow’s world. — Future it's something intriguing for me

[ ] you rebel for the sake of rebelling. you love to shock.

[x] you won’t change for anyone. someone must either take you as you are, or stay out of your path. — Listen well~

[x] you like to listen to other people’s opinions and views, even if you disagree. you aren't at all unreasonable. — Everyone has the right to say what they believe

[x] no matter how close you get to someone, there will always be a part of you reserved for yourself. — Yep

[ ] much like Leo, you expect less than practical things of people.

[x] you’re more interested in being a friend than making more friends. — Growing up made me realize this




[x] you are very artistic, to the point where you can’t keep it in. art is your life. — Everything I do it's art ... (kidding, but art plays an important role in my life) 

[ ] you have no emotional boundaries; you feel practically everything. 

[x] you are very, very open minded. you would never put anyone down because of their beliefs. — I can't do that

[ ] you have your head in the clouds maybe too often.

[ ] you want a fairy tale romance. 

[ ] sometimes you tend to see things less as what actually happened, and more as what you wished happened instead. 

[x] if you’re excited about something, you become a dog with a bone. you could talk about it all day. — Haha, now it sounds funny

[x] you are capable of surprisingly biting sarcasm. — That's the main reason I was born

[ ] you have a hard time accepting criticism.

[ ] you hold onto people who are bad for you.


Test results: Capricorn

Acutal: Scorpio 


stolen from Mirokochan


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matraguna #1
this was for me, my favorite kind of games :) this and those psychological games, those stupid questionnaires when it always results that i have more than one personality :))) but i trust more this one than those.
i was 8/10 or 9/10 at Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius.
buuut...10/10 at Libra and Pisces. and Yes, i am actually a Libra, but i have Neptune in the first house of my birth chart so it may be its influence. Sagittarius is my Ascendant and Aries should be from Mars in the first house (next to Neptune and Jupiter).
Taurus...probably because Libra and Taurus are both governed by Venus and my Ascendant Node is in Taurus, Cancer because it's governed by Moon and Moon was in Libra, in the Midheaven when i was born. and Leo...that's a long story and i hardly understand it.
we should love ourselves more because each of us is an wonderful undiscovered world :)
kisses and hugs!