Sehun must be really upset about this.

Sehun is apparently getting criticism from netizens for "not performing well" onstage. When you look him up on Naver, the first related search that comes up is "Sehun Lazy Dancing". On today's SKT fanmeeting, a fan asked him if he knew about this and he nodded while looking really sad.

Poor Baby <|3

How could they say such a thing? T^T

Surely he has been working his off.

Isn't he like one of the best dancers in EXO?

source : oh-byun



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Gosh, it's not a bloody sin to have one bad performance. And even if it was 'bad', he probably still dances better than me
What the heck? Okay first, EXO dances the same dances probably 3 times a day even more, isn't reasonable to say that he's tired and has been working really hard to put on a good performance? Ugh, seriously these netizens ask too much of these idols and not to mention NIT-PICK AT EVERY SINGLE THING they do. So upsetting...
puckbunny #3
Man them es who say that about sehunnie
So much dumb ugh.
I think that's its because he's so good he makes it look effortless.
>:C this upsets me.
I think these claims might be because Sehun's face is a bit.... expressionless (?) compared to the others? I'm not trying to bash him or anything, I love him to bits and I think he performs really well, just trying to give an argument for the claim. But he certainly isn't a lazy dancer, he is the third best dancer of the group(only behind Kai and Lay, who are phenomenal)! It's sad that he has to hear those kind of things from fans who are supposed to support him :(
Wow. I don't understand why people feel the need to open their damn mouths and say mean things
xiiong18 #7
Omo! Sehun is not a lazy dancer! He's one of the best I'm exo!
Poor Sehun :( He's a really good dancer. It's just that his body type is too lanky, he looks like he's dancing lazily :((
Oh stuff them! Sehun is like one of the best dancers of EXO. The crowd are just blind enough to see this..and I am not just saying this because he's my UB, I'm stating the truth. I am one loyal EXO fan and I like how their perosnalities are different. Poor Sehun :(
What happen? Can you give me the link?