Lee, Reina's Pokemon Journey


Hey, the name is  L e e  R e i n a 


[Jessy_The_Panda 9]


Why, Hello There

Name; Lee Reina
Nickname(s); Rei [Pretty much everyone she's met more than once.] 
Birthday; December 3rd, 1995
Age; 18
Blood type; A
Region; Kanto
Plotline; Hero

↻Tell Me About You


Personality; Rei has a very go with the flow type of personality, One who prefers to keep to herself, Avoiding conflict. She loves the outdoors, running around, adventure-ing. She is often exploring new paths, and she has an amazing sense of direction. She is generally neutral in most cases, but will share her opinions when she feels it is relevent. Rei is pretty straight forward, and drama free. She tends to avoid situations like that. Rei may come off as cold, because she doesn't say much, but she is an extremely caring person, especially towards her friends and Pokemon. She hates to see anyone hurt, and wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice herself instead. Loyalty is definitely a fault for her. Reina is fairly athletic, though not caring much for sports outside of a casual game of soccer. She does have wit and a snarky way of speaking, but only uses it rarely. Prefering just to communicate through her actions. She is definitely somebody who's actions speak louder than her words. But when she does speak, it is best to listen. Her tendancy to avoid conflict is one of her downfalls as well. She does not like conflict at all. Occasional debates are fine, but full blown fights, she can't handle. She doesn't like them at all. She'll just leave. Thats her way of handling things. Bottling it up and removing herself from situations. 
Background; Reina was a quiet kid growing up, Her family was one of scholors. She enjoyed learning, and she learned lots. Being an only child her parents lavished a lot of attention onto her, but Reina wasn't one for attention. She often spent her time exploring the mountains and caves in her hometown. (Blackthorn City) It was when she was 10 that she was given her first pokemon, Dratini, a dragon pokemon, that was recently hatched from Clair, The town's gym leader (Her cousin). She has been training with it since. When she joined the team, Dratini had already evoloved into Dragonair. Reina tends to keep her relation to Clair on the downlow so she isn't compared or expected to be something she isn't. Unlike most of the city, Reina only has one dragon type pokemon, and it's not really her favorite type to fight with. Generally they are much harder to train and get along with, and Reina's Dratini was no different. They've grown much closer during the time, and are considered extremely close. Rei doesn't need to comunicate most of the time for her Dragonair to know what she is thinking. She got her second pokemon when she was 12, a Growlithe, He doesn't leave her side, unless battling. He is an extremely loyal pokemon to Rei, Rei caught him, without doing much damage to him. Rei really only kept those two pokemon for the longest time, until she was 16 when she caught the Snorelax. When she was 17 and back in Blackthorn, she met Yesung, who was training to beat her cousin, Clair. By then, Rei had gotten a hold of several evolution stones, which Yesung wanted to trade for his Charmillion. Yesung loved the evolutions that Evee took, and wanted to have all three. After a little bit of convinving, after which he recive his last Johto gym badge and his ability to in turn, defete the Elite Four. Thus leading Rei to where she is now with her pokemon.

Likes; Soccer, Flying, Heights, Sour candy (So does Dragonair), Learning new things, Exploring, Climbing.
Dislikes; Sweets, Water (Water Pokemon, Water in general. She loaths it. She doesn't know how to swim) Being compared to her cousins, Conflict, Drama, being confied, not being able to roam free
Hobbies; Reading, Training, Playing with her pokemon, Exploring
Talents; Wiggle her ears, Read Upside down, She's pretty good with a rubix cube but it takes her like 2 minutes to solve it.
Triva; Her most difficult pokemon would be her charmillion, it acts like a Teenage boy PMS-ing.

She has family in Johto she often visits.

All of her pokemon are boys, she doesn't like the temperment most female pokemon have.

She can't swim, and hates water, especially when she has to go on it in a boat. She can't swim.

Reina doesn't like her full name, that's why she introduces herself as Rei.

After meeting Amber who is from Sinnoh, she has always wanted a Lucario

Favorite types; Dragon and Fire.

↻You're Beautiful

Face claim; Son Ga In
Photo links; 1 - 2 - 3
Backup face claim; Lee Dasom
Backup links1 - 2 - 3
Style of clothing; Rei has a casual stlye, very easy to move in and comfortable. Growing up in the mountains, she is use to colder weather, so her wardrobe consists of mainly jeans and long tee shirts, or pull overs. 

↻We are Family

Parents; Father | Lee Bae Young | Scholor | 3

Mother | Lee Eun Kyung | Scholor | 3
Siblings; N/A
Best Friend; Amber Liu | Pokemon Breeder | 4
Friends; Clair (Cousin) | Gym Leader | 3


↻The Team


Partner; Dragonair | Kanto Pokedex #147 | Dragon
Second; Growlithe | Kanto Pokedex #58| Fire
Third; Snorlax | Kanto Pokedex #143 |Normal
Fourth; Charmillion | Kanto Pokedex #5 | Fire
Fifth; N/A
Sixth; N/A

↻I Love You


Love interest; Yesung
Back up; Siwon
Age; 23
Birthday; August 24, 1989
Pokemon team; Cubone (Starter) Rhydon, Electabuzz, Skarmony, Gligar, Sandslash. 
Personality; Yesung has an extremely quirky personality, he is extremely easy going, but can take control when needed. He is extremely level headed, and is considered pretty calm, though he has sparatic moments of crazy hyper weirdness. Yesung is extremely caring to his family and close friends, and would do anything for them. He cannot stand injustice, and will confront somebody if they go against his moral values. He has an extremely strong sense of justice, but it takes a lot to piss him off. He is super self concoius about himself, and often hints at it. 
How you guys met; While he was training in her hometown, he was the one who gave her her charzard.
How you guys treat each other; They're friendly with each other, often teasing one another, a friendly rivalry. Yesung does most of the talking, Rei can be kind of shy around him.
Happy ending?; That would be nice. :3

↻I'll Beat You


Rival; Baekhyun
Back up; Kai
Pokemon team; Mareep, Raichu, Drowzee, Electrode, Magnimite,
Personality; Baekhyun is an extremely social being, extremely outspoken and perpetually optomistic. He is extremely friendly and earnest, trying to do his best in everything. His personality can come off as fake or try hard, but his friends belive his a good kid. He enjoys attention, and being the center of it. He doesn't have many boundaries and tends to step over lines without meaning to. Though he may have good intentions, he might go about it the wrong way.
How do you treat each other; Reina just gives him a cold shoulder, while Baekhyun ignores her, unless forced to make contact, then it is just awkward onesided converstations on his part.
Why are you rivals; Reina doesn't catch many pokemon, only having four in total that she uses regularly. She also lets them roam around a lot freely. Her growlithe was running around, and baekhyun found him, and wanted to catch him. Obviously his pokeball didn't work, and that's when Reina found him. Baekhyun was mad that she didn't keep her pokemon with her, so they weren't mistaken for wild pokemon, and they got into a heated argument, and he kicked her Growlithe out of anger, (Accidentally.) which caused her growlithe to bite him, as well as her Dragonair to attack him. Pidgeotto was just circling in the air, not wanting to get involved. Rei had to go through some paperwork to prove that her pokemon were not dangerous, and have disliked him ever since.



Thank you for Applying!!
Password; Currently it's Lucario, or Charzard. :3




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I love this application a lot! but the free spirit plotline is taken. you can switch plotlines and change a few minor things and your character will be accepted :)