Tagged by mysterygurl3

Yeah, I know I'm sooooo late in this tagged-thingy. Everyone must be already stop doing this and annoyed when checked on the 'new blog update' notification and see this title "tagged by~". Sorry not so sorry, I know I'm out-dated XD


Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


1. What is your favorite color? See my username, see the color font I chose here, it's red. Somehow red give a vibe of bravery and confidence which I lacked a lot >.< (and because Sunggyu looked so dazzling when his hair was in this color last year >///<)

2. What is your lucky number? Lucky number 7.

3. Do you have any pets? What is it? No. I'm kinda allergic to animal fur, I can't stop sneezing when they are around. Moreover I don't think the owner of my boarding house would let we have a pet here. And because I live by my own it's already difficult to feed myself, I couldn't entrust myself to be responsible in feeding another soul.

4. If you were a super hero what powers would you have? The power to steal any talent of my opponents, or copying is good too.

5. What was your last dream about? I woke up this morning with blur image of Sunggyu was my senior in college and he scold me because I'm not doing my thesis well. Guess my stress was melded there, hahha.. (Did you mean the dream, the one that we had when we were sleeping, right? Not future life's dream?)

6. Do you have any close friends on AFF? Euhm, I think, yes? Some because I talked to them soo frequently, and the other ones because although we weren't that frequent in interaction but our talks are always deep. (What in the world did I mean? =__=')

7. What are you doing right now? Eh, typing down the answer of these questions? (The most type of answer, I know)

8. Can you solve a rubix cube? Only one side :( I've tried search for how to solve it, I've asked my friends too, by making like 'plus' sign in the bottom and all, but still I can't ,,>.<,, Someone teach me, pleasee~

9. Have you ever been bungee jumping? Nope, and it's in my mental list of the things that I should done before I turn thirty. I love to feel the adrenaline rush, but actually I'm not good with rides in the amusement park, hahha..

10. What is your favorite song? It changes with time, but for now I like Destiny by Infinite, and for non-Kpop song I like Sheila on 7 'Sebuah Kisah Klasik' (it's an old song, but I always love this band, try check them out)

11. What is your favorite TV program? I'm not really a fan of TV, moreover we don't have one in this boarding house, so I don't have any favorite. (I prefer reading over watching, so it's not really a problem for me, hahha..)


Yaaaay, finish! After a long time, I've finally answered them (Look, I'm as happy as Sunggyu in the gif above) XD

Now for the question from me:

1. When is the last time you run?

2. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

3. Do you like to use post-it note?

4. What was occupation you wanted to be when you were a kid?

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

6. What is your song of the week?

7. Tea or coffee? Hot or cold? (the drink I mean)

8. Do you have a stuff animal?

9. Your friends didn't know that you are....?

10. Your mom or your dad?

11. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?


Well, that's it. I won't tag anyone, but you are more than free if you want to answer it, leave them below or make a new blogs, whichever you prefer :) Have fun~ Have a flying kiss (•.•)¸.•~


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