
My mother AND sister is trying to make me get fake hair in my real hair so we don't have to do my hair everyday. I'm actually okay with that change cuz I hate doing my hair tbh. It is annoying. So I said okay as long as I get it long or short as I want. Deal. I won that one.

So it might happen tomorrow.

Now my mom wants family photos for thanksgiving.

We've done Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, 4th of July etc.

I only have the Christmas and Valentine's day pictures tho.

I agreed as long as we wore the right colors and I wear what I want to. Success.

And I'm not wearing ANY FEMININE STUFF. Successful.

So basically my mom is planning pictures. I don't get in photos. I take them. I mean my sister and I have goals in life. She wants to be a photographer I do too. At times but she said I should be a music producer I'm like yea ok that's in mind. My mom wants me to be a lawyer. Why? I dunno.


Oh gosh. I'm rambling on about my life again.  

Adios peeps


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Everything went according to plan, eh?! How lucky!
So how long is your hair gonna be? My hair is so short {T_T} and it's so curly and bushy {>_<}
I can't do anything with it!
yoaisummer #2
Seem that everything go 2 ur plan.:3
My friends tried to convince me to get a wig so I wouldn't have to deal with my hair. It's just as much work for me lol XD I still have to wash it to keep it clean and blow dry it XD
My aunt said I'd be a good lawyer too.. Idky x3 and why NOTHING feminine? So ur wearing a suit in tie?!