What Spongebob Character Am I?

Spongebob Squarepants:

[] Owns a pet(s)

[] Works at fast food restaraunt or other restaraunt

[x] Very cheerful & hyper (hyper sometimes)

[] Loves cheeseburgers (ew no)

[x] Big Fan of K-POP or other (when was Spongebob a fan of K-Pop eue)

[] Hangs out with your bestfriend who is also your neighbor, too (used to... *cries*)

[] Acts nice toward your grouchy neighbor but he/she always yells at you (uh no everybody's nice)

[] You're only an child

[] You're not good at driving but tries your best (psh I'm only 12)

[x] You're happy-go-lucky

Total: 3/10


Patrick Star:

[x] You're lazy

[] You love watching TV (does youtube/netflix count or no)

[x] You're ignorant sometimes (SOMETIMES OKEI)

[] Bestfriend with your neighborhood since childhood (used to... *cries*)

[x] You gained some weight (I'm officially 107 pounds now... But I'll lose it anyway)

[] You're a good driver (I dunno. I am in Mario Kart.)

[x] You have an innie belly button (I feel weird admitting this)

[x] Your favorite color is shades of blue

[x] You're hungry always


Total: 7/10


Squidward Tentacles:

[] You're rich & arrogant, especially to your neighbors

[] You love fancy stuffs

[] Your special talents are ballet & instruments

[] You hate your neighbors making noises or annoying

[] You're only a child

[] Sometimes you like being friends with your neighbor

[x] You're funny at times

[] You're tall out of your friends

[] You also work at the restaraunt

[x] Your favorite color is blue

Total: 2/10


Sheldon Plankton:

[] You want to steal something you like

[x] You're actually short

[] Your rival is the neighbors' manager

[] You tried to steal something but you missed it several times

[] You're actually nice to your neighbor but curse them

[x] You or everyone consider you as a troublemaker (BUT WTF DID I EVEN DO)

[x] Everyone thinks you're guilty (AGAIN. WTF DID I EVEN DO)

[x] You're childish mostly

[x] You're left-handed

[] You're scared of whales

Total: 5/10


Euegene Krab:

[x] You love money & save it for buysing something you like or something

[] You're bossy & leader-like

[] Your rival is someone who always steal your stuff

[] You dislikes your monions/subscribers being angry

[] You're rich

[x] You want to keep a secret & guard it

[] You dislike spending your money, although you have to spend it & get more money

[] You dislike your friends' attitude

[] Your mom is strict

[x] Half of people find you weird

Total: 3/10


Sandy Cheeks:

[] You have learned karate

[] You're very flexible & strong

[x] You're fierce sometimes

[] Your favorite color is purple

[] You can beat your partner by winning

[x] You're a tomboy

[] People wish you're more girlier than you were

[x] You're cheerful & happy-go-lucky

[] You never had a boyfriend, although you fell in love with someone you or someone had taught (GODDAMMIT SANDY'S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DOE DX DAMMIT STEVEN)

[] You think extreme sports is fun

Total: 4/10


I'm Patrick. 







Where's the leak ma'am?







May I take your hat, sir?


Hello, is this the Krusty Krab?



I'm sorry

I just love Patrick




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oh my god.
your 107.
what. i'm 100.
and i'm older.
and i know this guy who's like 95.
LOL AHAHAHA. no kidding though. he can't gain weight no matter how much he eats. he can only gain my working out.
/totally envious of him/
K-poprocker #2
Spongebob: 5/10
Patrick: 8/10
Squidward: 3/10
Plankton: 2/10
Sandy: 6/10
Mr. Crabs: 7/10
Looks like I'm Patrick as well even though I don't like him at times
I am Mr.Crabs
Haha I got him too!