Sun Rise ❤






Sun rise


As the sun rises high up in the sky anouncing a new day by trying to force it's rays through my tight shut curtains, i lie down in my bed, resting my head on my pillow and looking into the darkness of my room.....

My eyes refuses to close and my mind does not obay my command to leave behind this world and wonder into the dream world.....

My whole body wont listen to me anymore as i lie down in my bed trying to get some sleep and to ultimately forget that you belong to this world....

Ohhh yes, for how i wish that i would leave behind the world that you belong to and escape to my own world where your no where to be found in any of it's four corners....

But what can i do for my mind wont let you go, my eyes refuses to let you face wonder away and my ears keeps on hearing your voice......

Tell me what shall i do???

Am really tired for your shadow follows me everywhere, i keep seeing your face in all the people around me and i hear only your voice when they speak......

What can i do???

You have casted on me a very powerful curse before you desapeared from my life and broke my heart in a million tinny pieces....

Is this the promise that you promised me.....

To never leave me and to always remain by my side protecting me from the world.....

To never let my eyes cry a single tear....

To always have a smile on my face....

I should've seen through your lies and deceit, i should've known that your smile hides behind it a dark curse.....

A curse people often called a blessing and that without it life would be meaningless....

But to me i do not call it a blessing for it left me all shaken up and broken....

Just a walking dead shell of what used to be a living person...

This is my curse....

A curse you called...





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